
Good practice maps for 6 digits

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Hi! Like the title says, any of you super low 6 digits or better ppl have any good maps for people to get out of 6 digit. Are there any types of maps I should do?

I know people are going to ask for what I am good at, so : I am good at jumps.

Could someone possibly tell me which types of maps I should do to be able to practice and get out of 6 digit. (Not farm maps, because I actually want to improve)
Find the star rating you can comfortably FC and then use that as your reference point for what maps to play.
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Just FC more, high acc -> more pp -> easier time to get out of 6 digit, and don't forget to improve other skills except jump or u become one-trick
And yes to get easy high pp u should play DT jump maps
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