You are being a bit greedy with downloading...
Please download using beatmap packs if you want a lot of maps at once.
Your requested beatmap can be found in Pasonia Presents: SELECTIONS!
Your requested beatmap can be found in Beatmap Pack #83!
Note that osu!direct subscribers will still have full access to downloads as a token of appreciation.
If you believe you can offer hosting for beatmaps (100gb hdd, 10tb/mth traffic, 30mbit min, non-us server pref.), please contact me at pe@ppy.sh.
Apologies for any inconvenience.
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You are being a bit greedy with downloading...
Please download using beatmap packs if you want a lot of maps at once.
Your requested beatmap can be found in Pasonia Presents: SELECTIONS!
Your requested beatmap can be found in Beatmap Pack #83!
Note that osu!direct subscribers will still have full access to downloads as a token of appreciation.
If you believe you can offer hosting for beatmaps (100gb hdd, 10tb/mth traffic, 30mbit min, non-us server pref.), please contact me at pe@ppy.sh.
Apologies for any inconvenience.
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