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my error check here.

  1. this diff spread is unrankable. you must add Easy and that star rating must 3.0 or less.
    if you do not want to add Easy, adjust Normal instead.
  2. "normal-hitfinish2.wav" is unused. if you use it, you must remove.

    Ranking Criteria wrote:

    There must not be any unused files in the map's folder except for the map's .osb file (since they sometimes get added even if the map doesn't have a storyboard) and storyboard .thumb files (since they are automatically created in image directories). Unused files add extra file size which is unnecessary.

    Edit: :arrow: if you unuse it, you must remove.
  3. source is wrong imo. this song is "プリンセスブレイブ! ~雀卓の騎士~" (Princess Brave! ~Jantaku no Kishi~). so you must add "~Jantaku no Kishi~"
  4. add "130cm" to tag. maker name should be added.
Topic Starter
Your message is too short.
from #modreqs

->度々ルールが変わって非常に分かりづらいですが、今現在Fullバージョンでは無い譜面には(Short Ver.)を付ける事になっています。
Edit画面から変更してしまうと別譜面として認識されてしまうはずなので、フォルダからosu.fileをメモ帳などで開き、TitleとTitleUnicodeをPrincess Brave!からPrincess Brave!
(Short Ver.)に全難易度で書き換えてください。
->休憩無いのでLetterbox during breaksのチェックを外してください。

00:00:462 (1) - ~ 00:11:751 (8) - (Insane) のパートのように絶え間なく音取りをしておりクラップを使用する場合、白い大きな線(強拍やダウンビートとも呼びます)・白い小さな線*3でセットになっているうち、2・4拍に付けるのが一般的です。
00:08:830 (4) - のように2・4拍をまたぐスライダーなどがある場合は出来るだけ違和感が無いようにヒットサウンドのパターンを変えるか、TickRateを2に設定してその箇所のSlidertickの音声をクラップの音声に書き換えたり、などが必要になります。
さっきのパートでいえば、00:01:725 (1) -の開始地点などですね。


00:00:462 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - 曲の最初の盛り上がりの部分の直前というのと、赤い拍の部分の音が小さめなのでこういう音取りと配置を提案します。
この音取りを使う場合は 00:00:462 (1,2,3) - にクラップで4にフィニッシュ?
00:01:725 (1) - 頭にフィニッシュ。またジャンプの仕方が不自然かなと思うので図のように3を囲ってみたり
00:02:830 (6) - ここの頭にもフィニッシュ付けたいかなと思ったんですが、クラップの直後なのも関係してか今設定されてるフィニッシュだと合わないので後ろの音に合うような低めのフィニッシュが合うかもしれません。
00:03:777 (4,5) - サークルだと少し不自然に聞こえます。次の6と合わせて長いスライダーにしてもいいかも。
00:04:251 (1) - 頭にフィニッシュ。以降同じ曲調が続くので対応した所にフィニッシュを。
00:08:830 (4) - んー、両端にクラップでも違和感ないんですが、音取りを他の部分と合わせた方が良いかもしれません。どちらかと言うと長いスライダーの方が音はあっているので他を変更でも。
00:09:935 (3,4,5,6) - いまいち置いている理由が分かりません。サークル3つとスライダーが個人的にはベストです。SV変更も要らないですね。
00:10:567 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ここはひとまとめの連打でもそこまで違和感が無いですが、こんな感じでも面白いかなと。
00:10:409 (1) - 頭にフィニッシュ
00:16:883 (1,2,3) - いきなり音取りがごっそり無くなるので違和感があります。
音が無いわけでは無いので下記のようにするか、00:17:830 だけを無くすかにするべきです。
00:16:883 (1) - 頭にフィニッシュ
00:18:146 (1) - フィニッシュ外す
00:17:988 (6,1,2,3,4) - ボーカルを強調したいのであればクラップかホイッスル全部に付けちゃってもいいかも?割と好み分かれる気はしますが
00:20:672 (1) - ここのパートのホイッスルは目立ち過ぎて不自然に感じます。デフォルトのホイッスルに戻してみてはどうでしょう
00:20:672 (1) - フィニッシュ外す
00:21:462 (6) - 頭のフィニッシュ外す
00:24:146 (7,8,1) - プレイできないわけではないですが、単発ジャンプが続く中いきなりこのようなアンチジャンプを入れるのはあまり良くないです。直前がジャンプなので普通に1.0で置けば多分大丈夫です。
00:24:462 (1) - 頭にフィニッシュ?
00:26:988 (1,2) - 00:16:883 (1,2,3) - と同じ感じで。ボーカルだけで音取りするとこういう感じになりがちです。
00:26:988 (1) - 頭にフィニッシュ
00:27:304 (2) - この3点にクラップは曲にあってると思うので外さなくて良いですね
00:27:619 - フィニッシュ
00:28:883 (5) - さっきの所にはサークルが無かったので統一。
00:32:040 (1) - 頭にフィニッシュ
00:34:093 (5,6,7) - 1.0でいいかなと。あとホイッスルは無しか変更?
00:36:146 (1) - スペーシングおかしくなってます。
00:36:462 (3,5,1) - ランダムジャンプで割と融通がきくのでこのようにしてみると綺麗に見えます
00:37:093 (1) - この1点だけが0.75なのは何を意識したのでしょうか?無くすか、00:38:198 , 00:39:462 辺りまで伸ばす方が自然です。
00:37:093 (1,3) - 頭にホイッスル?または後ろの音(ベースですかね?)に合うような重低音のフィニッシュを追加してみるとか。
00:38:988 (3,4) - 例の如くホイッスル削除で。
00:39:619 (1) - このパートは白線の全てにクラップ付けるのがうるさくなく且つサビ直前の盛り上がりを演出できると思います。
00:46:251 - この場所だけフィニッシュ無いのは意図的なものですか?
00:46:567 - キックスライダーはこの地点までがベストかなと
00:47:040 (1) - 頭にフィニッシュ
00:47:514 (3) - こういう強調される部分で加速を織り交ぜるのは結構好きなんですが、00:48:304 (7) - 00:48:777 (2) - などは1.0なので浮いてしまっているかなと。
00:48:777 (2) - 加速+ホイッスル?
00:50:514 (7) - 頭にフィニッシュ、両端にクラップ
00:52:567 (3,4) - ここは一纏めのスライダーにして加速+ホイッスル
00:52:883 (4) - 加速要らないですね
00:53:356 (5) - ここの加速もどうなのかなーって所です。次の5,6が今までのパターンだと加速する場所なので1.0で次の6,7を纏めて加速スライダーにしてもいいかなと
00:55:409 (10) - 今まで通り1/2目盛りの間隔で合ってます。
00:56:040 (1,2,3,4) - ここの4点のクラップはそのままでいいと思います。
00:57:304 (1) - フィニッシュ
00:59:830 (1) - ^
01:01:409 (5,6,7) - 加速使うのは良いんですが、6→7の流れでボーカルが小さくなっているのに速度は速くなるので違和感あります。
01:04:567 (6) - ホイッスル削除
01:05:672 (2) - ^
01:04:725 (7) - ボーカルに合わせるとこんな感じに
01:06:146 (1) - NC?
01:06:146 (1) - 白線にだけクラップで
01:16:251 (1,2,3,4) - いまいち曲調とは合っていないかなと…理由があればかまいません。
01:07:409 (9) - このパートは最初と同じなのでヒットサウンドは統一しちゃって良いと思います。

00:01:409 (4) - 見た目のバランスが良くないので下記のような感じにするか、Insaneのようにサークルに変更+連打をキックスライダーor無くすかに。
00:03:304 (3,4,5) - このジャンプは必要無さそうです
00:05:040 (7,8,9) - ^
00:09:304 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - 違和感あるのでこんな感じに
00:13:093 (5,6,1,2) - もうちょっと音増やして大丈夫かなと。Hardでレーティング下げたいのは分かるんですが、ところどころ1拍空けたりであったり、ジャンプと連打を出来るだけ減らしたりで下げる方が譜面自体面白くできると思ってます。
00:14:830 (3) - ここもサークル追加で
00:16:409 (8,1) - スペーシング狭いので、広げてサークル追加?
00:18:146 (4) - スライダーのホイッスルは必要無さそうです
00:30:777 (5,6,7,8,9) - ジャンプの幅もう少し小さいほうが良いと思います。
00:33:146 (4,5,6,7,8) - たとえば
00:33:777 (7,8,9) - ホイッスル削除
00:38:356 (5,6,8) - ^
00:39:619 (1,2) - 2回折り返しかと錯覚するので配置変えた方が良さそうです
00:40:093 (2,5,6) - ホイッスル削除
00:46:093 (2,3,4) - ここも繋がった連打かと錯覚させてしまいます
00:58:567 (1,2) - こんな感じに
01:13:567 (3,4) - ここのジャンプは必要無いと思います
01:16:251 (3) - 音的に 01:16:093 (3) - にするべきです。

00:03:624 - snap to 00:03:619
00:04:098 - snap to 00:04:093
00:07:256 - snap to 00:07:251
00:07:572 - snap to 00:07:567
00:08:519 - snap to 00:08:514
00:09:151 - snap to 00:09:146
00:16:809 - snap to 00:16:804
00:17:045 - snap to 00:17:040
00:18:072 - snap to 00:18:067
00:18:309 - snap to 00:18:304
00:35:677 - snap to 00:35:672
00:36:624 - snap to 00:36:619
00:44:361 - snap to 00:44:356
00:47:045 - snap to 00:47:040
00:57:624 - snap to 00:57:619
00:58:414 - snap to 00:58:409
00:59:835 - snap to 00:59:830
01:07:572 - snap to 01:07:567
01:12:151 - snap to 01:12:146
01:18:782 - snap to 01:18:777
01:20:045 - snap to 01:20:040
01:21:309 - snap to 01:21:304
01:22:572 - snap to 01:22:567
01:23:835 - snap to 01:23:830
00:00:462 (1) - ホイッスル→クラップ、フィニッシュに
00:02:988 (3,4) -
00:07:409 (2,4) - ホイッスル削除
00:09:935 (2,4) - ^
00:11:198 (4) - 折り返しを1回減らしましょう
00:16:883 (6) - ホイッスル削除。これ以降指定する場所以外はホイッスル要らないと思います。定期的な音付けはクラップで
00:16:725 (5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - これ以降のパートもそうですが、特にEasy,Normalではボーカルに無理やり合わせると音取りが不規則且つ多くなったりします。
00:25:725 (3,4) - スライダーに変更
00:27:304 (1,2,3,4,5) -
00:32:040 (1,2) -
00:44:672 (1,1) - EasyやNormalにおいてスピナー後1拍以内にオブジェクトを配置するのはかなりの確率でUnrankableとみなされます。
スピナーの終わりを 00:45:935 - へ。

00:55:093 (3) - 4の位置まで長く?
00:58:567 (5,6,7,8) - 音取りは良いとしても、見た目が分かりづらいかなと思います、/\/\←こんな感じにしてみたり。
01:07:725 (1) - 削除
01:03:619 (1,2,3,4) - コンボバーストと重なると若干見づらいです。
01:08:040 (1,2) - 1.0に
01:17:514 (1) - ガイドラインに全難易度の曲の終わりを揃えるように、とは書いてあるのですが、それは十数秒~数分の違いを指すのが殆どです。

00:47:045 - snap to 00:47:040


00:08:356 (2) - スライダーの終端にスタックさせるのは初心者には難しいです
00:09:304 (4) - この形のスタックはまだ許されるとは思いますが出来れば他の場所に
00:40:567 (9,10) - ^
01:04:883 (1) - 短く、且つオブジェクトに近いのでスライダー2つぐらいに変更しましょう
01:08:672 (5,6) - スタック解除
01:11:198 (8,9) - ^


00:02:988 move it to x56 y:200 look better if you do be carefull with spacing
00:08:356 this note stack under slider is so confuse for new players imo
00:08:988 (3,4) - you can get better blanket if you move they to x:280 y:200
00:22:567 move to x:176 y:180 to be perfect stacket with previous slider tail
00:44:672 (1,1) - this is unrankable in easy you can see the next slider when you are spinning you should fix it

01:04:883 (1,1) - same spinner problem
01:11:830 so confuse stack circles under sliders n (easy diff) can you move it to other place
00:46:567 add finish in the head since kiai start there


00:29:514 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - cmon find another pattern single tap is so confuse in normal maybe add some slider
00:46:567 (1,2,3) - maybe try move they somethink like the image since in the actually position hitburt of spinner overlap they..

01:06:146 since s much repeats and i dont feel music there try another pattern?


I see you are using more than 3 slider speeds i think you should use 3 or less
00:00:462 (1,2,3) - inconsistency in distance use the same
00:47:040 finish
and fix some ther distance issues since is hard no insane


00:10:883 add clap
00:11:514 ^
00:10:567 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - make it more symetrical
00:31:251 stack it with 00:31:567 , and this 00:31:409 with 00:31:725
00:36:462 (3,5) - stack they perfectly
Topic Starter
Your message is too short.
Topic Starter
Your message is too short.
From Aincrad's Modding queue queue~

Deselect Letterbox during breaks.
Use Grid Level 3


00:35:830 - remove reverse arrow
00:37:093 - add note and NC
00:59:830 - NC
01:07:409 - NC?
01:09:935 - NC
01:13:725 - NC?

00:16:883 - NC
00:24:462 - ^
00:29:514 - ^
00:58:576 - NC
with 00:58:576 to 00:59:672 this pattern a bit complicated for this complexity. I think that this pattern should be simplified.
00:59:830 - move NC to 01:01:725
01:09:935 - NC
01:14:988 - move to x : 276 y:92 and add NC
01:16:251 - move to x : 156 y:200

00:01:725 - NC
00:02:356 - move NC to 00:02:830
00:04:251 - NC
00:05:830 - move NC to 00:05:356
00:06:777 - NC
00:09:304 - ^
00:14:356 - move NC to 00:14:198
00:15:619 - NC
00:16:883 - ^
00:17:988 - ^
00:19:409 - move NC to 00:20:514
00:21:462 (4,5,6) - place notes under each other and set them to x:312 y:200
00:30:777 - NC
00:30:935 (2,3,4) - remove Whistle and use Clap
00:33:146 - NC
00:38:198 - ^
00:47:514 - move NC to 00:47:830
00:49:093 - NC
00:50:356 - move NC to 00:51:619
00:54:619 - move NC to 00:54:146
00:56:672 - NC
00:59:830 - ^

00:01:409 - NC
00:03:304 - move NC to 00:02:830
00:05:830 - move NC to 00:05:356
00:08:198 - move NC to 00:07:883
00:18:146 - ^ to 00:17:988
00:26:040 - ^ to 00:25:567
00:28:251 - ^ to 00:28:093
00:29:040 - NC
00:30:619 - ^
00:33:462 - move NC to 00:33:146
00:38:356 - ^ to 00:38:198
00:45:935 - NC
00:47:830 - ^
00:48:619 - move NC to 00:49:093
00:49:576 - remove NC
00:49:883 - NC
00:51:619 - NC
00:52:409 - move NC to 00:52:883
00:54:935 - NC
00:56:040 - move NC to previous tick
00:56:672 - NC
01:01:725 - ^
01:06:777 - move NC to 01:06:619
01:06:619 - place to x:84 y:184
01:07:014 - NC

Good luck!
Topic Starter
Your message is too short.
Got many things to post, that's what I've got so far...feel free to fix these if you want but please remember gonna come back tomorrow with more things and finished mod!

Just reminder I am pointing some suggestions, won't be getting deep that much. Since map still needs some work and more mods.

  1. 00:01:725 (5,6,7) - Oh well, I don't like when pattern is like that, would really look much better if both sliders blanketed (7)
  2. 00:02:514 (8,9) - I strongly suggest move these away from place where last stream occured, right now it's kinda hard to read it on standard skin.
  3. 00:04:251 (1,2) - space these away a bit, right now it looks not neat
  4. 00:05:356 (1,2) - wooo that overlap, I really would prefer slider's end of (2) being blanketed with (1), like that:
  5. 00:06:462 (4) - Now... that slider would be placed better, blanket of that slider with slider's head of (2), and whole pattern would turn out really nice like that:
    Sorry wasn't able to take screen with all patterns completely visible, just try it and see how it looks!
  6. 00:09:623 (2) - Would move that slider more away from (5), like that
    Honestly makes pattern look much better and plays well.
  7. 00:16:413 (4) - slider head is covered by hitburst... would better move it a bit in left direction... like
    then 00:16:728 (5) - needs to be moved a bit in that case
  8. 00:20:202 (6,7,8) - played that many times to realise that actually doesn't flow well and making triangle pattern there would work better, like
  9. 00:20:676 (1) - place in center of the triangle? Looks and plays much better
  10. 00:21:939 (1) - any reason why this is 1.3x slider? Nor music or vocal ask there to go faster, just 1.0 will be fine
  11. 00:22:255 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - reminds me so much of matryoshka map, hmm I wasn't able to fc that pattern on first try, mainly because of hitbursts, while pattern should be supposed to read finely on first time. These both 00:23:044 (7,4,5) - especially made me confuse(and broke flow), try rearranging pattern a bit to avoid completely hidden circles by hitburst, flows fine just remember that player with current pattern might not even predict where to click. 00:23:360 (2,3) - After these I got lost in pattern.
  12. 00:25:413 (5) - Actually slider's tail hitburst makes it hidden, I can see approach circle but... yeah hitcircle is covered. This might work:
    But you can try other ways.
  13. 00:27:307 (2) - change hitsounds there to whistles, claps sound horrible
  14. 00:28:413 (3,5) - it was hard for me to read these, barely readable...
  15. 00:29:676 (3) - change to whistles
  16. 00:34:097 (5,6,7) - less suggested: put NC on (5) to make it more readable, more suggested: space them more, right now it doesn't give nice flow
  17. 00:35:360 (4) - that's not good idea putting it right under slider's end, might be hard to read it
  18. 00:38:360 (1) - this can't say there, completely unreadable at first try, might cause sliderbreak. You should move it away from place where was last slider. Also that's massive flow-breaker.
  19. 00:39:623 (1,2,3) - in case previous slider will stay in same or similar place, that's still plays weird, doesn't flow at all. Swap (2) and (3) with their places(use ctrl-g), plays MUCH better.
  20. 00:40:571 (7,8) - now use ctrl-g there
  21. 00:40:886 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - try reararranging it like..
    Of course try other pattern as long as they fit and flow.
  22. 00:45:307 (3) - new combo for such spacing change
  23. 00:45:939 (7) - don't speed up it that much, there is really no need for doing that
  24. 00:50:360 (4) - put it like that, then 00:50:992 (1,2) won't be that much hidden:
  25. 00:55:886 (1) - do not put it there, hard to read
  26. 01:06:623 (5,6) - actually I thought that's 1/2 there, despite new combo it's hard to predict for player if they have to start steaming or hit with 1/2, don't stack them like that.
  27. 01:10:728 (4,5,6) - way too close to the previous notes, very confusing...
  28. 01:16:255 (1,2) - move them like that, plays much better:

Noticed plenty of unintuitive spacing, etc... difficulty needs really some work, but
First off raise AR by 1.
Work more with hitsounds too, they are pretty much not fitting or overused.
  1. 00:05:830 (2) - I don't see reason why it would be spaced out differently, just normal spacing works there. Music doesn't call for sudden mini-jump
  2. 00:08:040 (1,2,3,4) - plays oddly... how about changing them into two sliders with one repeat?
  3. 00:09:304 (1,2,3,4) - looks kinda clustered...that would look more nicer
  4. 00:11:830 (1) - I don't like that jump, doesn't play nicely...try decreasing spacing?
  5. 00:14:198 (1) - move that away from slider's end, maybe... next to it at left
  6. 00:16:883 (1) - use normal spacing there... again not fitting mini-jump
  7. 00:17:356 (2) - same
  8. 00:17:830 (x) - adding note there is suggested, because of that drum
  9. 00:20:514 (1) - use normal spacing again
  10. 00:20:988 (2,3) - I thought it's 1/2 there, mainly because of vocal, girl sings "akari" , adding note on 00:21:146 will make rhythm sound much better, now it just feels blank
  11. 00:24:462 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - again, why higher spacing there?
  12. 00:26:988 (1) - never do that, pretty much hidden
  13. 00:27:935 (x) - again drum which asks to put note, do not be afraid!
  14. 00:29:514 (1,2,3,4) - that pattern would have be done more nicer, believe me
  15. 00:32:514 (2,3) - I completely disagree with putting stuffs like that, feels weird while playing that, and breaks flow
  16. 00:37:567 (2,3) - uh again
  17. 00:38:356 (1,2,3,4) - why higher spacing again?
  18. 00:40:567 (4) - would better reversing previous slider to make blanket with that circle, looks much better then..
  19. 00:40:883 (6,7,1) - I will suggest other rhythm there:

    Sounds much better
  20. 00:43:409 (6,7,8) - don't space them together like that, doesn't look neat

    Actually kiai is good enough reason to raise spacing a bit, but do not raise it TOO much
  21. 00:54:304 (2,3) - these shouldn't touch slider's body at all
  22. 01:08:356 (3,4) - spacing before on 1/1s is the same, and there is 1/2 now, really DO NOT do that never...
  23. 01:11:040 (3,4,5) - overlapping sliders and not neaty pattern

I feel like slider velocity is bit too high for normal
  1. 00:16:409 (4) - don't stack it under slider, that might be difficult for begginers and doesn't give nice feel while playing
  2. 00:24:304 (1,2) - move it down together to make (4) blanketing (1)
  3. 00:28:251 (3,4,1) - that pattern doesn't look nice at all
  4. 00:34:251 (6,1) - not a good idea to do it on normal
  5. 00:40:093 (2,3,4,5) - somewhat rhythm feels really weird there, that would play much better
  6. 00:55:093 (3,4) - don't make them like that, this will look much better
  7. 00:58:567 (1,2,3) - I don't think that kicksliders are good idea...
  8. 01:06:462 (1) - normal diff shouldn't have multirepeated sliders like this
  9. 01:08:040 (1,2) - I thought they are connected with constant rhythm because of spacing
Just pointed some suggestions, diff to be honest doesn't look really nice, but I believe it could be improved with more and more mods

Got to add, jumps are fine in Hard as long as they fits. For example with that BPM I wouldn't put them at all. that diff is good example for using jumps at hard when they are reasonable, map got low bpm so they won't hurt anyone.
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Nice mod, Bass!
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It's up to you.
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Shohei Ohtani

Claps on 2 and 4
On your last spinner, fade it out to 5% volume and add a whistle at the end.
00:47:198 - Start kiai here.

This map is way too fast and jumpy. Like it's to the point where I'm getting so confused, which is bad. What makes a hard map good isn't confusing people with odd spacing that's unfitting, but rather jumps that are fitting and a road that is followable. I won't mention every jump like bass did, but just think about every jump and ask "Is this fitting? Would a player be natually able to see the jump while playing? (Not just in editor mode. A mistake I've made so many times) and would it feel natural to play
00:02:356 (7) - With the momentum of the pattern beforehand, this stack feels so weird like omg.
00:09:935 (3) - Move this so it doesn't overlap
00:10:251 (4) - Add clap
00:10:409 (5) - Move this so it doesn't overlap with combobursts
00:11:830 (1) - Add clap on end of slider
00:20:356 (7,8) - Awkward to play
00:50:988 (1,2,3,4) - Help oh no
01:14:040 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This star doesn't look very starry.

Don't put so much 1/2 in this.
00:00:462 (1,2,3,4) - Put normal hitsounds here?
00:02:830 (1) - Avoid this overlap
00:07:409 (2,3,1) - You made this to a point where the basic 1/1 is awkward.
00:17:830 (3) - Avoid this overlap
00:22:567 (2) - ^
00:32:040 (1) - Add finish on beginning of slider
01:13:093 (2) - Pefectly stack this with the end of (1)

00:05:514 (3) - Make this a downward curve instead of an awkward not straight straight line
00:29:040 (4) - Awkward jump for normal players
00:34:251 (6) - Add clap
00:39:935 (6) - Nope.avi. Try making this into more than 1 slider, repeated sliders that are this long are not good
01:02:356 (1) - Avoid overlap
01:02:988 (2) - ^

It's very 1/0.5y, which can get boring (1/0.5 I define as having a note on 1 and 3 of every measure)
00:03:304 (4) - Basic spacing problem
00:04:251 (5) - Avoid multiple repeats like this
00:09:304 (4) - Avoid overlap
01:02:356 (1,2) - Avoid multiple repeats like this
01:04:883 (3) - NC

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