
Patterns are too hard.

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I'm at the point in mania where I've hit a wall. My fingers are strong enough that I can physically hit most notes, but the thing pulling me back is my reading. For context, I play with a scroll speed of 28-30 and I'm rank 34k mania ( not that it means much, just giving a general idea of my skill level ). How do I improve my reading? These aren't really common patterns so memorizing these specifically will only help for the map I want to complete and won't help me get better in the long run in my opinion. I'm just not sure how to get over this wall. My consistency has improved a bit, but some things are just too hard to read.
Not really a mania player but reading can generally be improved by deliberately lowering your scroll speed so that you effectively train your ability to see and process more notes at the time.
In combination with this you will want to lower the physical difficulty as well so that you can fully focus on reading more notes at a time.

If you started playing 4k with a relatively high scroll speed (28-30 is high with a normal skin afaik) then it is very possible that you don't recognise many patterns on sight. One of my mania playing friends ran into reading issues exactly because of that because he couldn't recognize common patterns properly due to never really seeing them on easier maps due to the scroll speed being too high.
use HT on harder maps to play the more difficult patterns and build muscle memory for them. I figure I should probably clarify though, muscle memory is a reading skill, not a memorization skill. When you see a pattern, you have to react to it, then tell your fingers to do that, building muscle memory makes the second part faster and isn't a conscious thing.

I'm not that good at mania though, so take my advice with a grain of salt.

Endaris wrote:

If you started playing 4k with a relatively high scroll speed (28-30 is high with a normal skin afaik) then it is very possible that you don't recognise many patterns on sight. One of my mania playing friends ran into reading issues exactly because of that because he couldn't recognize common patterns properly due to never really seeing them on easier maps due to the scroll speed being too high.
If scroll speed is too high, then the player will have trouble keeping up with the patterns. Otherwise I find it more beneficial to keep it as high as I can comfortably react to so I can acc based on reacting. If a player needs to train reading, then layered dump maps, heavy LN maps, or stamina maps are the way to go.

This guide for VSRG reading was written for O2Jam but also applies to mania:

Most players who do 4k read horizontally. That means when they read they scan notes along a horizontal axis and hit the notes accordingly. It's the reason why it's relatively easy to hit notes even if there is a small visible slit to see the notes through present (given you have enough time to react to them). So having having lower scroll speed to see the pattern better is a total myth. If you are having trouble with high scroll it's only because you can't react in time.

I think o2jam players, on the other hand, read vertically. So having a larger area visible is beneficial in that case. Vertical reading mostly benefits LN patterns tho, so I think rice would be harder to pull off.
don't touch your scroll speed unless you are hitting significantly early or late on charts you can play

using HT is good but not as effective as identifying the patterns you are having trouble with and finding slightly slower variations of those patterns

you don't need to worry about horizontal or vertical reading, both come with time and are effective for different things

the absolute best way to fix your problem is to play the charts you are having trouble with on a slightly lower rate, too bad osu doesn't have an in game option to make it easy for you

TL;DR: play etterna
I mean quaver is also an option, if you want to use rates on your osu maps. It can read your osu song file and play those songs. Etterna is probably better for improvement in the long run and def has a better score system. Only reason I don't play it is that I dont like how it looks and feels as a program, pretty dumb reason, but I just never end up playing it over osu and quaver.
it's a matter of just playing more and memorizing patterns, the more you play the faster you can recognize patterns. if you play etterna, it tells you the specific patterns in a given map
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