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Goodmorning,I will not tell you my real name because I don't like it, but you can call me Aki.
Well,said this i will talk a little about myself:
I like to read manga/watch anime, like (I think) every OSU player does.My favorite anime is Gintama, and I'm not too sure about the manga because i have too much favorites x° , but my favourite gender is Shojo °A°
I also love videogames, i play since i was a child , and my favorite gender is RPG,I LOVE Persona.Oh and i Like too much Kingdom Hearts almost as Persona,they're my favorite RPGs,despite of being an actionRPG for Kingdom Hearts xP
I'm actually studying programming because one day i want to program my own game. I hope i will be able to.I don't study it at school because, believe me, my school is THE WORST school of whole Italy.
Like you noticed, i live in Italy :3
Last thing: I'm 17, and sorry for the long introduction =W=

Edit: I forgot to say that I'm actually level 81 on OSU, but i'm not that good. Feel free to add me if you want to.
*Me reading.........Still reading.......UHHHHH I give up i'm to lazy to read all this xD*
Anyway welcome to Osu Forum/game :)
Enjoy your self and take your time in here to check around here ;)

and also: I hope you one day, can make your own game :3

Have fun~
Welcome to the forums! And erm... Mayb you can edit your post abit, was confused when I first read that your favorite gender is shojo :x good luck in creating an awesome game as well ;)
Same as me, I'm lazy for schooling....
Blah, nvm... Anyway, welcome to the forums,I hope you will enjoy the game! :3

Nya-nyan wrote:

*Me reading.........Still reading.......UHHHHH I give up i'm to lazy to read all this xD*
Hi :3

Welcome to the forums then if your already in lvl 81 (Which means nothing)
I love fellow Personafags nya
Welcome to the forums!
Hi~ Welcome to the forums .w.
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