
Export collections to folder/.zip [duplicate]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +4
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Or make it so favorites get sent to a separate song folder so it'll be easy to package.

I like this idea because:
1. Easy to transfer songs to different computers
2. Encourages sharing of other peoples favorites within the community.
The only way to do something like that right now is to fiddle with your user cfg file. It doesn't seem to be a very clean way of doing it though.

theowest wrote:

I'm pretty sure you can currently do so with your user cfg file.
the user.cfg file does have a list of favorites A/B. but as far as i know, it doesn't export them to a folder or zip

deadbeat wrote:

theowest wrote:

I'm pretty sure you can currently do so with your user cfg file.
the user.cfg file does have a list of favorites A/B. but as far as i know, it doesn't export them to a folder or zip
Of course not. That's not what I meant, I'm just saying that's the only way of quickly spreading Favourites so far.
all i'm seeing is
FavoritesA = 187cf8b33c928144633ee01af6a3ac3b, then it just keeps going like that. not exactly easy to read :(
Topic Starter
Even then, they'll need the song. This request is more focused on getting songs rather than the list.
An XML list with links to each songs in the Favourites will be nice for sharing with friends.

OSU obviously has no problem linking those hashes to songs both local and online, so what's needed is an export mechanism to put it in a presentable format.
This is a really cool idea and I think it would be used fairly often. However, it kinda seems like it would be an extra feature, sort of like a bonus... So yes, support from me for this, although I'd probably expect to wait a while before this feature actually shows up in the game.
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