
Osu problem with aim (Aim Assist feeling)

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Hi everyone ! I've been enjoying osu with mouse for 6 month, but since 2 weeks, my gme start feeling strange and my aim suddently start decreasing. I've figured out that my osu was trying to "help" me aiming:
When I start a slider my cursor automaticly start following him. If I try just hitting the slider start and going for the next element, my cursor start following the slider and I fail hitting the eat circle next.
And for anyone telling my mouse is dead and I should buy a new one, I play Apex and she work pretty well in there so no reason she dont work with osu.

Also I think the bug is disable when I don't play full screen ( I don't know if I die beacose of the input delay or the frame drop or the aim assit)

sry for bad english I am a french teen and I suck at English.
Zelzatter Zero
Did you accidentally turn Autopilot on? There's no way a game would help you playing cuz that's technically cheating too.
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I am not dumb and I have no "help" or other sofware oppened while I am playing osu, my scores are legit, if i was cheating I would not make a forum post named "Aim Assist problem" xD. I don't know how it is possible but something "help" me aiming when am in native 1920x1080
you probably turned Autopilot on. it's a special mod that only registers keyboard input from the player. you probably turned it on, unless you're cheating, but I doubt you'd ask questions about that here.
Zelzatter Zero
As I stated again, there's no way a game would help you complete the map unless you turned a mod on, considering the cursor follows to the end of the sliderpath and not cheesing to the next object.

Both Relax mod and Autopilot mod are toggle with z and x keys respectively, so there's a chance you accidentally turned it on without noticing.
if possible, could you provide a vid?
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I've tried recording one with my pc but the quality is very low, I am going to try and hand cam


In the video I recorded, the framerate is pretty low but I've maange to use a software so you can see my mouse movement on the top right, I upload an yt and post the link bellow

Edit 2:

I am uploading the video
yeah I see no problem. if osu were actually helping you, the cursor movement for sliders would look automated, and you were even sometimes releasing it early before the slider ball reaches the sliderend.
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Yes that's why I don't like this record, you should play on my pc to see what is strange xD
And I've figured out thats comming from the raw input: when disabled it behave as he should and the bug only appears when I enable this option (yes that's exactly the oposite of what to expect):

Just to say, here's my pc component:

Optiplex 990 based motherboard and processor;
gtx 1050 ti (buyed last year);
steelseries rival 110 wired mouse (got the steelseries app running [img:1337][/img:1337]on my windows 10 pro last update and last gpu drivers);
The video looks completely normal, maybe you are confusing your cursor with the moving circle thing on the sliders? They will always move automatically and your job is to follow them with your cursor.
Zelzatter Zero
From what I can see in your gameplay, you cheese sliders a lot, which means you DON'T actually follow through sliderpath and follow it to the end.

Also I can see that it happens when you disable raw input. Raw input is an option that will bypass all Windows acceleration and will provide the most accurate mouse movement to the cursor. Since you're playing with mouse, I'd recommend turning it on as it will help you a lot in aiming.

There's a chance that you enable it though changing mouse sensitivity, which will turn it on as default.

Judging from the accuracy on your profile (89.20%), I think there's no way something help you play the game as the accuracy is really, really terrible (95% was considered just average), and as I can see you missaim a lot.

Overall, enable raw input again and play easier map to improve your accuracy first, then we'll talk about Aim Assist later.
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I pass 6* map, I don't FC map, I just pass them, I enjoy playing like this and I know how my osu was feeling before this bug, I play dt maps and its diguting to fail because of the cursor don't stand on the place he should, it seems like osu is changing my inputs, I'm not crazy...
My mouse change his behavior and it's realy anoying
Zelzatter Zero

TheSkillLesss wrote:

it seems like osu is changing my inputs, I'm not crazy...
That's because it is wtf, raw input requires the most accurate mouse movement for you so it have to change the whole input as well.

If you don't want to use raw input, turn it off. If you wish to turn it on, lower your sensitivity until it feels right for you. There's NOTHING that helps you play the game, you're just not get used to it yet.
Just from looking at the video everything looks normal. Your movements are really janky in general and needs improvement. This is not something you blame on sliders, blame it on your aim. You're rank 350k and you want to pass 6 stars? I feel like you've adjusted so much to hitting large spacings that you actually forgot and degraded your ability to hit normally. You can play 6 stars for fun, but start playing and FCing a lot more 4-5 stars.

In fact, don't even go 5 stars yet. You clearly can't FC them with good accuracy looking from your top plays. Start FCing 4 stars with 95% and above acc, then move onto 5 stars.
I know this post is kind of old sorry to bumb. I know what you're going through man, I play with mouse as well and I know what your talking about, you're not crazy don't worry xD. Let me know if the following steps help you out :), if you even still play.

First, Since it doesn't happen in borderless/window mode. Lets try something easy first. Go into Fullscreen Mode Disable(if it is Enabled) or Enable(if it is Disabled) Render at native resolution. Restart osu!, Play one or two songs if it didn't help continue with these steps

1. Start Menu > Device Manager > Mice and other pointing devices > MAKE SURE YOUR MOUSE DRIVERS ARE UP TO DATE!!!!!!!!

2. While in Device Manager > System Devices > Disable High Precision Event Timers > Close Device Manager

3. Start Menu > Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Select Mouse located under "Devices and Printers" > Pointer Options Tab > Disable "Enhanced Pointer Position"

4. Start Menu > Settings > Display > Select "Scale and layout" > Advanced scaling settings > Turn off "Let windows try to fix so their not blurry"

5. Go to your Osu! install folder > Right Click osu!.exe (the program not a shortcut) > Compatibility Tab > Select "Change settings for all users" > Check the boxes, Run the program as an administrator & Disable display scaling on high DPI setting > Now delete the original shortcut to osu! normally located on your desktop > Right click osu!.exe "Create Shortcut" > Place the newly made shortcut on your Desktop

6. Restart your PC. :D

6.5. If the above steps didn't help > Win+R Type "msconfig" > Services Tab > In this order! Select Enable All > Check Hide all Microsoft Services > Select Disable All > Restart your PC (again)

Edit: Just grammar/spelling fixes
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