Hi everyone ! I've been enjoying osu with mouse for 6 month, but since 2 weeks, my gme start feeling strange and my aim suddently start decreasing. I've figured out that my osu was trying to "help" me aiming:
When I start a slider my cursor automaticly start following him. If I try just hitting the slider start and going for the next element, my cursor start following the slider and I fail hitting the eat circle next.
And for anyone telling my mouse is dead and I should buy a new one, I play Apex and she work pretty well in there so no reason she dont work with osu.
Also I think the bug is disable when I don't play full screen ( I don't know if I die beacose of the input delay or the frame drop or the aim assit)
sry for bad english I am a french teen and I suck at English.
When I start a slider my cursor automaticly start following him. If I try just hitting the slider start and going for the next element, my cursor start following the slider and I fail hitting the eat circle next.
And for anyone telling my mouse is dead and I should buy a new one, I play Apex and she work pretty well in there so no reason she dont work with osu.
Also I think the bug is disable when I don't play full screen ( I don't know if I die beacose of the input delay or the frame drop or the aim assit)
sry for bad english I am a french teen and I suck at English.