Heyo, new mapper, hoping to learn. Posting a NM request. Artist and title: Minami - Ame o Matsu, Length: 4:52 Genre: Japanese Pop (Not anime) Link: beatmapsets/1235294#taiko/2567935
"People always forget that osu! is a game. People with different preferences, leads to different playstyles, leads to different skillsets, leads to different scores. Comparing different players with different skillsets is a bad idea." -Plz Enjoy Game
Hey, my first map. NM please Silentroom - Phantomizer Length: 3:13 Genre: Electronic/Hybrid Trap beatmapsets/1232391#taiko/2563160 My main concern is Oni diff since I can't play that range of diff very well yet Edit: added Inner Oni aswell Thanks
"'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony, that's life"
Hi! o/ May I ask you for a NM for this map? Block B - HER. It's a k-pop song (male voices). I'm usually not a big fan of this genre but this song is an exception to me since it is really catchy and funny. Hope you can give it a chance! Thank you in advance o/