Also I have to stop playing after one hour because my hand hurts quite a bit, and this can be caused by two things (one or the other, or maybe both):
1) Too small of an area leads me to tighten the grip on the pen (=pain) so that I don't lose precision (smaller area = more speed also= less precision)
2) It doesn't have to do with the area, it's just aNxIeTy
If the first one is true, you might wanna have a bigger area than mine.
The way I got those weird numbers is dividing 16 by 9 (my monitor's -don't-know-what-it's-called- = 1,777777777777778) and tried getting W and H lenghts of which quotient lead to that number (or as similar as that number) -I just realized W138 and H78 is better, just changed it-
Also I can't speak today