
For Mappers: How to make "squiggly" sliders

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As the title says, how do you make "squiggly" sliders? Example:

I looked in the editor to see how it was done, but I just can't duplicate it. The slider always ends up just going straight instead of up and down the path. I duplicated this:

Yet, I don't get the same effect. Any help appreciated :) !
I don't know how the "experts" "experts" do it, but it might involve going Grid Level 3 and 1/8 Grid Divisor on everyone's butts.

Oh, and Catmull-Rom Slider Curve I bet...

That's all I can think of...:/
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How do I change the Grid-Divisor? All I see is Snap-Divisor.
Down here. v

Grid level 3, 1/8th beat snap divisor, and linear (Hit the A key while in Editor). I tried it with Catmull, and it didn't look nearly as neat as when I did it in Linear. Also,you can either do it the way they did it, or for more crampness, have it being pairs of 2 rows of points parallel to each other, so you place a point, one below it, then one up and to the right of it, then below that, then up and to the right, and repeat.
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Thanks both of you! I got it to work ^_^!

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awp wrote:

you don't do need to use grid snapping, it's just recommended for cleanliness.
I can't imagine doing it without the grid, that'd be awful
Eh, I can line things up pretty well with my own eyes...but the day I consider the average internet user to be on my level is the day I over-estimate the average internet user's ability to line things up well with his/her own eyes.

Anyhow I think the best medicine for something like this is experimentation. Don't be afraid to make and delete a slider 30 times before you get one that you can accept. It's not like religious-extremist child-birth. You're not stuck with the hideous monsters you create.
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Thanks for the advice. :)
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