
Weird bugs when modifying files on various artists compilation?

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So let's say you create a various artists compilation. The way you do this is to set any song as audio.mp3 on the folder, add the other songs to the folder and use them on the other difficulties via the .osu file for the difficulty.

Then let's say you map all your songs and finish.

I noticed that after everything is ready there are some things which can remove all the circles and slides you have placed after a certain point for all the difficulties:

1) If you change the difficulty name of a certain difficulty, and if the map length is greater than the base song length (let's say, the audio.mp3 is 3min long and the particular difficulty has a song of 4min) then the song will have all of its objects past the 3min mark automatically removed. That just happens. Without any warning. Which is really weird.

2) If you change the main audio file (for instance, rename one of the other used songs to audio.mp3 and rename the original to something else), then the same bug occurs. This time for ALL the songs.

I got this by experience, if anyone with enough time would like to try and reproduce...? Anyway, I thought it was some bug worthy pointing out...

EDIT: Hey, checking again it turns out error 1 doesn't have anything to do with the original audio.mp3 size, in fact it just seems all the songs got the objects cut after some random time limit, the same in error 2. Which makes me question if those were even the reasons the error occurred, to begin with?
Maybe related to this

You can check it and add more detail if that issue is similar as your issue.
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