
Hitomi Kuroishi - Over the Sky

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Card N'FoRcE
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on giovedì 9 aprile 2009 at 14.31.44

Artist: Hitomi Kuroishi
Title: Over the Sky
Source: Last Exile
Tags: last exile ending anime
BPM: 82
Filesize: 4493kb
Play Time: 02:44
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (0,5 stars, 115 notes)
  2. Hard (4,21 stars, 272 notes)
Download: Hitomi Kuroishi - Over the Sky
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Hi ^^
I had this song reserved for a long time but i never finished that because of my laziness XD
There are some beats lightly offsync, but i tried to do my best to make them 300able.

Well, enjoy :D

EDIT: some little fixes (thanks tom800510)
EDIT: remade slider in Easy (thanks Luxary)
EDIT: fixed minor spacing issues (thanks Kyocciola) <- two times
EDIT: artist's name was wrong x3
EDIT: stack in hard fixed (thanks again tom800510)
Nice fabio :DDDDD
*-* Great map, starred ^^
how a cool song :shock: :shock: :shock:

actually, timing seems weird

but i couldnt catch them correct :o :o :o :o :o



its very easy i guess ;)

00:19:687 (1) too close?
01:20:144 (1) very weird :o :o
set it back 1/8 or you can try set a circle 01:02:144 and a slider 01:21:333 - 01:22:431
01:41:638 (2) maybe extend 1/4
01:46:760 (1) too far?

here i suggest
00:56:272 (6) maybe extend 1/4 will better, or you can use 1/8 here, that wont be a problem :D
01:07:980 (7) same
02:21:150 (7)
02:32:858 (6)
or you can keep it ;)

and, maybe try add some powerful sounds to make it sounds clearly

00:33:955 (4) overlap it? up to you ;)
01:43:102 (2) to far?
02:01:211 (1) back 1/4



i feel sleepy after mod this :P :P :P
Topic Starter
Card N'FoRcE

tom800510 wrote:

01:20:144 (1) very weird :o :o
set it back 1/8 or you can try set a circle 01:02:144 and a slider 01:21:333 - 01:22:431
I know, this one is weird because the voice doesn't sync with the music :?
As it is now, it can be easly hit because it's a slider and even if you don't hit it perfectly it will always be a 300.

tom800510 wrote:

00:56:272 (6) maybe extend 1/4 will better, or you can use 1/8 here, that wont be a problem :D
01:07:980 (7) same
02:21:150 (7)
02:32:858 (6)
Done, they sound a little better :)

tom800510 wrote:

00:33:955 (4) overlap it? up to you ;)
Oh, i forgot this XD

tom800510 wrote:

01:43:102 (2) to far?
actually, the 3 is too far XD

tom800510 wrote:

02:01:211 (1) back 1/4
No, this one is OK, just listen closely ;)

Thanks for modding :)
Awesome map! <3

Write in italian cause i don't very well on english XD

Beh... che dire? Stupenda come al solito XD

Scrivo qui 2 cose che sei del tutto libero di non fare, però su IRC avevi detto "se qualcuno me la controlla" e qualcosa la devo scrivere XD


00:56:272 (6) e altri: come ha già scritto tom (?), credo sia meglio farli finire a 1/1, poi vedi tu :P
01:16:029 (1,2): (grid snap 3) un quadretto a sinistra (?)
01:20:05 (1): come diceva tom, orribile DX Se vuoi, (suggerisco, poi fai tu) metti uno slider senza rimbalzo da 01:20:05 a 01:21:882, e un altro da 01:22:61 a 01:23:346...


...non ho mai moddato map fino a ora e sto iniziando con te... o.o già moddare la easy mi è sembrato difficile, quindi lasciamo stare XD

Another cool map by Card <3


Topic Starter
Card N'FoRcE

Luxary wrote:

01:16:029 (1,2): (grid snap 3) un quadretto a sinistra (?)
Fatto apposta, serve per lo stack

Luxary wrote:

01:20:05 (1): come diceva tom, orribile DX Se vuoi, (suggerisco, poi fai tu) metti uno slider senza rimbalzo da 01:20:05 a 01:21:882, e un altro da 01:22:61 a 01:23:346...
Mi hai dato un'ottima idea per lo slider nuovo :)
Visto che mi sento in grado solo di dare consigli sull'aspetto della mappa e non sulle cose tecniche come il timing e compagnia cantante, eccoti un maniacale elenco degli spostamenti che ti suggerisco XD


00:24:07 (3) - 1 quadretto a destra
01:13:83 (2,3,4,1,2) - 1 quadretto a sinistra
01:43:10 (3,4) - 1 quadrettino a sinistra
02:17:49 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 2 quadrettini a sinistra
02:34:32 (1) - 1 quadrettino in giù
02:34:32 (1) - 1 quadrettino su
02:35:05 (1,2,3,4,5) - 4 quadratini a destra
02:36:51 (3,4,5) - 1 quadratino su
02:39:44 (3,4,5) - un quadratino su


01:05:05 (3) - 1 quadrettino a destra
01:44:38 (1,2) - 1 quadrettino a sinistra
01:51:51 (6) - 1 quadrettino a destra
02:05:41 (4) - 1 quadrettino a sinistra
02:17:49 (1,2) - 1 quadrettino su
02:18:59 (4) - 1 quadrettino su
02:18:59 (4) - 4 quadretti a sinistra
02:22:43 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - 2 quadretti in giù

Timing: testato, perfetto.

P.S.: notare l'ora del post O_O" Le 3... Devo essere totalmente impazzita, non c'è altra spiegazione. X3 Nottola

P.P.S.: Starred~ :3
Topic Starter
Card N'FoRcE
Kyo, sei fin troppo pignola della simmetria, anche quando il mapper non vuole farne uso xD

Comunque per alcune cose avevi ragionissima e ho aggiustato, ma per altre sono davvero volontarie :?

Comunque, hai talento per moddare lo spacing.

Fixed some of Kyocciola's suggestions

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

Kyo, sei fin troppo pignola della simmetria, anche quando il mapper non vuole farne uso xD

Comunque per alcune cose avevi ragionissima e ho aggiustato, ma per altre sono davvero volontarie :?

Comunque, hai talento per moddare lo spacing.

Fixed some of Kyocciola's suggestions
Kihihihih.... X3 Spero che cmq la mia pignoleria ti aiuterà a volte :P X333
Great map and great song! I want it ranked XD
No major problem :)
1:22:430(2)-> Too far from(1). (Not good for beginners)
1:02:140(11)-> Move down a bit.
2:13:830(1)-> How about extending this?(1/4 beat)

Topic Starter
Card N'FoRcE

minyeob wrote:

No major problem :)
1:22:430(2)-> Too far from(1). (Not good for beginners)
Awwww :<
It wouldn't look good... and i don't think it's so hard, even for beginners.

minyeob wrote:

1:02:140(11)-> Move down a bit.
Thanks, i didn't notice

minyeob wrote:

2:13:830(1)-> How about extending this?(1/4 beat)
I can't overlap spinners, you know :P

try this

i dont know how to show it with my poor english, so....

what i do?

00:56:272 (11) cause of you overlap them, the space became far weird when you play it, so i just do some fix

you can do nothing about this
not a big problem :D
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This is awesome. Take a shiny star <3
00:54:80 (4,5,6) - 3 a sinistra
00:54:80 (4,5,6) - 1 a sinistra
02:17:49 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 2 a sinistra

00:18:04 (6,7) - 1 a destra
00:25:17 (1,2,3) - 1 a destra
00:28:46 (7,8) - 1 a sinistra
00:42:37 (1) - non sopra al 9? D:
00:45:29 (4,5) - 1 su 1 a sinistra
00:46:02 (6) - 1 su
01:44:38 (1,2) - 1 a sinistra
01:45:84 (1,2) - 1 a destra
01:48:04 (6) - ahahha non ci casco U_U
01:55:35 (1) - 1 giù
01:55:35 (1) - ho detto che non ci cascoooo U_U"
02:17:49 (1,2,3,4) - 1 in su
02:32:49 (9) - 1 in giù

Te la starrerei 2 volte se fosse possibile >_<
Topic Starter
Card N'FoRcE

Ok, alcune cose le ho riparate, ma certe sono fatte apposta e non si toccano u.u

Sei troppo nazi, Kyo, fammi respirare D:
Nice map
i like both song and map
Have at you!
Have at thee!
Chaos Anime X
OMG! Finally a ranked Last Exile beatmap!!!!!
<3 so much!!!
osz file doesn't contain latest osu files
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