
5k Keybind

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Which keybind is more comfortable for 5k?

Split [3][2] [2][3][4] or [4][3][2] [2][3]
Thumb-Split [3][2][1] [2][3] or [3][2] [1][2][3]
Symmetrical [3][2] [SPACE] [2][3]
Total votes: 68
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Which one do you prefer? I find Split 32 234 to have had the easiest accuracy but sometimes I felt like I was doing some maps a disrespect especially if its clear it was based on thumbplay. I've switched to Thumb-split 32 123 (have keys binded to [a][s][right][4][5]) but its been hard to get decent accuracy. Thoughts?
I don't play a lot of 5key, but i've always found (as) (l;') to be the most comfortable way to read and play it. no clue if thats a good way to play

OH Trilling is really hard with middle and ring finger though. but on like chordjacks and streams its fine
I'm using DF space JK, because for 7k I'm using SDF space JKL
I've always played 5K in a 2+3 style (SD + Num456 / AS + L;'). Of course this way you can easily get trolled by middle lane jacks. Alternating the middle lane is still not easy for me on keyboard (even though its super easy on PSP for some reason) so I just let the stamina do the job (or fail miserably).
Don't do much 5k or 7k but I much prefer the ZX (SPACE) ./ Setup, Easy to learn straight from 4k I guess.
set up with space is more comfortable and more useful in the long run so I use it
My 4k layout is we op, my 5k layout is we op, but my 6k layout is sdf op[ and my 7k layout is sdf space op[.

So my 5k layout is symmetrical like 7k, but all on the same row like 4k.
Topic Starter

Bobbias wrote:

my 6k layout is sdf op[ and my 7k layout is sdf space op[.
Is there an advantage for having fingers on different rows or is it just a personal preference?
Originally I played with sdf space kl; but I noticed my left hand had substantially better stamina than my right. When I started looking at the physical positioning of my fingers, I realized that my left wrist tends to rest farther away from the keyboard, and my fingers were straighter than on my right hand. This was because my right wrist needs to be closer to the keyboard for my thumb to hit the space bar correctly. So I decided to experiment, and moved my right hand up, creating more space between the space bar and my fingers. After a short adjustment period, I saw a noticeable increase in my right hand's stamina, so I decided that this positioning seems to work better for me.

So I'd say it's probably one of those player specific technique related things.

Flanster wrote:

I've always played 5K in a 2+3 style (SD + Num456 / AS + L;'). Of course this way you can easily get trolled by middle lane jacks. Alternating the middle lane is still not easy for me on keyboard (even though its super easy on PSP for some reason) so I just let the stamina do the job (or fail miserably).
Yo mate, I've been trying to play Guitar Hero for the past 3 months, But couldn't afford it , So I played OSU Mania 5k ( 5 key ) whilst having my Keyboard on Guitar Position, I've been practicing this key binds for awhile and I've gotten better at it and got used, I just wanted to say thank you so much! Now I can play Guitar Hero-like style on OSU Mania! :)
dfjkl god keybind
Thank you Poptont
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