
WhiteCat is the osu! player in history.

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A name so well known it is synonymous with osu! itself. A name held in such high regard it is often used as a verb to describe levels of exceeding talent or play.

Cookiezi for the longest time has been unanimously, undeniably, unambiguously agreed on as being the greatest of all time from the time he made his account nearly 11 years ago; peaking in 2012-2013 and peaking once again in 2015-2017 to a level that literally broke the boundaries of what was thought to be possible.

We can take a bit of a dive back in time to moments where Cookiezi single handedly changed the course of history in osu! forever.

These are all scores that were way, way ahead of it's time.

Well is it even necessary to bring up what scores he delivered to us in his return in 2015? We all know the impact it had on the community (and it had a very big impact) and this man had everything. Aim, speed, streams, deathstreams, mod combination, reading, technicality. There was nothing to question when it came to Cookiezi. It didn't matter if there was somebody that had better aim than Cookiezi or some who is a better technical player than Cookiezi, he was the best all-round player anyone could strive to be.

Okay actually, for people who weren't around during 2015-2016 Here are some of the scores
Just to name a few.

I think he's actually the greatest osu! player it's even possible there ever will be. It doesn't matter if people have passed him in all the skillsets now as of 2020, no other individual will ever peak at the level Cookiezi once did in proportion to time. He has been the greatest there was, is, and will ever be.

or so we thought...

Come.. June of 2014 and we have a fresh new player arrive to the scene. I think we all know who I'm talking about here.

The famous German osu! player who escaped countless accusations and witch hunting, the current and unequivocal rank 1 player:

I hope this doesn't come as a surprise to anyone. Is WhiteCat really worthy to be put on the same pedestal where Cookiezi once reigned supreme? I think yes, and why? Let's put it this way. WhiteCat is really good.

WhiteCat was unbanned on 22nd of September 2019 and he reached rank 1 global on 6th of October 2019. Excuse me, that is 15 days to beat the collective effort of 12 years of osu! history. The thing about pp and ranking is that it is all cumulative. Players such as WubWoofWolf (Joined 2008) has just that: 12 years worth of scores all adding up to be his sum total pp. This is precisely why rank 1 on osu! is such a titan to face; a behemoth of a battle and an ascent to attain. Every osu! player who wishes to be rank 1 literally has to go through a David and Goliath story of their own; a seemingly impossible task for 99.999% of people.

We've seen historically prodigious people be banned and return to osu! before, starting completely from scratch. Shizuru-, -Hakurei Reimu- (iconic duo, I know), Cookiezi, and even for players like Reimu, it took weeks to break into the top 50 despite being Rank 1 prior to being banned, however, something WhiteCat did in a matter of days. That to me is something that flabbergasted the community like never before. You thought Cookiezi's Freedom Dive HDHR play was the most mindblowing play of the decade? I think WhiteCats rocket like projectile to rank 1 far, far exceeds any of that. Rank 1 is a truly monumental place to be precisely because of how the ladder works.

29th June 2020 WhiteCat has broken 20,000pp putting himself ahead of the rank 2 player by 2,667pp. If I am correct, this is the largest gap between rank 1 and rank 2 in terms of pp, ever. To put this into perspective of how much pp this is, there was a chart made by a reddit user that stated WhiteCat alone has more pp than the rest of the world combined .

Don't be fooled just by clicking onto his profile and seeing a swathe of one "pp map" after another because there is so much more to WhiteCat than just that.

WhiteCat has the best aim in the game. This was a trait specifically attributed to Cookiezi at one point when you considered who has the best aim in the game. However, like I said earlier: This isn't about whether or not X player has surpassed Cookiezi in a skillset, it's about whether or not WhiteCat has surpassed Cookiezi in levels of influence because WhiteCat's aim is ungodly good.

In WhiteCat's top 8 plays, he is the only player to use Hardrock in combination with HD + DT.

WhiteCat isn't just a one trick pony playing aim heavy maps. He's actually incredibly well rounded in remarkably similar fashion to how well rounded Cookiezi was as a player.

Look I think I'm gonna get around to wrapping this up now. I believe WhiteCat has actually peaked higher in relation to the state of the game now than Cookiezi has ever peaked. We are actually currently looking at the most talented player who has ever touched the game, which should come as a surprise to many of you simply because of how we view Cookiezi and his legacy.

I just wrote this to lay down a case if Cookiezi is truly the best there ever was, or has somebody already taken that position from his throne.

If you read this, thanks for reading. I'd like to hear some thoughts as well. And members of the osu! community, let's raise some pp to the true greatest of all time.

Cookiezi isn't so great? Are you kidding me?

When was the last time you saw a player with such aim ability and movement with a tablet?
Shige puts the game to another level, and we will be blessed if we ever see a player such skill and passion for the game again.

Vaxei breaks records. WhiteCat breaks records.
Cookiezi breaks the rules. You can keep your statistics. I prefer the magic.

And the fact that he was years ahead of his time, and dominated everytime he was active is simply amazing to think about.

memes aside this was a quality post
nice job, dude
Both amazing players, but honestly, it's ridiculous to see WhiteCat replays, they get me everytime...
I'd still say cookiezi is the best player of all time due to just how he dominated the rankings for literal years being so far ahead in skill of ANYONE else. And for the unbanned part and how whitecat skyrocketed to #1, it really can't be compared to cookiezi since the timeframe is almost like 4 years, a lot in the general skill, and meta can change in 4 years. And this is just me being an "old head" but cookiezi's HDHR and HDDT scores imo are more impressive then whitecat's 3 mod plays on short jumps maps (Don't get me wrong it still takes skill), mainly due to the raw amount of flow aim and accuracy he had and the time they were set in. Finally I just want to add Cookiezi never really "farmed" his way up the ranks while Whitecat has "farmed" a lot just look at this "me!" section.

All in all they're both very good players in their own respected ways, but I still think that cookiezi still deserves the title as the best just because how long he dominated the rankings, how influential he was and still is despite being inactive, and cookiezi never really had to "farm" to get high in the rankings (not to mention Freedom Dive HDHR one of the best scores of all time that hasn't had competition in 4+ years).

Little edit, as for the "David and Goliath" situation Whitecat never really stopped playing osu! he played on a private server pretty consistently, so it's essentially still the 5-6 years of experience any other player would get, and he really just transferred to Bancho and set his scores.

Don't lynch me please.

MrSparklepants wrote:

And for the unbanned part and how whitecat skyrocketed to #1, it really can't be compared to cookiezi since the timeframe is almost like 4 years, a lot in the general skill, and meta can change in 4 years.
This is so true. Getting good now is way way way faster than it was back in the day. You also got to consider that near the beginning of the game, nobody really knew anything. I mean hell, I remember someone saying in the forums when I first started playing that barely anyone could actually read AR10 lol. So saying one of the reasons WhiteCat is better than Cookiezi as he got better faster is complete rubbish reasoning because you don't know how fast Cookiezi's growth would be had he started the same time as WhiteCat.

Almost wrote:

nobody really knew anything.
So true. I wouldn't even dare try playing harder maps if I didn't know they were possible and saw other people play them.
i didn't read through the wall of text. but for me whitecat is the current best player. and cookiezi is the best player of all time. why? because he was the best player (usually by a pretty big margin) for most of the time. but that's just an opinion and everyone has their own. of course there are tons of other noteworthy options for best player besides those two.
just a osu play

whitecat=a cat

me= an idiot
Rusty af
sure ig you do you

AlphaCent4260 wrote:

sure ig you do you
AlphaCent4260 isn't so great? Are you kidding me?

When was the last time you saw a player with such aim ability and movement with a tablet? AlphaCent4260 puts the game to another level, and we will be blessed if we ever see a player such skill and passion for the game again.

Vaxei breaks records. WhiteCat breaks records.
AlphaCent4260 breaks the rules. You can keep your statistics. I prefer the magic.
Rusty af
pfffff XD
I agree on most of the things you said but to me, cookiezi's history of being number one and breaking record after record at that time period still weights more on the balance than whitecat's rise to the top and constant break of the pp barrier.
Still, both players are literal gods in this game and deserve all of the recognition they get/got :)
Made of fire HDDT, this tengaku score from 2016, and let's not forget his infamous 3-mod play on masterpiece (which is yet to be defeated).

Jokes aside tho, shige was far ahead of his time, which is why i'd say he's the best of all time.
It'd be hard to say whitecat is the best player right now without taking into consideration players like RyuK and Vaxei. It's hard to say who's objectively THE best.
- Imaginate -
Cookiezi is leagues better... WhiteCat is probably the best player AT THE MOMENT, but he comes nothing close to Cookiezi.
Now we have Mr. Ekk.

-Acu- wrote:

Now we have Mr. Ekk.
Mrekk it’s common joke that ppl call him Mr.Ekk

JojoXD wrote:

Mrekk it’s common joke that ppl call him Mr.Ekk
Mister Ekk
JLuca913 891
Akolibed is next

i wonder if he will beat mr ekk....

also why necro?
Cookiezi still #1
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