
Final Fantasy & Zelda series?

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Hello! I want to ask a question.

I want to start final fantasy series all over but i seriously do not know which game is the first, because instead of "final fantasy xI" or something, it haz a title. So ı'm confused.

Also, same thing for zelda. (playing ocerina of time atm but i guess that's not the first game)

thank you for your answers. :3
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silmarilen wrote:

final fantasy: ... ideo_games
zelda: ... da#History
Thank you!
But is the release dates are storylines or like starwars, i have to do 1 2 3 (release date sooner) 4 5 6 (release date is way back)
for final fantasy you should look at the japanese release dates for the real order in which the games got released, the releases for the rest dont make sense
The FF games aren't related to each other (save for a few exceptions, like X and X-2), so you can play whichever you want first. Games with titles are usually side games, like Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus. (the former taking place before FFVII, and the latter after)

Can't say much about Zelda since I've only played one game.
Never played Final Fantasy but Zelda <3 uguu.
If you want to see the official timeline for zelda and play it that way, here~
There are very, very few cases where it matters what order you play those games in. Every Final Fantasy game takes place in its own bubble universe, excluding the ones that are awkwardly distinguished as being direct sequels ("Final Fantasy Thirteen Two," etc.).

Zelda is pretty similar. They are all part of one (hilariously unclear) shared timeline, and each game that you play will enrich your understanding of the others, but each game has a story with its own beginning, middle and end, so the order is pretty much completely irrelevant.
You don't have to play FF in order, they aren't story related.
Some of the newer, current versions of FF include things mentioned from some of the earlier types of FF (i.e. the mention of crystals), they're related but it's not like you have to play them one by one to understand what's going on.

There's one thing though. Last I checked (don't attack me for this but i'm still a true fan ;-;), some of the FF games were classified into different types of FF themes such as Fabula Nova Crystallis which includes FFXIII, FFXIII-2, FFXIII Lightning Returns, Type-0, & FF Versus XIII (if it's ever released under that title at least).

Hika wrote:

Some of the newer, current versions of FF include things mentioned from some of the earlier types of FF (i.e. the mention of crystals), they're related but it's not like you have to play them one by one to understand what's going on.

There's one thing though. Last I checked (don't attack me for this but i'm still a true fan ;-;), some of the FF games were classified into different types of FF themes such as Fabula Nova Crystallis which includes FFXIII, FFXIII-2, FFXIII Lightning Returns, Type-0, & FF Versus XIII (if it's ever released under that title at least).
Yeah, there are some small things related, like the crystals or chocobos or summons, but they don't affect the story. The FNC games are connected in some way iirc, like the mention of Etro and L'Cie, but I believe the universe is complete different in each game.
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I had no idea that all FF are in different dimensions. thx for your answers guys!! :D

Almost all FF games are in a shared universe, but a few are in a shared world.

Final Fantasy Tactics, Advance, Advance 2, Final Fantasy 12 and FF12 Revenant Wings all exist in a world called Ivalice.

FFX and FFX-2 (that's Ten Two, not Twelve) exist in a world called Spira.

Other than that I think they're pretty much all isolated.

Zeldas are the same story.

Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask are one "series", Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit tracks are another "series", Oracle of Ages and Oracle of seasons are a series.

the Four Swords games look like they also exist within a shared world

other than that, they're all pretty much 100% self-contained
Moriya Suwako
I started Final Fantasy 4 first.
For Zelda series...I only played one , <Ocarina of Time>.
In the FF series the worlds are different with every part (except X, X-2 and XIII, XIII-2) while the Zelda series always has the same story (sure, a bit different every time, but in the end you are always doing the same)

I played FF VII, VIII, IX, X, XIII and XIII-2 (next FF should be like FF VII.. XIII and XIII-2 were cool, but not as cool as the previous parts ;w;)
And Zelda... i only played OOC yet, but i'm going to play the others too.
For the first three generations, I thought the third game was the best

FF3 on NES, FF6 on SNES, FF9 on PSX. Since 9 though, FFX has probably been the best one overall (ie between FFX and FF13-2)

awp wrote:

FFX has probably been the best one overall (ie between FFX and FF13-2)

I totally agree to that point. It still is my favourite FF game. I remember when i bought my PS2 and got FFX - it was awsome... until i got stuck on that one bossfight with Seymour on Mt. Gagazet ;w;
FFX is also my favourite, both for nostalgia factor and because it has one of the most beautiful stories I've ever seen in a videogame.
Aaand I'm willing to play IX since I mostly hear only good things about it.
The story of FFIX is also awesome. If you are a FF fan, it's totally worth to play. :3
If you only play one... Make it VII. Best FF game hands down.

I personally like FFV. It's the first FF I actually liked then it kept skyrocketing from there. I haven't played IX though; I plan on playing it pretty soon.
I think that FFX & FFXIII with their sequels are amazing. I have yet to see FFXIII Lightning Returns of course but the story line makes me cry every time I think about it. I think the most rewarding thing of Final Fantasy is the fact that everything is so realistic once you actually get into the game.
I love both FF series and Zelda series. Personally, I love FF VI (FF 3 for the SNES and FF6 for the PS1, GBA) it was one of my most favorite FF game then FF VII (Yeah, not much big on that one)

I did start off playing the first one (Was a challenge) and the others were all fun ( I did skip up to 10). Zelda series, I also start off with the first game and moved on towards the end (Skyward Sword). Best one? Link to the past. But that's all my IMO
I have FFV with English patch on my PSP since last year but I still haven't played it. FFVI is my favourite from the SNES era, I loved how the second half of the game went. FFIV was my first FF game, but I didn't find its story to be as memorable as the other games. Still a good game though, and Kain is my favourite FF male character.

And I really should get into the Zelda games.
FF VI for me, hands down. Great storyline, amazing OST that even Nobuo admitted it has the best OST in the whole franchise, a lot of great character and of course, the best villain character you will find in a FF game and I'm not talking about Sephiroth.
The FFVI OST is so, so good, whenever I hear Terra's Theme (or any song, actually) I feel like going to my bedroom and playing that game for hours. I particularly have a soft place in my heart for Celes and Edgar, but all the characters are great and it's too bad that some of them couldn't get as much as spotlight as the others, but I guess that's what happens when you have 12 or 14 or whatever how many playable characters. And freaking Kefka!! I love how he's just plain evil and is only doing stuff for the lulz, no angsty past or anything like that.

Tetsu wrote:

FF VI for me, hands down. Great storyline, amazing OST that even Nobuo admitted it has the best OST in the whole franchise, a lot of great character and of course, the best villain character you will find in a FF game and I'm not talking about Sephiroth.
Cannot believe I didn't even reference that in my last post. FFVI was awesome.
4 and 5 were probably my least favourite. 4 felt very stale, and 5 just didn't hook me.

Of all of them, 6 and 9 tend to be considered the best. (Because they are.)

I might lean more toward 9 than 6; much better ending. I also like 8 way more than other people despite the lousy storyline.
Aaaand LR trailer is out.

I can't really say much about this since I've never played any of the XIII games. I just hope this is the last one...
Lightning sucks and I wish Squenix's teams didn't spend so much time on sequels for a decent game full of bland characters
Lightning's the best. Well, second best.

Should have been a Sazh/Lightning buddy cop movie-game
I love Lightning but then again, I also liked Hope. I wish they used Hope (& even some of the other characters) more in XIII-2.
Also, yeah, that's the last one. Honestly, there shouldn't need to be another sequel for this story line, they should have just finished it off in XIII-2. I would have been more of a happy customer if they did that the first time but now, I probably have to blow another $60 on a game that will probably be finished in less than a week.

Ivalset wrote:

Should have been a Sazh/Lightning buddy cop movie-game
See that wouldn't be so bad because there's Sazh. And the context of a buddy cop setting would make Lightning less of a bitch.

Sorry, CLAIRE. Fuck your stupid-ass nickname.

Hika wrote:

I love Lightning but then again, I also liked Hope.
Honestly I probably wouldn't even like Claire so much if she wasn't super fun to play in dissidia.

Just kidding, I still would. Bitches in video games are always #1.
I hope it will be "Last Journey of Lighting" like the trailer says.

Tetsu wrote:

I hope it will be "Last Journey of Lighting" like the trailer says.
Honestly, I hope so too. They just need to hurry up & release Versus XIII.

Hika wrote:

Tetsu wrote:

I hope it will be "Last Journey of Lighting" like the trailer says.
Honestly, I hope so too. They just need to hurry up & release Versus XIII.
for the glory of KH3
Hah, I remember reading info about Versus XIII back to 2008/2009 and being like "woah, this game is going to be awesome! I really hope it gets released soon". I feel like laughing and crying at the same time now.

Jump Festa starts tomorrow and apparently Versus XIII won't show up again (nothing new here). At least there'll will be some Kingdom Hearts HD info, which I'm totally hyped for.
Every day, I cry about Versus XIII. They always set a release date for the end of a year & never give information on it then the cycle repeats.
Final Fantasy IX and Tactics are my favorites. I highly recommend those two. Ocarina of Time is my fav for the LoZ series.
G a r u d a
Well, except for XIII, I played AND finished every FF out there. The best? Well, in my opinion, VII. Call me a fanboy, attack me all you want, but you guys gottta admit that game is freaking AWESOME. Storyline, Characters, Soundtrack... Everything just fits perfectly. Second best, I'd say VI. As many of you already said, indeed, it's also pretty awesome, AND GOD DAMN IT, KEFKA! <3

EDIT: Sorry, I said I finished every FF but actually I meant every FF in the main series >_<
That's a lot. There are some FF games I just can't get the motivation to beat, like I and II.
It's really annoying when people bash others just because they think FFVII is the best one. I myself am not the biggest VII fan but I recognise how good it is.
G a r u d a
Well, I do understand. The first ones look very boring and not so fun compared to the others, BUT, they actually get pretty cool near the end.
Also, it's no very rare to see people bashing each other, as you say, just because one of them says VII is the best. Just because it's the most popular FF (well, I think it is, right?) doesn't mean you can't like it! It just pissess me off when people say VII sucks but they haven't even played it! >:(
I have the weirdest boner right now.

Holyja wrote:

Hah, I remember reading info about Versus XIII back to 2008/2009 and being like "woah, this game is going to be awesome! I really hope it gets released soon". I feel like laughing and crying at the same time now.
Same here, waiting until it gets released, on the meantime I've just bought FF XII-2 and didn't find FF XIII on stores so i'm waiting until I can get my hands on it, beautiful graphics :D (BTW FFXIII-2 box is amazing, I really like how good loking it is, so much details.)

druidxd wrote:

FFXIII-2 box is amazing, I really like how good loking it is, so much details.
Unfortunately the game is not as good, imho it'is not that involving.
The storyline of ff xiii and xiii-2 is very straightforward, square-enix did the opposite of what they did with ff xii because it's the most underrated in the series. But the exploration possibilities of that game are something unique. Anyway I haven't played every single ff game, so i wouldn't know how a true fan should feel about that.

I played every zelda chapter though, and trust me, they're very different from one another but always very involving in their own way.
Personal favorite, the minish cap. Big world, difficult puzzles, nice graphics for gba, you can either proceed with the main quest or look for secret passages and secondary missions, epic villain...
Yes, the story line for XIII is very linear but you have to admit, with the Historia Crux (XIII-2) being your gateway to letting you choose wherever you go, you can pretty much waste your Wild Artifacts wherever so it's not exactly like you have to follow the order of the story line. The main story line is another thing though.

I still cry when I hear Noel's theme. ;_;

Helel wrote:

druidxd wrote:

FFXIII-2 box is amazing, I really like how good loking it is, so much details.
Unfortunately the game is not as good, imho it'is not that involving.
The storyline of ff xiii and xiii-2 is very straightforward, square-enix did the opposite of what they did with ff xii because it's the most underrated in the series. But the exploration possibilities of that game are something unique. Anyway I haven't played every single ff game, so i wouldn't know how a true fan should feel about that.

I played every zelda chapter though, and trust me, they're very different from one another but always very involving in their own way.
Personal favorite, the minish cap. Big world, difficult puzzles, nice graphics for gba, you can either proceed with the main quest or look for secret passages and secondary missions, epic villain...
FF XII is one of my favourites, after FF VIII of course, I played a lot of FF XII, mostly because of farming to get the tournesol, and get my characters to lvl 99, I played something like 250-270 hours of FF XII, which at least for me, is a lot. (on a single game that it's not multiplayer)
As far as I remember FF VIII was really linear too, you couldn't go explore as much as FF XII, not even close, so it probably isn't really an important downside. Also I want to play the whole FF XIII related story (including Versus when it comes out, god if that ever comes out I will finally may die in peace).

Also I've never played Zelda, probably because I don't own nintendo consoles (not even a game boy).
Final Fantasy
Every Final Fantasy after 10 has, and will get booed (for a while at least) for the simple fact of that they are evolving the combat and gameplay to modern standards rather than having a slow turn based combat system. The same thing happened with Resident Evil. While a very different case, it had the same problem of upgrading from tank controls and people bitching about it even though the controls were so much more fluid. 6 got horrendous reviews but I am thoroughly enjoying it even if it isn't even slightly scary.

As for 13 being bad, I think it was good, just not as good as many of the others. They had many financial and time constraints at SE which caused them to delay it drastically as well as cut back on many parts of the game due to their having no skill with HD graphics and new technology, such as the having no real towns, exploration. and backtracking in 13. 14 had the same problem and due to it they released it before the game was even finished as free to play until it was done. Now that they are more capable, it appears to be stabilizing, 13-2 was vastly superior in all ways and came out much faster (partly because of recycles things because it IS the same world and areas as 13 mostly). For the idiots that choose to believe they were lazy and not trying, take a look at Academia 4XX in 13-2 and how unbelievably massive and detailed it is, because that was what they intended to have as towns in 13 for the parts such as where Hope lived or the whatever it is called place with the fireworks 'n shyt where you play as Sazh and Vanille.

Most underrated imo is 8. Large fan base for FF is/was actually around 10-18, so it's no wonder that people go on and on about 7 being great because of what the story was like as well as the gameplay. 8 was a love story, and a beautiful one to boot. I played 8 when I was fairly young and picked it up at the same time as 7. I played to about half through and got bored of the story and switched to 7, which I adamantly played until I finished and afterward completely adored. Did not ever go back to 8 until about 2 or so years back. Played through it from the beginning and holy hot damn did I love it even more than 7. I knew going through this time that I didn't appreciate it because of my age and that now I was actually able to relate and feel the emotions the characters portrayed.

And yeah, only ones linked are as awp said. The reason for the tactics and 12 games being in the same world with the same races and lands though is that it was a different branch of SE that made all of those, so the style they implement remains. Then of course 10-2 is a direct sequel and the FNC all are loosely related, as well as all of the ones with FF7 in the title are related. Aside from that they have 0% to do with each other aside from cameo trademark monsters or characters like chocobo, cactuar, behemoth, ultima/omega weapon, wedge, biggs, cid, etc. play them in any order other than the obvious bad idea like playing 10-2 before 10.

The timeline is a lazily slapped together piece of shit for the fans, the games are completely unrelated and they can't even keep it consistent. They never had any intentions of linking them together, they only did because people are stupid and wanted it. Some of them you are link, some of them you are some kid who looks like link, some of them you are some guy who doesn't even have a name. Don't even get me started on how Zelda is apparently immortal yet easily in danger every game even though she has powerful magic and was obviously trained to ride many animals, fight with swords, bows, and a full arsenal of ninja weapons (complete with amazing acrobatics, time manipulation, magic instruments, and ninja magic to top it all off), not to mention she can somehow become a ghost and possess things as well as reincarnate herself and shapeshift into other forms/people. What the fuck Nintendo. All that matters is that you play some dude in a green outfit (sometimes with a fairy) that runs around exploring and killing shit to save the world just like every other Zelda game.

I remember oracle of ages/seasons sucked, as well I remember loving every single other one.

Vext wrote:

For the idiots that choose to believe they were lazy and not trying, take a look at Academia 4XX in 13-2 and how unbelievably massive and detailed it is, because that was what they intended to have as towns in 13 for the parts such as where Hope lived or the whatever it is called place with the fireworks 'n shyt where you play as Sazh and Vanille.
Now Academia, both 4XX AF & 400 AF were too detailed for me to even bother with. I could barely stand through one round of going through Academia though it was worth it just to finish the game. They actually put effort into XIII-2 when it came to Academia, the same way they did in XIII when they created Gran Pulse & all those confusing things (side missions, Cie'th stones, etc.). I still don't understand why people think that XIII was one of the worse out of all the games. I've been playing FF for a while & even if it's not 'old styled' & more 'future/tech-like', it's still good. Just wait until Versus XIII, I can see all the haters.

btw that's Nautilus, Vext :3c
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