
Osumania - Separate scoring for key mods [duplicate]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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Hey everyone!

I was curious if there were any plans to introduce separate scoring ranks for different key modifiers in osumania?

It hardly seems fair that someone playing 4 key is being compared to someone playing 7 key on the same song.
Shouldn't the 4k people have their own scoreboard, and the 5k, 6k, 7k their own as well?

Seeing people at the top of the board using 4k on a 7k song doesn't make sense.
Yes it's been suggested and denied.

It is easily possible to beat a 4k score due to the score modifier.
What if you are doing 7k on a 4k song though? You are penalized for using MORE keys. Shouldn't more keys implicate higher difficulty?
This has already been discussed a billion times. It's not changing.
it should change because it doesnt make sense not to :/ it would be better, and its not fair because on maps that are 5k but turned to 4k it becomes impossible to get S and very hard to even get A even if you miss only 2-3 times the entire map, its ridiculous
I would still argue that this is not relevant. Converts has for the most part dropped out of favor, as Mania has an extremely good amount of native ranked material these days.

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