
Percentage for Star Difficulty

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How about making an average percentage on the sum of the complexity of the cards passed on the site? (For example, taking the sum of cards of 2+ stars such-and-such a percentage. Taking the amount of cards of 3+ stars such-and-such.)
For detailed process tracking.
I don't think I understand...

kosimon wrote:

sum of the complexity of the cards passed on the site
I don't understand this part. What do you mean by "cards"?

kosimon wrote:

For detailed process tracking.
and I don't understand this. Process tracking of what?
Topic Starter

abraker wrote:

I don't think I understand...

kosimon wrote:

sum of the complexity of the cards passed on the site
I don't understand this part. What do you mean by "cards"?

kosimon wrote:

For detailed process tracking.
and I don't understand this. Process tracking of what?
how much Hit Accuracy of 2, 3 or 5 stars.

abraker wrote:

I don't think I understand...

kosimon wrote:

sum of the complexity of the cards passed on the site
I don't understand this part. What do you mean by "cards"?

kosimon wrote:

For detailed process tracking.
and I don't understand this. Process tracking of what?
This is an average % display for completed cards for a certain number of stars per maps. It seems that I understand

The idea is certainly interesting, but I think in its implementation there will be minor problems by type changes in the number of stars per level using mods. Thus there will be problems with the calculations. But, still, if you make a couple of corrections by type: how many maps were played with DT / HR / HD

Note: Silver "S" shows games with the mod HD, or with FL. But this category also includes games with combining with these mods. And if you listen to this function, then there will be a division into modes and games. How many times has been played with one or another mod. Or by combining them

Add: In addition to this function, you can make simulated watches with one or another mod (or a combination of mods). And of course all this on the game’s website. I think the idea is quite interesting and worth attention.

I will also apologize for my English. It’s a bit difficult for me to speak it, so more likely there will be mistakes and strange words somewhere. I'll try to chew them if that

Push: abraker, if my memory serves me, until recently you were not GMT. Congratulations on the nomination. And in advance I will apologize if you were a moderator before. I could be wrong

abraker wrote:

What do you mean by "cards"?
cards = maps (he probably used a google or yandex translator)
Ok so if I understand, then you basically are asking for % completion of maps of certain star rating? For example, if there are 20 four star maps ranked and you completed 5 of them them, then it will be 25% completion. Do you mean like that?

@Esutarosa Yes I became mod thx ^^
Hm... yes and no. I think it would be more reasonable to show the average% passability in accuracy than in the number of maps passed. Or something like that. It would be necessary for the author of this idea to write

Regarding played hours, this is my idea, and I think it can be added in addition. Or I will create a separate topic on this

this is my idea, and I think it can be added in addition. Or I will create a separate topic on this. This idea still requires "modding"

Oh, that's cool! Congratulations, now you have returned my dream ^^

I think you will be an excellent moderator
Topic Starter

abraker wrote:

Ok so if I understand, then you basically are asking for % completion of maps of certain star rating? For example, if there are 20 four star maps ranked and you completed 5 of them them, then it will be 25% completion. Do you mean like that?

@Esutarosa Yes I became mod thx ^^
Yes, probably use mod. When i plyed (map) STYX HELIX use mod HD HC HR. i now will be retarded in play more. i cloud want be ss in this map. And i think ask what total hit accuracy in this star.

Or sum results map, on way total. Total grace, sum results map in midlle.
Destination purpose look mesne hit accuracy result by average by map.
Local top.
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