wtf I posted here almost 2 years ago
sorry for such terrible communication on my end :'*
ok then, I'll give another take on it since we're talking about opinions on the whole situation in the mapping scene atm
sorry, can't view sample maps atm, maybe if I update this I will have
I only have one sample pending map in mind for this, that's this map
beatmapsets/1725665#osu/3526701if most of the maps getting ranked with sliderators are taking this direction, then its ok imo. as players evolve in skill, so does the acceptable mapping elements. so it was with aspire, and this is just another case. most players are probably aware of sliderator sliders already due to promotional projects in osu! like aspire and some loved maps, so it should be fine now.
as for a line to draw the boundary... I'd turn to player skill on this as well, so I can't give a definitive bet. idk about the current player skill level. I'd be willing to blindly guess though that the line would be drawn on consistent acceleration/deceleration in slider sv