
The osu! Extreme Gaming BlindTest !

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Okay guys, it's time to go for a BlindTest !
What the heck is a Blindtest?
I give you some songs without their title, and you should identify the games they come from.

42 games to find, easy ones, hard ones, IMPOSSIBURU ones, But I believe in you guys.
The pack of songs is available => Here <= or you can listen to them through this Wonderful page created under the sign of procrastination

How to get points? Simple.
- 5 points for the exact name of the game, 2 points if the title is not complete or not accurate (e.g. We love Bunnies instead of We Love Bunnies II Extreme edition). If the name given is really really vague, reduced to 1 point
- 2 points for the device the game is running on (Like, PC, PS3, Atari, etc) : This should be accurate as well.

These two answers are not dependant. If you don't know the game but you think it's running on a Game Gear, you can just throw "??? - Game Gear" as an answer.

Send me your answers by PM with subject "[osu!BlindTest]" (if it's not named like this, I won't be able to see it)
Each line should be formatted like this one:

## : Game - Console
43 : Elite Beat Agents - NDS

Anyone can participate, just by sending me the PM with the list of answers
The deadline is set to January 18th 2013 11:59 PM CET

You can send answers multiple times, and only the last answers will be taken in account.

Now, it's time for you to find these songs !

Pre-Ranking - Jan 15th 2012 :
1 - MakuKun - 107pts
2 - Garven - 38pts
3 - Stefan - 29pts
4 - Lybydose - 26pts
I used to playa similar VGM guessing game on twitch. I might try this :)
Well I know like 4 of them.
I'm going to try this.
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Just a note : There might be some rhythm games, like the ones that are using completely external music for the gameplay (like osu! ). In these games, only consider the musics which are really FROM the game (like menu musics or stuff).
Except if the music is directly related to a game, like if it is the main theme or something, it won't be used.
Well I am definitely too young for this

I've gotten only 2, and they're back to back, interestingly

EDIT: 3, but that one wasn't because I played its game.
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Considering this blindtest is considered as "Extreme" in term of difficulty, do not hesitate participating, even if you got 1 answer. Also, if you think you recognize a console, don't hesitate posting it, a bad answer won't get you less points.
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Note : I will try to post a pre-ranking every Sunday. Don't hesitate participating even if you recognize 1 game !
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3 days before the deadline and only 4 answers !

Don't hesitate participating !
(I will include people on the other forums I posted this blindtest =w=)
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