
Goto Yuko - Koi no Mikuru Densetsu

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JarJarJacob wrote:

Alex is already mapping this. You'll want to contact him.

Raise HP Drain. The way you use combos in this map desires it. Done
00:53:09 (1) - You shouldn't really use circles when the artist is drawing breath.Not based on the breath, it was just a coincidence. Anyway, added a note for no confusion
01:01:59 (1) - This spinner isn't auto 2000'd. Whether this is unrankable or not isn't up to me. Fixed
01:12:69 (1) - See above. See above
01:19:62 (1) - This would play better either 1/2 or 1/1 forward. Done
02:26:21 (1) - See above above. See above above
02:37:31 (1) - See above. See above
02:40:09 (2) - You could make this double speed if you wanted to. Because it waves like that, it isn't unorthodox at double.
02:43:38 - Put something here, maybe? Done
02:51:18 (1) - See above above ABOVE. See above above above
03:02:28 (1) - See above.See above
03:05:06 (2) - See above above above ABOVE. If you don't want to use it at both points, or either, it works better closer to the conclusion.
03:08:35 - See above above above above. See above above above above
03:16:50 (1) - Sort of out of place. It's an unfitting ending. Fixed

I should start colour-coding my modding.
See above... woops

Well, almost everything was fixed, except this :

JarJarJacob wrote:

You could make this double speed if you wanted to. Because it waves like that, it isn't unorthodox at double.
I understood the slider was really weird, but didn't understand your way to fix it.

I modded your see-above-mod-post too =D
Offset sounds like 712 to me.

I couldn't find anything else wrong, but you'll need an easier difficulty for this to be ranked.

Sushi971 wrote:

I understood the slider was really weird, but didn't understand your way to fix it.
It isn't a fix, but a suggestion. Either way is fine, normal or double speed. I thought double would emphasize the sliders more.

DawnII wrote:

I couldn't find anything else wrong, but you'll need an easier difficulty for this to be ranked.
I'll take care of that.
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JarJarJacob, if you intend to map a normal diff, i'm going to start an easy diff :)

Sushi971 wrote:


JarJarJacob, if you intend to map a normal diff, i'm going to start an easy diff :)
You may want to cut it down to around 1:30 for the Easy difficulty.

Download: Goto Yuko - Koi no Mikuru Densetsu (Sushi971) [Jar's Normal].osu
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Hitoshirenu Shourai
WOW this song is ANNOYING.

The vocals hurt.

I'm in physical pain here. ._.

Also WHY is NORMAL more points than HARD? Fix it. Naow.
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Ok, let's do this. LEEEEEEEEEEEEROY

Easy and seem ok.

00:20:82 (3) - Make this one beat longer. Remember to check distances.

Aside from that, you have a few beats which aren't alinieted properly but it's a minor thing.

Though I don't personally like the song you've done a good job here.

Ups, completely overlooked MIKURU BEAAAAAAAM.
But that one is pretty much perfect.
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Fixed :)
00:03:48 (1) - spacing is too close here
third timing section should have a louder hitvolume imo
00:56:37 (1) - for an Easy map, this note comes too soon after the end of a spinner. I suggest kill a repeat and move it back 1/2 beat
01:26:02 (3) - line the start up with 2 vertically
01:27:76 (3) - line this up vertically with 2

[Jar's Normal]
00:27:76 (1) - align vertically with the end of the slider
00:35:22 (2,3) - even though this follows the lyrics these two notes sound weird
01:06:95 (3,4,5,6,7) - should be 1/2 earlier
01:11:29 (1) - i should at least be able to see the edges of the sliderpath as it unwinds. this is not unreadable but it is a bit of a mindfuck

00:25:68 (1) - spacing?
01:18:39 (2) - align horizontally with the end of 1
01:40:59 (2,3) - the slider overlap looks kinda bad? fix if you like
01:48:22 (2) - move this so it isnt partly underneath 1
01:51:34 (2) - align vertically with 1
02:24:12 (2) - ^ horizontally
02:26:72 (2) - stack more neatly
02:34:00 (1) - the lyric youre trying to map occurs 1/2 beat earlier
02:43:02 (3) - either make this 1/4 longer or make it repeat twice more
02:51:69 (2) - stack more neatly
02:58:97 (1) - again, the lyric is 1/2 earlier
03:07:99 (3) - either make this 1/4 longer or make it repeat twice more

[Mikuru Beam]
00:07:30 (4,1) - slider overlap is ugly
00:10:94 (3) - stack under fading 1
timing section 3 could be slightly louder
00:58:28 (3,4,5,1,2) - this is a tad clusterfucky
01:07:12 (4,5,6,7) - i cant even read this
01:09:38 (3,4,5,1,2,3) - clusterfucky. now with added repetition to make it even worse!
01:15:45 (1) - either this or 4 should go cus theyre in the same spot
01:18:05 (4,5,6,7) - back to unreadable
01:19:61 (1) - delete and replace break
01:36:43 (1) - can you make this end on the fading 3?
needs more hitsounds, EXPECIALLY in the soft section
map is very repetitive as well, although the hitsounds will help with that
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I fixed Most of the points SFG noticed, except some ones for some reasons :

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

00:03:48 (1) - spacing is too close here I spaced it a little more, but can't really space it or it will mess the map
third timing section should have a louder hitvolume imo I am at maximum volume....

[Jar's Normal]
00:35:22 (2,3) - even though this follows the lyrics these two notes sound weird Ah?
01:06:95 (3,4,5,6,7) - should be 1/2 earlier I'll see with JarJar if it was intentional
01:11:29 (1) - i should at least be able to see the edges of the sliderpath as it unwinds. this is not unreadable but it is a bit of a mindfuck see above... however this can be my fault as i did the circles bigger

02:34:00 (1) - the lyric youre trying to map occurs 1/2 beat earlier not mapping the lyric, but the rythm, I know it looks weird, but it's a choice
02:58:97 (1) - again, the lyric is 1/2 earlier ^

[Mikuru Beam]
timing section 3 could be slightly louderMax Volume....
01:07:12 (4,5,6,7) - i cant even read this Seriously? i'll have someone else opinion to be sure that it is unreadable
01:15:45 (1) - either this or 4 should go cus theyre in the same spot If we're not in the editor, it's not really that bad
01:18:05 (4,5,6,7) - back to unreadable See above above....
01:19:61 (1) - delete and replace break I really DON'T agree with that, why would I delete this spinner? it was in other difficulties too! and I don't see the problem with it
needs more hitsounds, EXPECIALLY in the soft section
map is very repetitive as well, although the hitsounds will help with that I use various hitsounds in the soft sections, except if you want me to whistle on every notes. the thing is that we don't hear them
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Fixed :)
Hanyuu is making another Hard difficulty.

Download: Goto Yuko - Koi no Mikuru Densetsu (Sushi971) [Hanyuu's Hard].osu
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Also fixed the jump at 01:28:11 (1) -

Download: Goto Yuko - Koi no Mikuru Densetsu (Sushi971) [Jar's Normal].osu
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I PMed Hanyuu to know if he's still mapping his hard difficulty. Wiating for answer.

EDIT : Hanyuu answered, and I don't need to wait his diff (he said it was to help Alex, and that I don't really need help)

My map isn't complete yet but since i got mentioned i might post it aswell here :)

Download: Yuko Goto - Koi no Mikuru Densetsu (Hanyuu) [Hard].osu
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.flv file converted to .avi
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I did my best on symetrizing sliders.

I fixed all (I think...) what was said.

JJJ, I already done the job on your diff (free time...).

Ace of Trades
Love the song. The beatmap itself feels fine. Hard + Easy seem to have a lot of sliders. I find it feels weird with an excess of sliders. It may make the song easier, but I do have a board of Osu! virgins(People who suck at Osu!) They rather dislike songs with lots of sliders to fill most of the notes. I can't really complain about normal mode since you didn't make it.
I'm using Most Precise grid setting

01:29:15 (5) - closer to 4, move the 6 accordingly

[Hard] I like that catmul slider :D
02:11:11 (1) - half a grid up and right to match spacing (nazi)
02:51:69 (2) - (nazi) match the slider end on the stack

00:10:76 (2,3) - nudge one of them left/right to match spacing
00:46:14 (4) - half a grid down

00:10:24 (2) - 1 grid up
feels a little overmapped, but it's technically fine.. nice job

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All fixed :) Thanks for modding
The speed up sections in Jar's Normal are a bit odd and, given that I didn't get the video version, not expected. Mikuru Beam~ also has some slider overlapping that doesn't look so bad in the editor, but sort of confusing when playing. 01:51:00 (3) ends oddly since the game automatically stacks 4, placing it in a different spot in the editor than in the playfield.

Overall, these are minor quibbles, and this map is very well-done. Star.
00:14:58 (1) - Too far
01:08:68 (1) - Too close

Jar's Normal
01:26:02 (3,4,5,6) - Can you nudge this a bit to the right so the middle line splits this in half? For symmetry's sake ^_^
01:28:80 (3,4,5,6) - ^

01:33:65 (1,2,3) - I was testing this and was about to slam this part for spacing, then I went back to check and it was.. right. well then >_>
01:35:74 (4) - Nudge this so it lines up
02:33:31 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - This part just doesn't feel natural to me.. idk it doesn't really match the rest of the map IMO. feel free to ignore if you don't agree.
02:58:28 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - ^

Mikuru Beam~
meh, I had a list of things (mainly visibility issues) but hey, it's supposed to be hard. So I sucked it up :P

nice work, voila un star
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Fixes Done, except the 02:33:31 (1,2,3,1,2,3) one. I did it on purpose...

Thanks for modding :)
40:24, 2 - Move this 2 grids to the right
1:06:43, 1 - Make this 1/2 shorter

Jar's Normal
Can't find any obvious problems

52:04, 5 - Move 1 grid left
2:09:03, 7 - Delete this note, it doesn't sound good.
1:17:18 - A note here sounds good

Mikuru Beam~
16:95, 2 - Sounds better without this note
3:17:18 - Again, stick a note here.

This map is awesome, so have a star.
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Agent_Spin_here, I'll try not to be mean but... what did you smoked?

I'm sorry to say this, but your modding points are not really... sensed...

I want a real explanation, and don't try making me delete notes. I won't. And the notes i "should" add are not justified.

Sirry, but i'll ignore your mod.

Anyway, thanks for your modding and star.

Sushi971 wrote:

I'm sorry to say this, but your modding points are not really... sensed...
Some of it does make sense, even if it is just opinions. Speaking of opinions:

Mikuru Beam~

03:15:10 - Circle here.
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Hmmm.. Some of them have sense but they ruin the map.

Well, I add the circle (yeah this is justified).

Oh, i'll stop rage for today...

Anyway, updated.
Easy: I didn't see anything wrong with this difficulty.

Jar's Normal: 00:21:529 - This seems strange. I missed it every time I played until I figured out what it was synched to.

Hard: I didn't see anything wrong with this difficulty.

Mikuru Beam~: 00:27 - When playing, it's hard to tell the second note of the yellow combo is a slider at first. Not really bad, just wanted to point it out.


I like the map, and there's nothing that stands out as bad.
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EDIT : Didn't see Kiai mode was updated, added kiai parts on "Come on let's dance" parts
Right.... offset sounds really early. I'm leaning towards 735

god kiai seems so bright on here too, its kind of irritating

00:24:31 (1,2,3) - no. you can't see which slider is which? zzzz
00:42:52 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - this is some srs bullshit

Not a lot bothered me, but it wasn't anything special.

my only complaint is that the 2x bpm sliders sound like crap


YO. I'm gonna say something nice because its cool when you get a compliment mirite? Hitsounds? Spot on. Nice job!
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Fixed :)
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After some consultation with Sinistro, we've decided on 730 ms as the offset. It's a bit nitpicking, but meh.

Fix it and I'll rebubble.
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Ergh, this song is playing with my mind. Rebubbled.

Larto wrote:

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