
¿Podrian hacer algunos beatmat me haria ilusion?/They could do some beatmat I would be excited?

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Why not use the rock that was heard in Latin America in the 90s and 80s, there are very good songs like "De Musica Ligera", "Lobo Hombre En Paris" or "Viento". If someone reads this I would like them to help me.


Por que no usar el rock que se escuchaba en latinoamerica en los 90 y 80 hay canciones muy buenas como "De Musica Ligera", "Lobo Hombre En Paris" o "Viento" Si alguien lee esto me gustaria que me ayuden.

if someone does thank you
si alguien los hace gracias

Zelzatter Zero
You can map them yourself tho
interesting place to ask others to map for you. don’t see what storyboards got to do with this.. but yeah, asking others to map a song you like is kinda lame. mapping takes time and patience. people are busy beings. if you decide to map it yourself, i’m sure there will be many people gladly willing to give you feedback and potentially help you out if you run into problems. good luck!
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