
[web]Ability to sort beatmaps in search results by name fit

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +1
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Fenek Alfa
Right now, seems like the sorting order in the beatmap browser is Popularity -> Rank -> Keyword fit
Why is that bad, you ask? well, click this spoiler.

This case isn't even half as bad, because the proper results are still on the first page. But what if they wouldn't? How would you like it, if you were new to this game, searching for a beatmap, and it wouldn't be there, even though it was there, just buried under the avalanche of trending keywords? And why did the search engine ignore the first two words, and focus on the third? Is keyword trending really that useful? I mean, I understand that SAO is overpopular, but still.

Therefore, I ask for a toggle to sort in Keyword fit ->Popularity ->Rank order instead of Popularity -> Rank -> Keyword fit
It's true.Although i'll write full name of a song ,it won't be on the first place because it searchs by tags.It would be nice to fix it.
This is so far the biggest and most annoying bug in the entirety of osu. Would be nice to see this fixed.
I would love to see this be fixed ' u '
+ Support
bug huh? I guess it should be moved to technical support:
No wrong results.... look at the tags.

But I agree, the sorting of results is terrible.

Aqo wrote:

This is so far the biggest and most annoying bug in the entirety of osu. Would be nice to see this fixed.
yes yes.
it should display results that have all given tags, then display results that have only some of the tags
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