is there was a time when Osu! reach near or over 100k user online back in the old time osu! era? is the server crashed due to the amount of the user reach the highest number on record were happen?
Highly doubt Pewdiepie was paid by ppy since YouTubers often just find games on the internet to play and hope they get views. Or, he heard about the game through some grapevine. The whole thing with having pewds pic on the forums screen was cringe but it did bring some exposure to the game.abraker wrote:
in 2015 PewdiePie featured osu! and that made the worse part of the community to commence their autistic screeching. Pewds prob got paid by ppy because players over the years were suggesting osu is a niche and would benefit from that exposure. I suspect that only because ppy changed the site to feature pewds popping out on left side of forums. The whole thing was cringe and left and bad impression of osu!'s community.
I don't believe ads are going to bring more people in