
Survey 43: Community Voice 2020

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Remove kiai flash when
When osu laser release
We need more 4k ranked maps for mania (which means more than 5.5*) every player has the same maps in the same order and many 4k payers are getting bored/leaeving the game.
how about to add a karaoke option? ^^ it might be really interesting to sing while doing a click/catch the beat/etc.
Would be also great to make more maps with really cool songs for beginners or people who can't physically play 3-4+ stars maps.

ALSO! Would be great to add a preview listening option to the map archives page and showing the difficulty on page without clicking on 'em everytime. Because like, the song names mostly don't give much information of what it actually sounds like. What I do most of the time after downloading and installing maps is, suddenly, deleting most of 'em because I don't like what it sounds like. ^^'

LlamaWhisperer wrote:

I would love to be able to group beatmaps by game mode! It would make it much more convenient when I switch from playing std maps to mania maps
you type this when in your library menu
please make the nepalese flag transparent
i love osu

Vallindra wrote:

Ive been more into mapping lately and I realy dislike having to do so much stuff just to silence a slider end.
If you want to silence slider ends, please stop. Nothing more annoying than maps with the hitsound volume all messed up, I want to hear everything so I know when to hit the next note. At least if the map uses a mushy/quiet hit sound I can turn it off to hear my clicky sounds, but when the volume is changed through the beatmap file then it's a pain.

Speaking of which, there should be an option to ignore beatmap hit sound volume changes.

Haven't looked at lazer in a little while, but it needs the OD bar before I go back.
Im very satisfied with the current gamestate, I just hope the devs and the community keep up the good work and keep making osu! be the great game that I love so much!
I would like to see my followers list please.
Hollow Delta
Changes to how the ranking system works.

It doesn't seem like a single team / group of people is capable of ranking maps for everybody. It's not just the current generation of NAT / BNs who have had this issue.

Those involved understand what I'm talking about (Circle-jerking, NAT / BN teams, bias / unfairness in evaluations, large number of mappers but a low number of BNs. Nit-picky Disqualifications among maps, double-standards between the NAT / BN teams and the mapping community. Forced opinion / agenda among the mapping community, song choices that get preference in disregards to mapping quality
osu! is pretty good, It seems like Lazer is heading to a good direction too.
I don't even know for sure how the PP system works but it could get some improvements.
I really love the seasonal backgrounds, honestly makes me want to come back to the game.
Peppy working hard for many years was definitely worth it. Thanks Peppy!
(and pls give some spotlight to Skinners)
Perhaps, for all the people upset about notelocking, you could make notelock a scaleable thing? Like scaling the strictness of it changes the star difficulty of the map? Just a suggestion. :)
Stop being cringe lmao lol
- Makii -
I don't like it when I submit a higher score on a map and lose pp because the previous one was worth more.
esse jogo e um bom jogo de ritmo

jasontime12345 wrote:

official osu mapping guide when
We NEED it
I used to play osu back in 2015, lost my account so i made this one, its good to be back playing this game, i dont hate anything about it, i just love it

Exospect wrote:

To can change the CS of the maps in any moment and not only one on all the map.
Example: (like AR)

CS: 3 - 4.5
As much as I hate playing on high CS (I am just bad at the game), I would love to see something like this. Could be very interesting to see what some creative mappers could do with this.
as much as I hate to admit it, my pc is shit. I know that's my problem but I'm pretty sure there's others out there with the same problems I have. But I love osu and I won't stop playing even though I'm constantly having stutters and having a hard time ranking up.
I would like to see the developers make a lower frame rate option or something to help the lower end pc gamers. thanks love ya♡
the ability to not see our pp even something as simple as a setting option to hide it as, at least for me, seeing it stresses me out as I start to compare myself to other people and stat top enjoy the game less
Hope to add new play mod for casual player

Maybe can combining RPG elements
Like random selection some rank or loved map then set HP for each map
Let all players challenge freely
Work together to beat it with score as damage

Then reward some virtual item for decoration ID card in osu! bancho
each item can be distinguished by random colors

I think it will be fun to have a new way of playing
not only being a PP farmer
- delete notelock
- don't implement slider acc
- only put ranking criteria breaking maps into loved/stop putting quality maps into loved section
- kick every OCD BN that thinks visuals>>>playability & fun
- make ranking process easier so high SR (6.75*+) maps are more commonly ranked
- nerf short maps to the grave (especially DT)
- delete touchscreen players from global rankings

thank you, until then i don't play this game
we want the results
A New Game mode? like... a keyboard gamemode. similar to osu mania but you have to tap about two keys on your keyboard to the beat. I've been wishing something like that would be made. that would be kinda cool :)

CrazyCrashGames wrote:

A New Game mode? like... a keyboard gamemode. similar to osu mania but you have to tap about two keys on your keyboard to the beat. I've been wishing something like that would be made. that would be kinda cool :)
then, osu!taiko is your thing
Add pls search for the skin in-game.
Notelock, it sucks.
- Yuno Gasai -
PP counter right in the game
A Microwave

Uri2005 wrote:

Yo. Notelock

also need Girlfriend


sounds great, it's my first survey that I answer about osu

Ephemeral wrote:

It has been a long time since we've run any sort of Community Voice poll or discussion, and we figured there's no better time to dig into a relatively-lengthy survey than during these troubling times where everybody is stuck at home with little to do.

If you're interested in letting us know your thoughts and opinions on a few key topics, please check out the following link and fill it out. We'll be carefully taking note of all the feedback we get here for a series of future polls and surveys that will help shape the course of the game going forward.

Click here to fill out the Community Voice 2020 survey!

Feel free to pass the link around to your friends who play, and get them to fill it out too. The more responses we get, the better things will go for everyone.
I would love to see a pp calculator be worked into osu itself, so you could see the pp in realtime or what it would reward for FC with different accuracy. Also I have high hopes for this pp rebalance.
Leave the background with the winners of art competition.
Sin poder jugar con mouse, pues me tocó volverme main ap.
Osu is a good game for relax and chill out of all your works and responsabilites for a moment
Sauce Cake
Pls fix lag on osu!lazer on iPad
buen juego en general, escribiría esto en ingles pero me da pereza en verdad, lo único que creo que le vendría bien es una especie de contador de hints tipo guitar hero que te va haciendo un multipler con X numero de aciertos en las notas, pero me gusto mucho el juego y sigan asi locooooos
Osu is great, Notelocking tho...
Just notelock comments here

endless chain
I have the following suggestions:
1.The Maps
There are a lot of maps have not been ranked in loved and graveyard maps.
2.Scoring System
Please make the combo more meaningful,don't set the upper limit at 1000000 points.
Performance points should be obtained by the accuracy,the number of combos and the total scores,
Please set a base score for each note,specific score for specific combo count(like 1000 combos are 500000 points),Cancel the LN combo count in osumania.
Even the random mod can get the Performance points and calculate the random difficulty.Give more scores on hidden、flashlight、hardrock mode.
4.Other advice
Develop a virtual money in the game so we can buy the mod items to use in the game(You can also provide a recharge channel to let players use money to recharge).
please let more Chinese players use RMB to recharge(not the US dollars)(I don't want to create a credit card).
my favorite rhythm game out there
sad I filled out the form days before every1 started dumping thoughts on twitter adn then i developed these grand ideas that were not represented by what i wrote Sad sad sad
Note block is preety streesfull mostly when you lose at the end of the song
more osu mania mods:
the waterfall mod has been requested a fair bit:
a mod that increases the rate of notes scrolling down the screen, this would be really cool and either destroy or make SV maps really fun

change it so HR, HD, FI, FL are rankable(for HR) and give extra score.
HR should be worth alot more then literally nothing, it makes the game a lot harder to play and it will mean alot more with skill in the top plays, same with HD FI and FL, the excuse for not making these ranked is because its makes the game easier for some people. and if they learn to play the game with that they 100% deserve it, and it isn't much different from HD in standard, there are alot of players im friends with that cannot play standard without HD. so they HD every match, and thats their playstyle. Hidden is harder to learn and has its advantages, but its the same with standard, so i dont quiet understand the difference there.

the pp calculations for mania need to be changed (or star calculation)
people that play 4k have no chance because it requires about the same amount of strain to do a 6* 4k and a 7* 7k maybe even less strain to do the 7* (yes it requires more skill i know) but with 9* maps like doppelganger compared to the 4k high 6 star maps like blastix riotz even if 4k has the skill to do unranked 9k its just unfair with the scaling

so i think that there should be a keycount multiplier included in the strain calculation, make 7k worth more then 4k 100% but make it so the highest 7k is similar to the highest 4k map.
either that or the star calculation is changed, A to remove the insane stars that sliders give.

sv's should be worth alot more but idek how that calculation would be done without making maps like alpeh-o worth 10000 pp

mania score:
the mania score shouldnt have such a limit, one of the main things people like about standard is, nobody has hit the top. there is always room for improvment, on most mania 4* maps they are already 100% with 1:40 300:300g ratios, some of my favorite maps have 2000+ 300gs and under 5 300's. there is no way i could compete with my 1:2 ratio. however if hr hd fl etc gave score it would give an entire new aspect to the way mania is played, same with dt.

i propose the following scores
fl: 6% extra
reasoning, even though its most the screen gone you can still change scroll speed. you need memory to play it especially on hard parts and you are never 100% sure when you need to hit it, i have played 10+ hours of fl so im getting a bit better at it, passing 4.5* now.
HD, FI: 4% extra
its alot like fl but its veiwed differently. idk who would play FI but people that play HD deliberately miss notes at some parts to help with reading, making it alot more flexible so it shouldnt be worth as much.
HR: 6-8% extra
hr is a tough area, its hard to get good at but easy after you get good at it, people that can pass 5* will be the only people using this to their advantage, it also gives a higher importance for acc and removes the alternating on stairs tactic that people use alot. it also means if you mess up you have a higher chance of dying making map scores on hard to read maps like two-torial more worthwhile.
DT 12%:
dt is another area i dont know what to suggest. dt maps make them significantly harder then their equivalent star non dt counterpart so they should definitely be worth more, as the notes are usually more compact, people that get dt scores will then show up on LB more and be recognized, DT in mania isnt that easy especially as you do higher star maps

theres alot of things that need fixing, mania seems like a game well built with the scoring system patched together with duct tape, and it really is, the algorithms being used where fixes to the holes in the previous edition, scaling to match osu!standard and osu!mania pp between high ranking players.
please @ me if you think im wrong, i want to hear your opinions.
Neon Dynamite

MrgDani wrote:

The game is like Gucci but for free
Yes very
I kind of like notelock tbh. I mean, if you have a lot of problems with notelock its probably just a sign that youre playing maps that are too hard for you.
I'm looking forward to see what the feedback about NAT and BN will be like.

great initiative.
The mechanic to rewind in playback's and also being able to fast forward's 4x.

Ephemeral wrote:

It has been a long time since we've run any sort of Community Voice poll or discussion, and we figured there's no better time to dig into a relatively-lengthy survey than during these troubling times where everybody is stuck at home with little to do.

If you're interested in letting us know your thoughts and opinions on a few key topics, please check out the following link and fill it out. We'll be carefully taking note of all the feedback we get here for a series of future polls and surveys that will help shape the course of the game going forward.

Click here to fill out the Community Voice 2020 survey!

Feel free to pass the link around to your friends who play, and get them to fill it out too. The more responses we get, the better things will go for everyone.
i dont feel so good

KatouMegumi wrote:

ban sotarks
Since I had left my profile link in there, I would like to additionally clarify that I don't care about being competitive in osu! for the reason mentioned above. I would like to play competitively on fair grounds, where one mapset/s does not exploit PP system, leaving players who refuse to play PP exploiting (farming) maps under an unfair disadvantage.

just change the pp formula until it becomes very difficult to exploit, then the pp a map gives will reflect it's actual difficulty very well.
Tbh its a nice game i love it my sister plays it like 80%of the day on pc and on phone
Reading the lots of complaints to notelock, why not just make an aditional mod (-5% score, but -3% pp?) that basically ignores notelock in these maps that you can't literally do them because of it.

Or for newer maps making notelock something configurable in gradual matices.
genocat uwu
i love osu. thats it. im here just to say i love osu
i read the word "notelock" several times but idk what it means, could anyone help me pls?
PETITION: MIRROR MOD (from mania) FOR ALL MODES cuz fuck mindblock
Indeed! Notelock/noteblock or whatever the name is, is definitely a problem to the gameplay. The proof of that is when we had no notelock on osu!lazer because of a glitch and then everyone (even me) heard from someone "Hey, osu!lazer is amazing now, something happened and we don't have notelock anymore"... Basically the game was better with the glitch lol.

Another thing that annoy me a lot is the slider-break mechanic. Ok, it is basically a miss, but at the same time slider-breaking is even more annoying, it's hard to explain but it is something like "I didn't even miss, just a slider-break, cmon game". Can we simply get a MISS or a 50 or even a 100 instead?! The way sliders work is very confusing, sometimes you didn't even know how did you hit the note, "What? I hit that? OK.." or "How did I not hit that?????" I am pretty sure both of these situations happens often to everyone.

And I don't know if that matters here, but ScoreV2 is a joke. 99% or even a bit lower like 97% will cease to exist unless you are a 3 digit... Again, the problem are sliders, now even harder to hit the 300 and still with slider-breaks. I dedicate myself A LOT to get high acc on every map that I play, it's not easy but it pays off. At this point you probably understand that acc matters a lot for me, and yes, almost even more than PP. If I FC a song with 97% acc I simply quit the beatmap.

That should be it for the critiques, I am very satisfied with the current game state :)

Also I am very grateful with the comfirmation that we need now to the Preview Gameplay buttom, that was annoying af..
Hello! Osu community
I think that Osu will have huge success if it adds a specified rank ( bronze, silver, gold, ...etc) and creates missions or careers. I think that's it. AND GOOD JOB OSUU I like this game since it began. keep up!
Can you bring a lazer skin to stable pls?
I <333 Osu!! I must share that I often use an Android clone called Opsu with my Samsung Tab S4 and it's lovely stylus. Do with that information what you will but I use Osu on PC for all the other game modes. The gamemode Osu Mania could use some keyboard layout customization settings and maybe even colour change settings in my humble opinion.

Thanks for making such a well thought out and beautifully executed game, it's the mother of all rhythm games!!
It has been several months since the survey opened and I still haven't heard a single thing about any results whatsoever. Will results ever be posted or has this been abandoned?
done, i've filled the survey
otaku lover
I have a problem when it comes to wanting to download a song with or without a video, it takes time and that did not happen before and I already did the steps recommended by the browser and still without wanting to download a song and when I download something else if it downloads well they help me I've only had this problem for two days
Arctos Sagittario
Done. Have to say that not being around for a good while does make me feel like out of the time.
Agent Encore
Is the survey still ongoing?
- Marco -

Ephemeral wrote:

-KevinChan- wrote:

It's great to see this coming back. Are any of the interesting metrics being shared after the survey concluded?
Yep, we'll be sharing a breakdown of the survey results once we conclude it in a week or two.
i guess the survey is closed now but still no result
I'm asking if Sureveys like this are abandoned...

Corne2Plum3 wrote:

I'm asking if Sureveys like this are abandoned...
They probably are
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