I'm a bit embarrassed to share this skin with the osu! community... Especially after all the cringy skins I've made in the past like Ukraine Skin or Creeper Skin. Now I am a changed blueberry. Yes, I identify myself as a blueberry, but at least my English is better and the sentences I type out sound much more mature than what they did back in 2016. Who cares, people want to see the skin, not read about how I've changed.
*sigh* Here goes nothing.
Metasakura Skin 1.0
The first version of another skin nobody other than me wants. Okay, maybe my friend Mahokaabi wants it, but she doesn't play osu! (yet). I actually finished this skin ages ago, but was to anxious to post it. It took me so long, that my art improved and I'm already working on v2.0 as I'm typing this, because I'm not satisfied with this version of the skin. I actually had an EVEN OLDER VERSION of the skin, but I lost it. All I have left are screenshots I uploaded to imgur to share with an old Chicken Smoothie friend. Chicken Smoothie is a pet collecting site. I'm like 13, ok? Now feel free to take a look at the images~
And look, I can properly upload images now! You can actually see what the skin looks like!!
Not bad for a 13 y.o. Meta Knight fangirl, eh? Actually, I started working on the skin before I turned 13, so not bad for a 12 y.o. Meta Knight fangirl! Hope you guys are hyped for version 2.0! It will look even nicer. Version 2.0. will fix everything I dislike about v.1.0. You guys will love it.
Hope everyone approves of this skin. I had fun making it and now I feel dead inside without MK giving me a thumbs up on breaks when I'm playing standard or Catch The Beat.
I also hope that actual Kirby fans play this game. Knowing how popular Kirby is, it's very likely.
Oh, I almost forgot to credit a couple of things! I took the mania layout from YUGEN (as you can tell by the hit light colors, struggled with changing them) and the hitsounds from the map Rin' - Sakura Sakura (Instrumental Version) - Note: The sound effects this map has actually INSPIRED the sakura blossom theme of the skin! Otherwise the skin would be called MetaSkin and would simply be a Meta Knight skin.
I also took some sounds from Freesound: section pass, section fail, combobreak, applause, failsound
See? I'm improving! Back in 2016, I wouldn't bother to credit ANYTHING!
*sigh* Here goes nothing.
Metasakura Skin 1.0
The first version of another skin nobody other than me wants. Okay, maybe my friend Mahokaabi wants it, but she doesn't play osu! (yet). I actually finished this skin ages ago, but was to anxious to post it. It took me so long, that my art improved and I'm already working on v2.0 as I'm typing this, because I'm not satisfied with this version of the skin. I actually had an EVEN OLDER VERSION of the skin, but I lost it. All I have left are screenshots I uploaded to imgur to share with an old Chicken Smoothie friend. Chicken Smoothie is a pet collecting site. I'm like 13, ok? Now feel free to take a look at the images~
And look, I can properly upload images now! You can actually see what the skin looks like!!
Not bad for a 13 y.o. Meta Knight fangirl, eh? Actually, I started working on the skin before I turned 13, so not bad for a 12 y.o. Meta Knight fangirl! Hope you guys are hyped for version 2.0! It will look even nicer. Version 2.0. will fix everything I dislike about v.1.0. You guys will love it.
I'm loo lazy to make a standard resolution version, so you'll just have to work with a non-centered mania and a cropped spinner metre. I was also too lazy to make @1x versions for most of the skin elements, so to my low-resolution friends, I'm sorry. You have to deal with a very early version of the hit circles and most of the elements missing. I promise I'll actually do @1x versions of all the elements in v2.0. I promise~ Maybe I'll do a standard resoution version as well. Time will tell I guess.
I'm loo lazy to make a standard resolution version, so you'll just have to work with a non-centered mania and a cropped spinner metre. I was also too lazy to make @1x versions for most of the skin elements, so to my low-resolution friends, I'm sorry. You have to deal with a very early version of the hit circles and most of the elements missing. I promise I'll actually do @1x versions of all the elements in v2.0. I promise~ Maybe I'll do a standard resoution version as well. Time will tell I guess.
Hope everyone approves of this skin. I had fun making it and now I feel dead inside without MK giving me a thumbs up on breaks when I'm playing standard or Catch The Beat.
I also hope that actual Kirby fans play this game. Knowing how popular Kirby is, it's very likely.
Oh, I almost forgot to credit a couple of things! I took the mania layout from YUGEN (as you can tell by the hit light colors, struggled with changing them) and the hitsounds from the map Rin' - Sakura Sakura (Instrumental Version) - Note: The sound effects this map has actually INSPIRED the sakura blossom theme of the skin! Otherwise the skin would be called MetaSkin and would simply be a Meta Knight skin.
I also took some sounds from Freesound: section pass, section fail, combobreak, applause, failsound
See? I'm improving! Back in 2016, I wouldn't bother to credit ANYTHING!