
How are you dealing with coronavirus?

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We've already been over a month in quarentine so I thought I'd revive this place a bit by asking how you have been dealing with the whole situation.

In my case, as far as boredom go, I don't really have an issue, I know how to occupy myself when inside, give me a computer and internet and I won't ever get bored.

However, it does impact my studies quite a lot. I am not really good at preventing myself from procrastinating, usually I deal with this by putting myself in a situation where I simply have no mean of procrastination, for instance by studying at school, even if I wanted to procrastinate, I wouldn't be able to because I don't have access to my computer. However, I can't do that now because I need to stay home with a computer right in front of me. It's going to be especially bad if the lockdown is still in place by the time I enter university this autumn, as I don't think I'll be able to handle this far rougher environement while staying at home.

It also makes me a little sad because it was going to be the first and only semester in which I would shares classes other than programming with my fellow classmate from the programming program. I decided to change my program from MATH/PHY/CHEM to MATH/PHY/PROG and because of that I was always ahead of my classmate in math and physics. Also, as it is my final semseter at my current school, I was supposed to make a semester long project for my last programming course and give a public presentation of it. I have been suepr excited for the public presentation of my project ever since I went to see the presentation of my upperclammen last year, especially since my project was so incredible in my eyes, but obviously that was cancelled.

It also inconvinience me a lot that I can't practice music at this current time. I live in an apartment and so I can't practice at home, usually my father drives me to his workplace on the weekend where there is nobody around but I obviously can't do that now.
My days have been filled with a lingering sense of uncertainty.

I feel myself lucky if we are speaking about time, but this came when I finally got used to be at work for a few hours daily, so I have been feeling a bit bored at times.

The enterprise I work in hasn't paid me at all since this started, the little money I had been saving is running out, furthermore my father hasn't been paid so we're worse economically, not the add the fact that after a few months of stable prices things have started to run out of control again. I have not received any news about my job.

Universities are unsure on how or when to start the next semester, a considerable proportion of people here hasn't got internet connection at home so the option of online classes is discarded.

Internet has gotten slow as hell, at times not even reaching 10KB/s so most of my time on the web has been like hell.

However, I took the time to start learning to do things I always wanted to learn and to improve in everything I learned; I have improved my drawing, musical and Japanese language skills, even if for a little bit.
I am not too affected by it. The only thing that's different for me is that I now work from home.
Tad Fibonacci
All of the free time in self isolation is pretty good. I got to do stuffs that I didn't had time to do before.
Though I'm lazy so there are so many more that I wanted to do but still haven't worked on.
To be honest, I don't mind the isolation or the free time. I know how to keep myself busy.
It's just that, the lack of purpose is kinda annoying.
There's nothing to look for, or to wait for anymore. It's almost like my life has been paused but time keeps moving on.
Sometimes I struggle to wake up and eat meals since there's no purpose to do so. Everyday is just like another, though it was kinda the same before the quarantine, but at least back then I was going through it for a reason.
Now, there's no reason.

So most of my day goes by trying to think of an excuse to do something. Some days it was pretty quick, others, not so much.

So tldr, it could've been better. But it could've been much worst.
At least I can afford to stay home and do nothing all day and still can get myself fed and entertained. I know many others struggles to.
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