
Do you have a period of time when your mapping is suddenly absolutely bad?

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Zelzatter Zero
So, within this thread,

TheKingHenry wrote:

for the most part, my "inspiration" comes from how I understand the music, and main similarities end up just being mostly fundamentals on how we interpret the music, and that is kind of done in similar fashion by hundreds of mappers, a lot in these days, and some already in times before too, with no particular inspiration necessarily always drawn between mappers

I have a curiousity if there's some times that your map (or mapping in general) is terrible.

Me is the 3rd MBC, when my entry literally looks like a fail copy of UndeadCapulet and Cheri, and that's an overstatement cuz it's way worse than that...
less a period, more of a hit-miss situation. i've tried mapping a number of songs i like, and its hit-miss whether or not its good. because in a given time, i see i have failed beatmaps and ones that are good, continuing, at the same time.

in relation to your quote, it really depends on the idea that pops in my mind when i try to translate the song into a map: the way i'd like to understand the map.

i'm gonna go ahead and guess that people with more lenient and continuous style of mapping (especially in the near past) encounter this problem less because their goal is to just map it and be able to play a map of the song. to put it rudely, those who use a very general mapping style. though that would be fine too...
sometimes I just make a bad map cause I'm messing around or trying something new or something
I'm kind of failing to stitch together how my statement there relates to this topic
I'd like to at least myself think that my maps are not absolutely bad :joy:
at least before I put the first object down

of course first worth mentioning that "bad" on some level is hard to define, and I'll be mainly think of it as something that doesn't meet your own quality standards

but to answer the question, I don't think so (well, other than maybe messing around like lewski said, but I personally don't have the time to map just to mess around); how I see it anyways is that once you've understood the fundamentals of mapping and found your style (or how I'd refer to it as per in the quote, how you understand and express the music), you just don't randomly create a "bad" map, if you try to do a good map.

Now this is a state of stagnation in a sense. I guess you can't make a "bad" map, but what about "better" maps than what you're doing? Or "different"? Well, that's a bit related to your mention of a failed copy-cap map; you can either try to evolve your mapping by brainstorming things in your own head, or using other mappers as inspirations (aka copying). Now, both can result in unseen complications, which could possible make your map "bad". Your own head bases on your own fundamentals, so it is less likely to hiccup your style, but probably also less likely to bring something as fresh on the table. Pick your poison ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Well, despite this whole situation I thought up regarding progression in mapping in this topic, I still doubt actually bad maps would be created, as long as you think of what you're doing when you're mapping (especially if you have good general understanding of different kinds of mapping anyways)

kinda /r/showerthoughts reply, just typed what came to mind lol
maybe it makes sense

TheKingHenry wrote:

once you've understood the fundamentals of mapping
Fundamentals of mapping:
1) Diff spikes are bad, but I'll inflate the SR one way or another.
2) Overlapped note timings are REALLY bad. If I do it it's because I want you to suffer.
3) Gimmick are fun! Let's see how gimmicky I can make this shit before I get yelled at.
4) Notes are not misnapped unless I say they are misnapped. Yes, I did intend to snap that slider end at 1/36th meter.
5) Consistency is good. Too much consistency is boring.
6) Lack of variety does not imply lack of quality.
7) That's YOUR definition of quality, anyhow.
8) Those who think notes are placed randomly with no reason don't understand how the map was made.
9) A pattern that's impossible by players today will eventually be possible someday.
10) A map will be fun if you know who will enjoy playing it.

TheKingHenry wrote:

of course first worth mentioning that "bad" on some level is hard to define, and I'll be mainly think of it as something that doesn't meet your own quality standards

^ My definition of bad tbh, bad is subjective, it's like choosing ice cream flavors for me, there are some I find good, some I find bad. Some would say all are equal, and some dude who literally hates different flavors of ice cream would hate on every existing flavors (if not obv)

But for me, I do have a period of time when my mapping becomes "bad". It's usually when I don't have any passion/motivation to map. When I map because I "need" to, and not because I "want" to. Tbh a lot of my mapping activity stemmed from my passion/motivation. I map because I enjoy mapping.

another factor for when my map becomes bad is when I don't have an inspiration. A lot of my maps are also mapper-inspired, and like a lot of mappers, combine concepts from different mappers, it's like "One For All" from BNHA where u inherit powers from others or smthn

beatmapsets/1057974#osu/2212128 <- This map represents my view on what is bad and what is good,
It's like my worst and best map merged into one lol, but tbh it was supposed to be a "mockery" to ranked maps that get ranked with this kind of aesthetic in the first half, while nearing the end of the unfinished map I try to make it as good as I can "In my eyes". This section tho is a representation of what others see in the map (the second half). I also realize that the people that map like this are actually those that are well-versed with the RC, and tbh showed me that you don't need to focus too much on aesthetics.

Yup that was me dissecting my own grave map lol, that was prty long

abraker wrote:

Fundamentals of mapping:
1) Diff spikes are bad, but I'll inflate the SR one way or another.
2) Overlapped note timings are REALLY bad. If I do it it's because I want you to suffer.
3) Gimmick are fun! Let's see how gimmicky I can make this shit before I get yelled at.
4) Notes are not misnapped unless I say they are misnapped. Yes, I did intend to snap that slider end at 1/36th meter.
5) Consistency is good. Too much consistency is boring.
6) Lack of variety does not imply lack of quality.
7) That's YOUR definition of quality, anyhow.
8) Those who think notes are placed randomly with no reason don't understand how the map was made.
9) A pattern that's impossible by players today will eventually be possible someday.
10) A map will be fun if you know who will enjoy playing it.

ok now this is epic
also, loving the edit of your normal avatar lul
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