
Why hello there

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Hi guys.

I'm pretty new to (Osu!), kinda got hooked when my friend introduced me to the game and I played on his account. After several months I managed to convince myself to make my own account, so yeah.
Hope to get better at this game, cos the thrill of harder beatmaps is just intoxicating. Pretty fun stuff, I suppose.
That's it from me as an introduction.

Singaporeans wwwwwwwww
Anyway, welcome to the forums Nihil :3
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Thanks for the welcome :3
Welcome to the forums~
Say doc, I got this rash, right...?
Welcome to osu! and its forums~
Welcome to the community! :)
-Aoba Seragaki-
Welcome to the forums~ Hope you love your stay in the forums .. And urm.. What esle to say.. What esle to say.. Must keep this on topic but.. Urm.. Oh right! What does you eat fur breakfast? o .o Please dont think I am stupid or weird. Urm... -Facedesk- Cant think of anything esle.. Dx ButI must keep it going somehow... I will return once I figure out a question to ask! I SWEAR I WILL!
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Thanks for the warm welcome all.
Before anything, I'd like to make it clear that I am not a certified doctor. Black Jack anyone?
To Starblightpaw, I had potato wedges for breakfast. They were delicious.
That's it from me for now, I hope to have merry time in the community :)
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