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Play with Hard Rock.
Just keep playing

Setsuen wrote:

I panic whenever I see a lot of hit circles and lose all sense of rhythm so I can't do Insane/Most high BPM hard songs...
Ironically I can put DT on Easy/Normal songs and have no problem at all, but then it's probably because I don't see 2348294hit circles on screen...
Play Hidden. Alternatively, you can practice playing Big Black with Easy on, but no one wants to do that.

Edit: Next page swag
Shohei Ohtani

Mr Color wrote:

Jarby wrote:

I'm going to guess you haven't played the NES game.
Or Ocarina of Time past the first dungeon.
Or Master Quest.
Or Majora's Mask.

Without a strategy guide.
It's funny because I haven't done any of these.
I have beaten OoT and Master's Quest many times when I was younger..nothing really confused me except for the water temple

Haven't played NES was born too late for that
Kanye West
Played plenty of donkey Kong country and Mario bros on snes, heck even played duck hunt on nes ans thought it was the coolest thing ever.
The worst thing was still Zelda NES 2nd quest


Princess wrote:

Haven't played NES was born too late for that
It's never really too late...
I was born later than you (assuming your profile age is accurate), but I've played plenty of NES games (admittedly, on emulators tho ><)
I remember having a great time playing startropics, SMB3, SMB2, and punch out!– my favorite retro system is the SNES though~

Speaking of zelda, link to the past is my favorite~

mathexpert9981 wrote:

Princess wrote:

Haven't played NES was born too late for that
It's never really too late...
I was born later than you (assuming your profile age is accurate), but I've played plenty of NES games (admittedly, on emulators tho ><)
I remember having a great time playing startropics, SMB3, SMB2, and punch out!– my favorite retro system is the SNES though~

Speaking of zelda, link to the past is my favorite~

I don't actually own an NES. My first system was SNES. I just find it really difficult to play NES, it's just feels weird. It's like if you asked a 10 year old today to play N64. Chances are he can't do it, it just feels so ancient
Im 14 and I feel right at home playing consoles such as the dreamcast, saturn, master system and atari 2600 (this is my current collection of retro consoles) They don't feel weird in the slightest
Shohei Ohtani
wel ur not 10 now r u
It's easy being able to play the NES Zelda games, or any sorta game pre-2000 for that matter. They're either mostly ported over to modern consoles, or you can find all of them online for free and just use an emulator. Depends on whether or not you want to actually support the group.

Also, I personally am not a fan of retro gaming. Anything pre-PS1, with the exception of some games (Such as SMB3 and the Sonic games for example), is pretty much out of my interest. Plus, a large portion of Retro Gamers are pretty awful, in the fact they trash every console that isn't old and just overall berate everything. Some sort of elitism that's just too unbearable to me.
My NES stopped working when I was about 4. Despite that, I still have it in my possession to this day.

I also confess that the only NES game I have an attention span of +30 minutes for is Kid Icarus. I use an emulator at this point.

Princess wrote:

I don't actually own an NES. My first system was SNES. I just find it really difficult to play NES, it's just feels weird. It's like if you asked a 10 year old today to play N64. Chances are he can't do it, it just feels so ancient
Yeah, I get the point. Same for me, pretty much any game on the NES feels really bland to me for some reason, except maybe Zelda and Zelda II.

However, despite the N64 being my first system, I can play SNES games just fine (as long as they don't abuse Mode 7 which THEY ALL DO)
Tsukimi Luna
im 9 and i love the playstation 1 and the SEGA genesis
I find it impossible to play PS3 or Xbox 360 or what new gen consoles there even are. Wii is tolerable, only because of SSBB. GameCube has Mario Kart and SSBM. Then there are the safe old consoles.

E: Also DS because of Pokémon, lel.
Blue Stig

Static Noise Bird wrote:

GameCube has Mario Kart and SSBM.
No, because that destroys the feeling of, uh, a Mario game. Before you ask why Mario Kart doesn't, it's obviously just a racing game, not a platformer, therefore not ruining the original by shitty changes, but being an amazing game by itself.
Shohei Ohtani
Usually every other night, sometime in whatever dream I'm having, I always end up seeing this girl I used to really like. She's not with anybody else (or if she is, it's like as friends), and doesn't really look unhappy. However, whenever I try to talk to her, she'll ignore me, and walk the other way. No matter what I do, she won't respond to whatever I say to her. I didn't really do anything wrong. The last time I talked to her things were going along so great. She gave me this big hug when she had to be homeschooled and thanked me for being such a good friend. But if I say anything to her, she ignores me. She doesn't really cry or show any extreme emotion, it's just ignoring.

Then I wake up and see the texts she's ignored from me, her blocking of me on Facebook, and her deletion of me from her contacts on Skype, and I realize that I never really was dreaming, just experiencing the alternate reality with the same truth.
Ever since I've started posting here, I've been reading from page one.

So far I'm here

Static Noise Bird wrote:

No, because that destroys the feeling of, uh, a Mario game. Before you ask why Mario Kart doesn't, it's obviously just a racing game, not a platformer, therefore not ruining the original by shitty changes, but being an amazing game by itself.

Yes and Link's Crossbow Training completely ruins the feeling of a Zelda game

Da7shadow wrote:

Ever since I've started posting here, I've been reading from page one.

So far I'm here

Static Noise Bird wrote:

No, because that destroys the feeling of, uh, a Mario game. Before you ask why Mario Kart doesn't, it's obviously just a racing game, not a platformer, therefore not ruining the original by shitty changes, but being an amazing game by itself.
But SMRPG was amazing, and it was done in kind of the same style as Paper Mario.

CDFA wrote:

Usually every other night, sometime in whatever dream I'm having, I always end up seeing this girl I used to really like. She's not with anybody else (or if she is, it's like as friends), and doesn't really look unhappy. However, whenever I try to talk to her, she'll ignore me, and walk the other way. No matter what I do, she won't respond to whatever I say to her. I didn't really do anything wrong. The last time I talked to her things were going along so great. She gave me this big hug when she had to be homeschooled and thanked me for being such a good friend. But if I say anything to her, she ignores me. She doesn't really cry or show any extreme emotion, it's just ignoring.

Then I wake up and see the texts she's ignored from me, her blocking of me on Facebook, and her deletion of me from her contacts on Skype, and I realize that I never really was dreaming, just experiencing the alternate reality with the same truth.

Static Noise Bird wrote:

No, because that destroys the feeling of, uh, a Mario game. Before you ask why Mario Kart doesn't, it's obviously just a racing game, not a platformer, therefore not ruining the original by shitty changes, but being an amazing game by itself.

Paper Mario was an RPG with platforming elements... Not a straight out platformer as well and did as much as it could to be an amazing game by itself.

If Nintendo made 4 of them, I'm pretty sure they know what they're doing as well.
I really enjoyed the paper mario games!!
As for a confetion, well I'm kinda obsessed with finding friend who are girls
Shohei Ohtani

Tuxdude143 wrote:

obsessed with finding friend who are girls
I'm sure there are a few ways to word this a bit better.
Basically he's extremely sexually deprived
Shohei Ohtani
Basically he's thirsty

Lilac wrote:

Static Noise Bird wrote:

No, because that destroys the feeling of, uh, a Mario game. Before you ask why Mario Kart doesn't, it's obviously just a racing game, not a platformer, therefore not ruining the original by shitty changes, but being an amazing game by itself.

Paper Mario was an RPG with platforming elements... Not a straight out platformer as well and did as much as it could to be an amazing game by itself.

If Nintendo made 4 of them, I'm pretty sure they know what they're doing as well.
Sure, tastes and preferences exist.

Mr Color wrote:

Static Noise Bird wrote:

No, because that destroys the feeling of, uh, a Mario game. Before you ask why Mario Kart doesn't, it's obviously just a racing game, not a platformer, therefore not ruining the original by shitty changes, but being an amazing game by itself.

Yes and Link's Crossbow Training completely ruins the feeling of a Zelda game
Yes and I don't care because I haven't ever played a single Zelda game.

mathexpert9981 wrote:

Basically he's extremely sexually deprived
Thats not what I meant. Im only 14!!

CDFA wrote:

Basically he's thirsty
That's not what I meant either

Tuxdude143 wrote:

mathexpert9981 wrote:

Basically he's extremely sexually deprived
Thats not what I meant. Im only 14!!
I'm just kidding dude ^^
Try not to take the internets so seriously especially someone w/ the username "mathexpert9981" and a sig thats a gif of yui perpetually eating toast
i'm not even that great at math i cri every tim :(

btw, I recently turned 16; we're not that far apart lol :P

mathexpert9981 wrote:

Tuxdude143 wrote:

I'm just kidding dude ^^
Try not to take the internets so seriously especially someone w/ the username "mathexpert9981" and a sig thats a gif of yui perpetually eating toast
i'm not even that great at math i cri every tim :(

btw, I recently turned 16; we're not that far apart lol :P
I know to not take the internet seriously. I was just making my point.
You can't be THAT bad at maths. Seriously im a little rubbish but I need to know it as I'm a personal computer programmer (computers are as logical as all hell. Spell one letter wrong or input an upper letter where a lower should be and the program won't work)

mathexpert9981 wrote:

i'm not even that great at math i cri every tim :(
and this is the story of how mathexpert became methexpert
math is a gateway drug to meth

mathexpert9981 wrote:

math is a gateway drug to meth
Don't you DARE even think about trying meth
Shohei Ohtani
It isn't weird to be 14 and thirsty for the V tho

Especially since we had a 9 year old a few pages back talking about her thirst for the D so
math should solve it's own problems.

CDFA wrote:

It isn't weird to be 14 and thirsty for the V tho

Especially since we had a 9 year old a few pages back talking about her thirst for the D so
*headdesk* Ok I admit you are kinda right but still what you say is pretty stupid
Shohei Ohtani
Whaaat? :P.

Soon you're gonna be collecting waifus left and right.

Which is ok as long as they're not my waifus

My waifus are mine :3

CDFA wrote:

Whaaat? :P.

Soon you're gonna be collecting waifus left and right.

Which is ok as long as they're not my waifus

My waifus are mine :3
*headdesk* Thats going a LITTLE bit too far. Collecting waifus left and right is a dream that is around 50 million miles away for me. I'd be lucky to get one and have them stay for more than a week!
Shohei Ohtani
I've got like 50 waifus hanging out with me right now



If only they were real :(

CDFA wrote:

I've got like 50 waifus hanging out with me right now



If only they were real :(
Don't worry. You'll find your person someday. (I don't think I will though)
Shohei Ohtani
M-M-Maybe I-I can be your p-person, o-onee-chan! >///<!!!~

CDFA wrote:

M-M-Maybe I-I can be your p-person, o-onee-chan! >///<!!!~
Oh God not like that!!!
Shohei Ohtani
You better get yourself your qt pie gf before I become your gf, then ;3

CDFA wrote:

You better get yourself your qt pie gf before I become your gf, then ;3
I don't even think your a girl!!l
And getting a girlfriend is easier said than done

UnderminE wrote:

I stole my friend's toy when I was 5.
When I was 5 my parents sent me to my babysitters house and found a shit ton of toys, tried to steal them but they wouldn't fit.

>Tried to steal >Them<.
Shohei Ohtani

Tuxdude143 wrote:

CDFA wrote:

You better get yourself your qt pie gf before I become your gf, then ;3
I don't even think your a girl!!l
And getting a girlfriend is easier said than done
Well you better hurry it up because I already have the wedding dress picked out.
Fuck off, guys.
Shohei Ohtani
Urgh. I still can find a girlfriend! Augh!!
pls who needs a girlfriend??? Girlfriends are overrated
I got fiendzoned by a girl that I really like a couple of weeks ago.
Now I am dating that girl.


Raose wrote:

pls who needs a girlfriend??? Girlfriends are overrated
yeah obviously pfffft.
I wanted to stress out my financial problems again but
>this page

Maybe later.
I didn't really expect myself to be in a relationship with the person i'm currently with because he was odd before.

funny how things turn out
I've always loved, and still do love, every woman I've ever remotely liked in a more-than-plationic way. Even if the relationship never progressed into the ballpark or fizzled out soon after. I move on with my life, but there are little rooms in my heart indefinitely rented out to my past crushes and interests.

That's kind of standard for most men? So I don't really have a dark secret confession of any worth...

Quaraezha wrote:

I wanted to stress out my financial problems again but
>this page

Maybe later.
...but I would be interested in reading about yours!

Tuxdude143 wrote:

Urgh. I still can find a girlfriend! Augh!!
you show your D to the girl tou have feel for and she will fall for you

ez girl ez life

chewy wrote:

I've always loved, and still do love, every woman I've ever remotely liked in a more-than-plationic way. Even if the relationship never progressed into the ballpark or fizzled out soon after. I move on with my life, but there are little rooms in my heart indefinitely rented out to my past crushes and interests.

That's kind of standard for most men? So I don't really have a dark secret confession of any worth...
That's incredibly sweet of you.

chewy wrote:

I've always loved, and still do love, every woman I've ever remotely liked in a more-than-plationic way. Even if the relationship never progressed into the ballpark or fizzled out soon after. I move on with my life, but there are little rooms in my heart indefinitely rented out to my past crushes and interests.
Same here, except for one exception. Not sure if that's standard at all, but it's a good thing either way.

Tuxdude143 wrote:

Urgh. I still can find a girlfriend! Augh!!
you're 14
If you're so desperate for a gf why don't you head to #osu and spam compliments followed by a ":3" to the first girl you find in there?
Kanye West
barin ur totemo kawaii desu :3

Brian OA wrote:

If you're so desperate for a gf why don't you head to #osu and spam compliments followed by a ":3" to the first girl you find in there?
Or just do what TBTE does every time a girl posts a picture of herself in the IRL thread, because that works every single time.
He forces me to tell how much i love him all the time <3
I'm not an actual bear! D=
Kanye West

Dulcet wrote:

Brian OA wrote:

If you're so desperate for a gf why don't you head to #osu and spam compliments followed by a ":3" to the first girl you find in there?
Or just do what TBTE does every time a girl posts a picture of herself in the IRL thread, because that works every single time.
yoyyOyOO!! boo WhATchu UhP TAA TOnIgHttt hitt ME UhP Ynnnnn Daaa Hood, SWAGGGGG Yolo 42000

Kanye West wrote:

yoyyOyOO!! boo WhATchu UhP TAA TOnIgHttt hitt ME UhP Ynnnnn Daaa Hood, SWAGGGGG Yolo 42000

Kanye West wrote:

yoyyOyOO!! boo WhATchu UhP TAA TOnIgHttt hitt ME UhP Ynnnnn Daaa Hood, SWAGGGGG Yolo 42000
bitch plz you can't even
fuck i can't do it.
I just can't make myself so fucking retarded for so long.

Kanye West wrote:

yoyyOyOO!! boo WhATchu UhP TAA TOnIgHttt hitt ME UhP Ynnnnn Daaa Hood, SWAGGGGG Yolo 42000
I laughed my ass off trying to read that out loud.

It sucks when you're inconsistent with yourself, eventually giving into your primal urges and shitposting
Wanting a girlfriend at 14 isn't a confession, it's hormones...

Anyways, I guess I'll give two.

1) My dad bought me a 12 pack of cheap razors awhile ago. Every time I use them, they leave my skin feeling like it's in massive pain, specifically stinging and burning. It gets really severe, but I 'ignore' it and never mention because: a) All pain is temporary, it's no use worrying about something so small. b) They work better than any razor I've had before (which is a LOT).

2) When I was about, say, 12 or so, we got a laptop from my dad's friend who works with computers. I pretty much used it more than anyone else really. Anyways, I usually used it under my bed because it was cool (temperature wise) and peaceful under there. I mostly just watched movies on this one site my dad found, but on one specific day, I got curious from discussions from school (despite having been the summer at the time), and actually went ahead and looked up porn. It was a bit of a risk I'd say, being in the middle of the day, but I don't remember ever worrying about it. Anyways, I actually managed to get somewhere, when suddenly, my mom gets to my doorway, obviously suspicious (You actually CAN'T see what I'm doing from under my bed, due to the positioning and bed skirt). She tells me to hand over the laptop, so I X'ed everything out and turned it off beforehand, but still panicked and wouldn't give it up. My mom knew something was obviously up, so she called my dad and told him that after work he needs to check the laptop, obviously through its history. However, when he looked, he could find nothing related to it. Why? I was using Safe Mode. He asked me if it was a bad pop up that worried me, and I just went with that. I know they never figured it out, because a few months ago, my mom actually asked me if I was looking at info or whatever about transgender stuff and did not want to get caught with it.

EDIT:: I should mention that this was the first and last time I ever actually looked at porn, honestly.
14 and wanting a gf? pls.
I had to wait until I was 17 to have my first not forced kiss
(because assholes I've known through my life loved to kiss my when I was distracted.)
Plus I had to wait MORE THAN 1 YEAR to actually meet my boyfriend and then kiss him
ps.: I'm still 17

gfs/bfs are overrated
Kanye West

[Luanny] wrote:

gfs/bfs are overrated
so true.

fwb is better.

Kanye West wrote:

fwb is better.
amen to that brotha
Shohei Ohtani

Tuxdude143 wrote:

Urgh. I still can find a girlfriend! Augh!!
Here I got you something

You seem thirsty.

Dulcet wrote:

Brian OA wrote:

If you're so desperate for a gf why don't you head to #osu and spam compliments followed by a ":3" to the first girl you find in there?
Or just do what TBTE does every time a girl posts a picture of herself in the IRL thread, because that works every single time.
Girl I think you've got your acronyms mixed up

what you're describing is SNB, not TBTE
My fetish for legs and feet--even other innocuous body parts--is getting out of hand. Help please.

D33d wrote:

My fetish for legs and feet--even other innocuous body parts--is getting out of hand. Help please.
Control your desires

Princess wrote:

D33d wrote:

My fetish for legs and feet--even other innocuous body parts--is getting out of hand. Help please.
Control your desires
Shohei Ohtani

D33d wrote:

My fetish for legs and feet--even other innocuous body parts--is getting out of hand. Help please.
Go to a retirement home and get a job cleaning feet.
Get the legs thread wastelanded

If you can do this you are master of your domain
So many of my distant relatives are rich. My parent's cousins. I remember when I went to Asia (not saying where specifically) I got to stay in a mansion with my own room for 2 days, and several maids that would clean up and cook amazing meals. This was back when I was 12, so I didn't really realize that that was supposed to be the one event in my life that motivated me to be at least semi successful. My family is sort of disconnected, so I didn't really ever see them or talk to them again, it was just because we needed a place to stay before flying somewhere else.

i really didn't make much of this until i read tsukihime a couple years ago. i dunno, those rich settings just give me the biggest feels ever since.

i dream about living like this but i'm a lazy pile of bones that can't even get up and learn a language easily :(
Alright so things have been going well for me recently.
I've been getting a few commissions here and then and I've finally reached about half my goal to $300.

But I haven't gotten anything new for the last week.
I'm just impatient. But it would be nice to reach my goal early.

So, any of you guys interested in commission art from me?
CDFA already did and I love him for that <3
Thanks again bby
Shohei Ohtani
Carl draws the best hentai

Mr Color wrote:

Dulcet wrote:

Or just do what TBTE does every time a girl posts a picture of herself in the IRL thread, because that works every single time.
Girl I think you've got your acronyms mixed up

what you're describing is SNB, not TBTE
Mister I think you've got your acronyms mixed up

what you're describing is, uh, I can't think about anyone, but definitely not SNB

E: I have an obsession to prove someone wrong after they've said something wrong about me. So yeah, that's a (lame) confession and this is the wrongproving: the latest 10 I've complimented (girls in bold):
  1. maal
  2. Loctav
  3. Felice (only so I could twist CDFA's words, though; even then nobody got it so yeah nevermind)
  4. Katze
  5. lewa (not sure if boldworthy)
  6. GeGGuli (kind of)
  7. Ayu
  8. salted_nuts (kind of)
  9. Kiay
  10. Lily-Kun
And I've skipped way (WAYYYY) over half of the gurls' pics to compliment (sure, skipped way over half of the guys' pics too, assumingly), so no need to constantly get all over my ass trying to burn it, thank you very much.

TL;DR: Color, you are wrong.
Shohei Ohtani
haha I saw my name in SNB's post and I thought I was so cool but then I realized that I didn't get complimented </3
I haven't seen your pics lately. Post more butt pics for insta-compliments.
Shohei Ohtani
omg I posted my butt in the post your back thread <///3
But I don't check that ever, only legs thread and the main thread ;A;
Every other Christmas, my grand parents on my mother's side buy me and my brothers a special, expensive gift. Last Christmas I told them we wanted a Wii U PURPOSELY knowing I'd be the only one out of the three of us wanting one. I ended up actually getting it, and both of my brothers complained non-stop about it, saying how they "didn't want it" and stuff. For once I was overjoyed. Parents care? Nope, they wanted to SELL IT for something the three of us could agree on, but they know well enough I hate everything my brothers like basically. Had to give up the $50 I got in my card from them to keep my Wii U. It was definitely worth it, since it's the only thing I use for internet most times. That, and SEGA's recent companionship with Nintendo, considering I am a pretty huge Sonic fan, If I may say so myself.
I have a tendency of getting pissed off for no apparent reason.
Kyonko Hizara

Da7shadow wrote:

I have a tendency of getting pissed off for no apparent reason.

Da7shadow wrote:

I have a tendency of getting pissed off for no apparent reason.
I feel at ease around people losing their shit

Da7shadow wrote:

I have a tendency of getting pissed off for no apparent reason.
I don't because I'm reasonable and rational and think things through.

Quaraezha wrote:

Da7shadow wrote:

I have a tendency of getting pissed off for no apparent reason.
I don't because I'm reasonable and rational and think things through.
I don't either because I'm the chillest person ever for no apparent reason.
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