
osu!catch World Cup 2020 - Discussion Thread

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Welcome to the osu!catch World Cup 2020 Discussion Thread.
Here you can discuss everything related to this year's biggest worldwide osu!catch tournament.

Notable changes for this year (subject to change):

  1. The "comeback" ban mechanic from the previous instalment of the osu!catch World Cup has been removed. Each team will now be allowed only one ban at the start of the match. Pool sizes will be adjusted accordingly.
  2. After completing a beatmap, the team picking next will have a maximum of two minutes to decide their next pick. On the first instance of exceeding this time limit in a match, a warning will be issued to the offending team. On second and further instances in the match, the referee will choose at random one of the remaining eligible beatmaps from that round's mappool.
  3. Each team will receive a "tactical timeout" of two minutes, which can be used at any time during their team's pick, once per match. The tactical timeout is optional, and is not required to be used.

As always, we are also looking for commentators for this World Cup, so please contact either deadbeat or juankristal if you are interested.
it's gaming time
Time to for the training montage
cant wait

JBHyperion wrote:

Wiki | Livestream

Welcome to the osu!catch World Cup 2020 Discussion Thread.
Here you can discuss everything related to this year's biggest worldwide osu!catch tournament.

Notable changes for this year (subject to change):

  1. The "comeback" ban mechanic from the previous instalment of the osu!catch World Cup has been removed. Each team will now be allowed only one ban at the start of the match. Pool sizes will be adjusted accordingly.
  2. After completing a beatmap, the team picking next will have a maximum of two minutes to decide their next pick. On the first instance of exceeding this time limit in a match, a warning will be issued to the offending team. On second and further instances in the match, the referee will choose at random one of the remaining eligible beatmaps from that round's mappool.
  3. Each team will receive a "tactical timeout" of two minutes, which can be used at any time during their team's pick, once per match. The tactical timeout is optional, and is not required to be used.

As always, we are also looking for commentators for this World Cup, so please contact either deadbeat or juankristal if you are interested.

lets go)))
how can i register??
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Signups can be found here. Please be sure to read the rules found on the signup page before submitting your registration!
haha i rolypoly

JBHyperion wrote:

Wiki | Livestream

Welcome to the osu!catch World Cup 2020 Discussion Thread.
Here you can discuss everything related to this year's biggest worldwide osu!catch tournament.

Notable changes for this year (subject to change):

  1. The "comeback" ban mechanic from the previous instalment of the osu!catch World Cup has been removed. Each team will now be allowed only one ban at the start of the match. Pool sizes will be adjusted accordingly.
  2. After completing a beatmap, the team picking next will have a maximum of two minutes to decide their next pick. On the first instance of exceeding this time limit in a match, a warning will be issued to the offending team. On second and further instances in the match, the referee will choose at random one of the remaining eligible beatmaps from that round's mappool.
  3. Each team will receive a "tactical timeout" of two minutes, which can be used at any time during their team's pick, once per match. The tactical timeout is optional, and is not required to be used.

As always, we are also looking for commentators for this World Cup, so please contact either deadbeat or juankristal if you are interested.

I'm not sure which seeding system is in place this year, but I'm assuming it's similar, if not equal, to last years. However there feels something wrong with it, given how pp sadly isn't a 100% accurate representation of skill, especially in the catch community. I've made some calculations to what seeding which team will get (with their current top3 players) and right now there's a possibility of the following group:

Top seed: South Korea | High seed: Chile | Low seed: Mexico | Unseeded: whatever really, let's take Sweden

In other words, the number 1, 3, 4 and a 13th-16th finisher of last year could be in the same group. I feel like taking into account what places teams got in previous years should be a factor in considering seeding. A team like Mexico shouldn't be a low seed if they've beaten the US, France, the Phillipines, Canada and Poland in last years edition, when all five of these countries are a top or high seed in this year. (using last year system)

Perhaps this world cup should use a qualifier system as well, similar to the regular osu cup, to determine proper seeding? I'm assuming there's not a lot of time left anymore, to implement any changes to the seeding system. However I guess it could be food for thought, and potentially futher cups.

These are just my two cents though. :)
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Registrations ended a day earlier than they should have done for some reason, so the timer was reset for another 24 hours. Apologies for the confusion!
gamer mode
que ase
When are the matches tomorrow?
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The Group Stage will commence with Philippines vs. Hong Kong at 10:00 UTC+0 tomorrow.

A full schedule can be found on the CWC 2020 wiki page.

Be sure to follow osulive on Twitch using the "Livestream" link in the opening post to be notified of when streamed matches are underway!
osu world cup is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo overated.
It would be so fun to play in a World Cup for the first time!
But i'm bad and i can play only 3 and half stars level max.......
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