
osu!archive | osu! versions from 2007 to now (design update out now!)

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Archiving all the osu! versions from 2007 to now!

osu!archive is an osu! archival website, with the plan of archiving all rare and old osu! versions that we can possibly find.

right now we have a few cool ones, such as triangles, lazer transitional, triangles (but this time with the old main menu), and much more.

Check it out at!

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This is actaully good
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kolikiscool wrote:

This is actaully good

Help i cant connect into the website it says: Connection failed: Connection refused !
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kolikiscool wrote:

Help i cant connect into the website it says: Connection failed: Connection refused !

Oh, i didn't even notice that! Thanks for the report, should be working now.
thanks! ive been wanting to play the old osu ever since i wached the koifishu vid!
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oofboy1234oof wrote:

thanks! ive been wanting to play the old osu ever since i wached the koifishu vid!
i like collecting old osu! versions too, i have checked out your website and it's really cool, i was looking for the lazer transitional build ever since i saw a video of peppy coding it, and this website surprisingly has it! i have an osu! version from 2013 that apparently is missing on your website so i'm going to submit it!
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ILuvSkins wrote:

i like collecting old osu! versions too, i have checked out your website and it's really cool, i was looking for the lazer transitional build ever since i saw a video of peppy coding it, and this website surprisingly has it! i have an osu! version from 2013 that apparently is missing on your website so i'm going to submit it!
thanks :)
dang it i almost FCed a 4* map in that lazer transition client, you can only use mouse buttons in it so that was a factor of me breaking combo

and the weird sliderball glitches which make the default skin even more unreadable
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@ILivSkins you DM'd me but i cant actually repsond to that, but I've seen it in the form and i'll add it when i get some time
okay, idk why but lots of people not on my friends list couldnt dm me, i didnt even enable that "only get DMs from friends" option

edit: i just turned that option off, probably enabled it by accident
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new page design is out now!
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newer page design is out now, completely rewritten from the ground up for 2020 standards!
- Marco -

TIL: December has 33 days :^)
Cool, now i can compare the performace between the previous and the current version.
Lazer versions not based off the old codebase can be indexed through git did I remember? (needs command line and Visual Studio to actually accomplish and play this though)
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McEndu wrote:

Lazer versions not based off the old codebase can be indexed through git did I remember? (needs command line and Visual Studio to actually accomplish and play this though)
yeah, you're correct, just some people have issues compiling these
I can't go in the site!

Danceypants2 wrote:

I can't go in the site!
Site is now found at
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