I believe that the osu site has been responsible for a big misunderstanding in the internet about authors of the following track: http://osu.ppy.sh/s/5708
It has been discussed in the beatmap's thread that authors are not IOSYS, as some people believe (and most of them probably because of this site here), but Conagusuri. The poster of this beatmap could not edit the title and hoped for a mod to do something about that. Nothing was fixed for three years and the mistake led to disinformation. Just search "IOSYS Chirumiru" in Youtube and you mostly get Osu videos. I'd like to play that but it's pretty annoying with this issue. ^^
It has been discussed in the beatmap's thread that authors are not IOSYS, as some people believe (and most of them probably because of this site here), but Conagusuri. The poster of this beatmap could not edit the title and hoped for a mod to do something about that. Nothing was fixed for three years and the mistake led to disinformation. Just search "IOSYS Chirumiru" in Youtube and you mostly get Osu videos. I'd like to play that but it's pretty annoying with this issue. ^^