
NAT Meeting Summary 2020-03-22

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Listed here are the tasks and conclusions derived from the 7th NAT meeting, "State of QAH & Misc".
You can find future and past meeting topics here.

Ranking Criteria Subforum Engagement
  1. Create a new Aiess channel for RC proposals, similar to #mapfeed (by Naxess)

State of QAH
  1. Implement the following features to QAH section on bnsite:
    1. Notes
    2. Button to indicate you found an issue
  2. Create a proposal to add a separate QAH group (by radar)
    1. yaspo is responsible for poking radar
  3. Trial counting QA checks as 1/4 the activity of nominations and evaluating resets on QA checks

Non-task Conclusions
  1. RC proposals will now be announced on Mappers' Report and have constant maintenance provided by Noffy and yaspo on both BNG and osu!dev servers

If we've missed a task related to the meeting, or you have questions or concerns about existing tasks, feel free to post in this thread. We won’t follow it very actively, however, so responses may be infrequent.
yaspo is responsible for poking radar!
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