
[INTEREST CHECK][HELP CONFUSED KID OUT] osu!std Novice Tournament?

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osu!std Novice Tournament, mainly a check if people want something like this.

Okay, so I guess I'll mainly brainstorm what I know/have planned this far and what I'll need help with if I'll host this thing.
Note: I've never hosted a tournament before and I might not have heard of all the words you use, so please be nice.


  1. Diff: 2,9-3,9
  2. For the mappool, I'm considering splitting it up by difficulty so it increases the further the tournament goes. Like, we start at 2,9-3,1 and in the end we might end up playing 3,9* or even 4*.
  3. No rank limit, but an upper limit of 999 PP at the day registration closes.
  4. Some medals should not be unlocked by the player, like the one for passing 5*. This is also a thing that will be controlled the day registration closes.
  5. The player's best performance can't exceed 65 PP. Same with registration and stuff here.
  6. I'm thinking head-to-head plays, but I'm not sure. Teams? 1v1? I don't know. Feel free to come with ideas!

What I need help with

  1. If you'd want to co-host or simply help me out with this, send me a PM. I'd appreciate all the help I can get because I'm so confused. Bonus points if you've done this before and know what you're doing.
  2. Screening. I honestly don't even get what it is or how it's done. Do I have to do it? How do I do it? Is it even necessary to do it?
  3. More suggestions for the mappool would be gold, post if you have any.
  4. Free mods on or off? What's recommended?
  5. If you're interested to participate in the tournament itself, feel free to post time and dates that would work for you. Don't forget to include time zones.

If you guys have any other comments, feel free to post them. And also, if there's something particular I should keep in mind, please tell me.

Best regards,
I’ll try my best to clarify some things.
Your mappool should have no mod maps, hard rock maps, double time maps, free mod maps as well as a tiebreaker.
Screening is a process where you check if the player has like a 1000pp play on Yomi yori or something. It’s basically to ensure that the player is legitimate and falls into the rank range and requirements in order to participate.
Whether you want to use score v1 or v2 is also something to consider, but I recommend to stick with score v1 for this rank range. Your star rating looks okay for now, but just make sure that grand final mappool isn’t the same diff as the quarter finals or something.

Good luck with your tournament!
Adding onto this, if you want to use the tourney client, you will need osu supporter.
I played a lot 2.9*-3.9* maps in my life (215k player and 450 game hours), and I'm already mappooler for 2 organisations and ref for one.
I would like to help you in your process. As mappooler, ref, caster, ... as you want.
Feel free to contact me at
I hope everything is gonna be fine in your project.
Topic Starter

Numero_Zer0e wrote:

I played a lot 2.9*-3.9* maps in my life (215k player and 450 game hours), and I'm already mappooler for 2 organisations and ref for one.
I would like to help you in your process. As mappooler, ref, caster, ... as you want.
Feel free to contact me at
I hope everything is gonna be fine in your project.

It seems like people usually split up the staff into smaller areas, like oh yeah you do mappooling. Does it have to be that way?
Ref stands for referees, right? I still don't really get what they do x)
And caster is a new word for me, please help me out.
I'll send you an email too, I'm glad people want to help me out with this. *cries in confusion*

Kontrystie wrote:

Numero_Zer0e wrote:

I played a lot 2.9*-3.9* maps in my life (215k player and 450 game hours), and I'm already mappooler for 2 organisations and ref for one.
I would like to help you in your process. As mappooler, ref, caster, ... as you want.
Feel free to contact me at
I hope everything is gonna be fine in your project.

It seems like people usually split up the staff into smaller areas, like oh yeah you do mappooling. Does it have to be that way?
Ref stands for referees, right? I still don't really get what they do x)
And caster is a new word for me, please help me out.
I'll send you an email too, I'm glad people want to help me out with this. *cries in confusion*

It’s okay to not understand some technical jargon if you’re just starting. Dw too much about it.
Caster=commentator, someone who talks on stream.
If you choose to pursue running this tourney further, I suggest you make a discord server for players and staff!

Best of luck!
Topic Starter

Clarkyclarker wrote:

It’s okay to not understand some technical jargon if you’re just starting. Dw too much about it.
Caster=commentator, someone who talks on stream.
If you choose to pursue running this tourney further, I suggest you make a discord server for players and staff!

Best of luck!

What does the referee do?

Clarkyclarker wrote:

Your mappool should have no mod maps, hard rock maps, double time maps, free mod maps as well as a tiebreaker.

Also Hidden, probably.

Kontrystie wrote:

Numero_Zer0e wrote:

I played a lot 2.9*-3.9* maps in my life (215k player and 450 game hours), and I'm already mappooler for 2 organisations and ref for one.
I would like to help you in your process. As mappooler, ref, caster, ... as you want.
Feel free to contact me at
I hope everything is gonna be fine in your project.

It seems like people usually split up the staff into smaller areas, like oh yeah you do mappooling. Does it have to be that way?
Ref stands for referees, right? I still don't really get what they do x)
And caster is a new word for me, please help me out.
I'll send you an email too, I'm glad people want to help me out with this. *cries in confusion*

Kontrystie wrote:

Clarkyclarker wrote:

It’s okay to not understand some technical jargon if you’re just starting. Dw too much about it.
Caster=commentator, someone who talks on stream.
If you choose to pursue running this tourney further, I suggest you make a discord server for players and staff!

Best of luck!

What does the referee do?

Referee is the person who put the maps during the match, who is updating the score during the match and who is supposed to take the decisions about the match when it's needed (an example : when a player crash, do they replay the map or no ?).

Clarkyclarker wrote:

I’ll try my best to clarify some things.
Your mappool should have no mod maps, hard rock maps, double time maps, free mod maps as well as a tiebreaker.
Screening is a process where you check if the player has like a 1000pp play on Yomi yori or something. It’s basically to ensure that the player is legitimate and falls into the rank range and requirements in order to participate.
Whether you want to use score v1 or v2 is also something to consider, but I recommend to stick with score v1 for this rank range. Your star rating looks okay for now, but just make sure that grand final mappool isn’t the same diff as the quarter finals or something.

Good luck with your tournament!

I also agree with the score v1 suggestion. As the participants are just new players, they will most likely not know how Sv2 works. If the tourney uses Sv2, they may have one extra thing to worry about other than the tourney itself. That said tho, Sv2 is a tourney ready scoring system. Both of them are completely fine and you may ask more ppl's opinion on this when designing the tourney and it's a highly suggested act.

The rank limitations look fine to me. That said, you may or may not have to do some minor adjustments on it. Just keep that in mind.

As for 1v1 or team vs, either is fine or you may do both at the same time. However, keep in mind that a large portion of the lower players may not even know what's a tourney or may not know where to find tourney. I doubt it will be a major problem if there is enough ppl join. You may pick what you like or the participants like. Just remember in the multiplayer lobby, if I remember correctly, "Head to Head" will not end the match if somebody fails, but "team vs" do when the whole team fail. Test the tourney with the staff if you can.

Mappool wise, it looks fine and the above comments already covered the mods and so on. Maybe you may think about whether the tourney is single elimination or double elimination. It may be best if you make the tourney be held in weekends if you plan to make it a global tourney.


Sorry for the long text. As a lifeform who lives in the almost opposite side of you, I love your idea and I fully support it. I may be able to help you as a staff if you need me (just pm me). I am fluent in both Chinese and English so if you want to make it a global tourney, I think I may be able to help. You may create a discord server for the tourney first.


ITotallyGetThat wrote:

Clarkyclarker wrote:

Your mappool should have no mod maps, hard rock maps, double time maps, free mod maps as well as a tiebreaker.

Also Hidden, probably.

totally forgot to say that lol ;w;

Also if you ever need an extra staff member I'm down to help. I have experience :P
Topic Starter

ITotallyGetThat wrote:

Clarkyclarker wrote:

Your mappool should have no mod maps, hard rock maps, double time maps, free mod maps as well as a tiebreaker.

Also Hidden, probably.

So nine maps in total? NM x2, DT x2, HR x2, HD x2 and FM x1?
How do we even determine who the winner is? Guess it can be a bit different depending on who you're paired with in the qualifiers and that stuff..

Kontrystie wrote:

ITotallyGetThat wrote:

Clarkyclarker wrote:

Your mappool should have no mod maps, hard rock maps, double time maps, free mod maps as well as a tiebreaker.

Also Hidden, probably.

So nine maps in total? NM x2, DT x2, HR x2, HD x2 and FM x1?
How do we even determine who the winner is? Guess it can be a bit different depending on who you're paired with in the qualifiers and that stuff..

Most tournaments have 5 NM maps, 2/3 DT, HR, HD and FM maps and 1 TB (tiebreaker) map. But 2 NM, 1 DT, 1 HR and 1 HD map for their qualifiers. I suggest you make a discord for the tournament and invite some people that would like to help you out with your tournament.
I'd be down to be a referee for this if you decide to have it! Let me know

Kontrystie wrote:

osu!std Novice Tournament, mainly a check if people want something like this.

Okay, so I guess I'll mainly brainstorm what I know/have planned this far and what I'll need help with if I'll host this thing.
Note: I've never hosted a tournament before and I might not have heard of all the words you use, so please be nice.


  1. Diff: 2,9-3,9
  2. For the mappool, I'm considering splitting it up by difficulty so it increases the further the tournament goes. Like, we start at 2,9-3,1 and in the end we might end up playing 3,9* or even 4*.
  3. No rank limit, but an upper limit of 999 PP at the day registration closes.
  4. Some medals should not be unlocked by the player, like the one for passing 5*. This is also a thing that will be controlled the day registration closes.
  5. The player's best performance can't exceed 65 PP. Same with registration and stuff here.
  6. I'm thinking head-to-head plays, but I'm not sure. Teams? 1v1? I don't know. Feel free to come with ideas!

What I need help with

  1. If you'd want to co-host or simply help me out with this, send me a PM. I'd appreciate all the help I can get because I'm so confused. Bonus points if you've done this before and know what you're doing.
  2. Screening. I honestly don't even get what it is or how it's done. Do I have to do it? How do I do it? Is it even necessary to do it?
  3. More suggestions for the mappool would be gold, post if you have any.
  4. Free mods on or off? What's recommended?
  5. If you're interested to participate in the tournament itself, feel free to post time and dates that would work for you. Don't forget to include time zones.

If you guys have any other comments, feel free to post them. And also, if there's something particular I should keep in mind, please tell me.

Best regards,

For player registrations, I recommend using Google forms for player signups and/or staff signups. This makes it easier for you to know who wants to participate in the tourney, this also helps with screening and makes it much more easier to get to the persons profile and see if they're legitimate or not. It also helps with organization since you don't have to look through every single post on this forum. Questions for the player signups should always have "What's your osu! user?" and if you are planning to make a discord server then put the question, "What is your discord user and tag?" And if you are putting up a discord server, then make sure to put the server link on the forum post. Hit me up if you need staff members.
[ shine ]
I'll go into freemod for a little more detail for you. There are a couple of ways you can run the freemod portion of your mappool, depending on what type of tournament your running and the host's preferences. In freemod, the player can choose the mod, and they can be combined if wanted. The list of mods choices that can be picked varies from tournament to tournament. The common list from what I've seen are HR, HD, and FL. (DT/NC is usually not a choice due to it forcing everyone playing to play with the mod without choice)

In a 1v1, freemod is different from forcemod where:
  1. In freemod, the player can choose have a mod or not.
  2. In forcemod, the player is forced to play with at least one mod on.

These rules can go even further if doing a team tournament for example in a 4v4 format with the mod choices as HR, HD, and HR+HD:
  1. All the players can choose to have a mod or not.
  2. The Team has to have at least one mod choice on.
  3. The Team has to have players play with a certain mod on. I.e. forcing one player to play with HR and one player to play with HD, or one player with HD+HR on; with the remaining two players choosing if they want mods on or not.

These choices are not extensive but should cover the basics of what goes into the freemod portion of a tournament. Additionally, a Tiebreaker map is usually played with the freemod rules. I hope this is helpful in anyway as it can help you figure out what to do when you make rules, or when you choosing beatmap for a mappool.
If you do decide to run it, you can PM me if you ever need more staff members and ill help you out. :)
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Okay so I made a Discord server after ten years :D
(Link deleted)
Link shouldn't expire.

Kontrystie wrote:

Some medals should not be unlocked by the player, like the one for passing 5*. This is also a thing that will be controlled the day registration closes.

This might not be a good idea since passing 5* is actually not that hard.
Some TV size farm map like Harumachi clover is quite easy to pass even for new players. (I remember I passed it when I had around 1000 pp and I will not be surprised if anyone could do this with less total pp)

Maybe change the criteria to not passing 6* or FC 5* would be better.

You can pm me if you need me to be a staff. (tho I don't have experience on organizing a tourney either)
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