
osu! World Cup #3 (Concluded - Korea wins)

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Mantis wrote:

Team Iceland (GMT+0)

Captain: Mantis
#2: -
#3: -
#4: -
#5: -
#6: -
You're doing better than us.

lolcubes wrote:

Know that feel man.
You could put together a Yugoslav team.'re not too fussed about working with Serbs.

LaVolpe024 wrote:

You could put together a Yugoslav team.'re not too fussed about working with Serbs.
I don't mind, however then again I don't really have time either ;_;. Was just a bit sad that to my knowledge there aren't any active people in my country haha.
Though I am not sure even if we combine our countries that we could make a proper team which is available at all times either. :\
Team Finland (UTC+2)

Captain: thelewa
#2: Regnall
#3: Valentiino
#4: Lunati
#5: F m L
#6: ethox

the fourth player is probably going to be Lunati. Both Lunati and Regnall are going to have military service beginning in January.
^What about morovaa? Isn't he active or something? IIRC he had a respectable rank

Team Poland (GMT+1)

Captain: fartownik
#2: Niko-
#3: WubWoofWolf
#4: wiciu
#5: rEdo
#6: Piotrekol--
#7: SteRRuM
#8: Mystique-

Will add more/change soon.
Team Latvia
Time zone: GMT+2

Captain: LoGo
#2: Forseen
#3: Vmx
#4: nomen

Mr Color wrote:

^What about morovaa? Isn't he active or something? IIRC he had a respectable rank
Denmark (GMT +1)
Captain: Emaal
#2: ThePal
#3: Heibel
#4: TraxieChan
Denmarks final team.

Emaal wrote:

come join denmark heuuhehue
I'm not a very good player. ;___;
Norway team:

Captain: kriers
Player 2: CXu
Player 3: -GN
Player 4:

Substitute 1:
Substitute 2:

Gonna update, but just to reserve a spot.

fartownik wrote:


Team Poland (GMT+1)

Captain: fartownik
#2: Niko-
#3: White Wolf
#4: wiciu

Will add more/change soon.
wow~ A great team!
I remember niko sold his tablet, does he need a new tablet, or just play with mouse?

shycjd wrote:

fartownik wrote:


Team Poland (GMT+1)

Captain: fartownik
#2: Niko-
#3: White Wolf
#4: wiciu

Will add more/change soon.
wow~ A great team!
I remember niko sold his tablet, does he need a new tablet, or just play with mouse?
We don't know yet.
Also added rEdo to the team.
The Finnish team has 5 members now, add it to the OP please :)
Team Argentina (GMT -3)

Captain: Metro.
#1: Darksonic.
#2: Fabi.
#3: Glazbom.
#4: IFREANN belial. (This guy is actually Salvage, but he is a little bitch and wants to play with another account so he won't get any A on his record)
#5: Hernan
#592: Slot reserved.


Posse, MartoGG, Possezy, etc.

P.S: Cause of several reasons, everyone in the team being too lazy/don't caring that much/being busy, I'm gonna help them out scheduling their matches and stuff, talked with Metro already who's gonna be the captain and he said that's fine.
I'll be able to play when the competition starts so yeah.

Btw I'd like to support Gladi's petition.

Last year some teams just smurfed because they couldn't have 4 people of their list present. Why not learn from past mistakes and just make it 8? ;).
I agree with Metro, any team who can't get 4 of their 6 official players@match time will be able to share their accounts to their friends so they can play, there is no way you can prove they're smurfing so yeah, more slots plx. If it's about peppy not wanting to give out prizes to like 8 players, then make it so you can get 2 extra reserve players that gonna play for the lulz w/o getting any price, it's either that or teams sharing accounts.
Topic Starter
As larger the teams get as smaller the prizing will be. Decision is final now, we'll stick on 6 - else the prizes will reduce to an amount that it is not even worth participating.
Will announce prizes tomorrow after receiving appropriate user badge suggestions (if you have one, feel free to hand in via PM!)
Well I doubt most teams actually give a fuck about prizes, strong teams are always the same ones and I don't think they actually want to win just to get free supporter. I don't get why peppy is going like that about prizes since all we're talking about are supporter tags.

People's gonna smurf if they can't get 4 active players at the time of the match, and there is NO WAY to prove they're doing that, best thing you can do to avoid them doing that is to make it so they don't need to do it. Make it so you can get:

4 main players, 2 reserve, 2 extra reserve that won't get any prize even if they win. Then everyone's happy.
Do you think anyone here will play for the prizes??? No one cared about the prizes in past editions nor they will care now. I care more about all teams being comfortable and not smurfing players.

Derekku wrote:

I'll captain the USA team. Just putting that out there. :v

No offense to past captains but we need to get our shit together. :p

USA: Derekku, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?

EDIT: Will probably use the USA tournament as a reference for finding players. ; )
(9 pages later) I'll play this time.
Topic Starter
Well, I am aware of that. Yet most here are actually participating for the user badge and the supporter tag.

If I could efford some physical prize, I'd actually allow it. But I actually can't afford it. So I have to stick on the prizes we can give away. And they need to be worth it.

I'll take Wishys suggestion under consideration. Condition might be, that only the main players will get the badge+tag since the backups are only backups for worst case.
Need to discuss this with fartownik in detail, since there needs to be a difference between the 6 main players and how they substitute and the 2 backups.
Who's playing for supporter tags? o_o (Don't go mentioning random teams that have near to no chances of winning)

User badge costs nothing and it's for recognition, so I don't see any problem if 8 players get it (instead of 6).

Loctav wrote:

Well, I am aware of that. Yet most here are actually participating for the user badge and the supporter tag.

If I could efford some physical prize, I'd actually allow it. But I actually can't afford it. So I have to stick on the prizes we can give away. And they need to be worth it.

Everyone participating here know they will go down to KR/JP/PL/TW/NL etc. Almost no one expects to get a badge. Seriously, come on.
Topic Starter
Edited my post. You are replying too quickly ;_;
Haha it's ok, getting 2 players who will not get any reward will solve the issue, specially if you're planning to manage stuff the way you told me. If there is some way to persuade peppy to give prices to 8 players instead of 6, that'd be the best, but if that's not the case 2 mega back-ups would be good enough.
Aight sounds good.
Topic Starter
I doubt many will need 8 players since many countries already fail to have more than 4 already.
So I don't think persuading him is required if it only pushes the prizing down for the sake of 3 teams to stop naggling :P
And it would be a pity if a 4 man team would get a poor prize because some other failed to manage themselves with 6 or even 8. :'D
... just ask team captains if they care about the prizes. I really believe no one does. Please stop thinking they're important.
Well OWC 2 was like "oh noes I can't get my team to play in the next 6 years please wait for us!!". If you gonna be strict about match's time, then it's likely some teams will need more reserve players, it's either that or get ready for waiting 2 months for some matches to actually happen. It's not about teams "naggling", but about some teams NOT BEING ABLE TO GET 4 PLAYERS at the time of the match, that's a reality that will happen (happened before plenty of times). :P

I still can't believe peppy would go like that about giving out supporter tags. And I insist that most players don't care AT ALL about prizes. You'd be surprised of how many of the best players you gonna see in this tournament are completely casual/have been like that for a long period of time. Strongest team you got right now (IMO) is Poland, and I think every player from their roster is actually not really active AT ALL. Do you think they will care about getting supporter tag for a game they don't even play? The point of this is to win/get a good place, not to get some petty supporter tag which has actually no real use at all other than being able to say "my nick is yellow and I gave some money to peppy".
Portugal will be a part of this as usual, team is still yet to be decided though. 2013's squad will be posted before the deadline.

JonnyThatJonny wrote:

Portugal will be a part of this as usual, team is still yet to be decided though. 2013's squad will be posted before the deadline.
ae mlk depois a gente marca aquele amistoso

fabriciorby wrote:

JonnyThatJonny wrote:

Portugal will be a part of this as usual, team is still yet to be decided though. 2013's squad will be posted before the deadline.
ae mlk depois a gente marca aquele amistoso

creativ wrote:

hueahuea ):
When will the matches begin
Topic Starter
About beginning of December/mid of December. Will be announced when we gathered everyone ;D
And KRZY, will you post a Korean translation of the OP in Korean boards please? :C

Captain: #1 Pure Force
#2 Shadowa
#3 S4LeagueSexsiman
#4 -Lvs

#5 HellDawn
#6 XavierJones
Yes, I care a lot about my 1 month supporter tag price.
You know why? So I can run around the streets IRL screaming: ''I WON OWC, ER MY GERD EVERYBODY MY TEAM WON OWC AND I GOT 1 MONTH SUPPORTER TAGGGGG''

Then everybody will love me and all the ladies will be coming over to my place because I have a 1 month supporter tag.

The end.

No seriously, just add in 8 already. Nobody gives a damn about the prices, I'll be gladly to give up mine just so I can play with 4 people.
Requesting spot for Portugal with 2 team members for now, we will update our members before deadline.
Captain: Creativ
Yay~ Another owc gonna starts :P Have been waiting for years!

Good luck to Hong Kong team!
Topic Starter
If Gladiool wouldnt add this "I make a fool of you douchebag" attitude, I'd actually listen to him
  Team Italy (GMT+1)

#1 Lesslunatic (Team Captain)
#2 Jordan
#3 Chewin
#4 Maddy
#5 Revy
#6 To be announced

Loctav wrote:

If Gladiool wouldnt add this "I make a fool of you douchebag" attitude, I'd actually listen to him
did my little story offend you? :(

i am very sorry
I'd really like to see an Argentinian team as the past year, I feel so sorry because I'm not good enough.

Good Luck to everyone this year /o/
inb4 cookiezi's come back as captain of korea

/me hides

-Kamui- wrote:

inb4 cookiezi's come back as captain of korea

/me hides
cookiezi was never the team captain of korea.

instead we might see a comeback from KRZY, reisen and other korean superpros, so they can stomp everybody. again.

Loctav wrote:

If Gladiool wouldnt add this "I make a fool of you douchebag" attitude, I'd actually listen to him
He's right tho, and his example is nice, you play this for fun/some recognition and since BADGES ARE WORTH $0, I doubt people will care about giving 2 more. He just said what Metro and I did like 600 times already.

Mercurial wrote:

I'd really like to see an Argentinian team as the past year, I feel so sorry because I'm not good enough.

Good Luck to everyone this year /o/
Well, Darksonic is a pro now, Metro is still awesome, so it's better than before I think.
argentina is strong
fuerza hermanos!

Loctav wrote:

About beginning of December/mid of December. Will be announced when we gathered everyone ;D
And KRZY, will you post a Korean translation of the OP in Korean boards please? :C
Will do.

Tanzklaue wrote:

instead we might see a comeback from KRZY, reisen and other korean superpros, so they can stomp everybody. again.
Hey guess what

Team Korea
Timezone: GMT +9

  • to be announced
    to be announced
    to be announced
    to be announced
    to be announced
Team Norway:
GMT +1

Captain: kriers

#1: kriers
#2: CXu
#3: -GN
#4: Nilsso
#5: Ivaz
#6: AndreasHD
Team Russia:
GMT +4

Captain: Kert
Player2: Rain
Player3: Rost94
Player4: cr1m

Backup1: JuZu
Backup2: NekoMimiMode
Backup3: funshine
Backup4: Shandro
Yeah Shandro gonna be banned.
Team Canada
GMT -5

Captain : Mythol
2. Layne
3. mochi
4. Satonaka
5. allas
6. YodaSnipe
7. Nyquill
Pure Force

KRZY wrote:

Loctav wrote:

About beginning of December/mid of December. Will be announced when we gathered everyone ;D
And KRZY, will you post a Korean translation of the OP in Korean boards please? :C
Will do.

Tanzklaue wrote:

instead we might see a comeback from KRZY, reisen and other korean superpros, so they can stomp everybody. again.
Hey guess what

Team Korea
Timezone: GMT +9

  • to be announced
    to be announced
    to be announced
    to be announced
    to be announced

can i join to your No Video master team? LOLOL

Pure Force wrote:

can i join to your No Video master team? LOLOL
You don't even have it visible in your sig, you are disqualified.

Kert wrote:

Team Russia:
GMT +4

Captain: Kert
Player2: Rain
Player3: Rost94
Player4: JuZu

Backup1: TBA
Backup2: TBA

I am almost sure this will be changed though
lol Wishy
Captain Kert!
Please don't finalise anything, I'm trying to motivate someone to organise an Australian team.
Team : Thailand
GMT +7

Captain : NonxE

player1 : Frostmourne
player2 : TBA
Player3 : TBA
Player4 : TBA

BackUp : TBA
BackUp : TBA

Waiting for players....

LaVolpe024 wrote:

Please don't finalise anything, I'm trying to motivate someone to organise an Australian team.
Can I be in it?
Macau Team

Captain: _S_T_A_R
#2: HildasXD
#3: Alvin Chan
#4: staplerXD
#5: Balance
#6: JasY007
#7: starpun1
#8: _____B

zozozofun wrote:

LaVolpe024 wrote:

Please don't finalise anything, I'm trying to motivate someone to organise an Australian team.
Can I be in it?
Do you have Australian citizenship?
Topic Starter
Added extra back-up rule. Please feel free to add 2 another members as backup. Please specify them when doing so. Please refer to rule #1 Sign-Ups (2-1. and following) to get the difference between the 6 core members and the 2 extra backups.

Adding more participants now... x__x

@Wishy22 refusing your application as it is, I'll leave Salavage out. Multiaccounting is prohibited in this game. He needs to participate with his real account.
Pure Force

KRZY wrote:

Pure Force wrote:

can i join to your No Video master team? LOLOL
You don't even have it visible in your sig, you are disqualified.

Team Malaysia (GMT+8)

Captain: Gon
#2: xsrsbsns
#3: Zisam
#4: zenki0013
#5: akupp
Team Portugal

Captain: Creativ
Salvage multiaccounting??? Where did you get that from?
2-2. Back-Ups can only be put into matches, if none of the other 6 members are available.
I don't get it
Do you mean these additional two backups can only play 2 vs the whole other team? (in case core members are all not available)
Topic Starter

Metro wrote:

Salvage multiaccounting??? Where did you get that from?
You should read what Wishy wrote?


No. It's meant like that these 2 backups can only play in your 4v4 match, if you can't provide 4 members from the core. Means that they can only be used if less than 4 core members are available.
Basically 4 backup players instead of 2 now?
Because I don't understand understand a difference between them now
Topic Starter
While you can freely exchange your team during a match with the 6 core players (like if you have all 6 online, you can freely exchange each other in a match), this isnt possible with the extra backups.

As you have noticed, I never told you that 2 of the 6 are backups. I told you that your team can be 6 players large. And that was on purpose.
I see. Thanks for the explanation

Loctav wrote:

@Wishy22 refusing your application as it is, I'll leave Salavage out. Multiaccounting is prohibited in this game. He needs to participate with his real account.
Wait, are you saying Darksonic is a Salvage's Multiaccount?

Don't make me laugh Loctav, srsly...

Mercurial wrote:

Wait, are you saying Darksonic is a Salvage's Multiaccount?

Don't make me laugh Loctav, srsly...

Wishy22 wrote:

#4: IFREANN belial. (This guy is actually Salvage, but he is a little bitch and wants to play with another account so he won't get any A on his record)
^Page 9. readthreadplz
Oh, cool.
Well gonna post the UK team so far, I'll update this dependant on who shows up and whether one of our players will be eligible:

Captain: jesus1412
#2 luvu
#3 R a h a r u
where hoppip

Gon wrote:

where hoppip
he he he

Gon wrote:

where hoppip
If I told you that I'd gimp our chances of actually getting him on the UK team.
reserving slot for team Uruguay:

Captain: maay
Player 2: Z e o n
Player 3: H1ko
Player 4: Snepif

updating soon, thx
Aoi Haru_old
Poles will won

Aoi Haru wrote:

Poles will won
nope. korea and japan will play it out.
Expecting Latvia team as best underdog of the tournament.
expecting germany being the team that is heavily underrated despite being as good as some of the best non-asian teams.

Tanzklaue wrote:

expecting germany being the team that is heavily underrated despite being as good as some of the best non-asian teams.
Sorry, but that spot is taken by Finland.
expecting malaysia as best non-asian asian team
I suggest you guys don't use this thread for banter/jokes/non-preparation related comments. You can post in this thread for that.
Oh, god why...

Aoi Haru wrote:

Poles will won

JonnyThatJonny wrote:

Expecting Latvia team as best underdog of the tournament.
The new back-ups rule is completely broken. From what you wrote it means that if NONE of the 6 main players are available, you can use 2 back-ups, meaning you'll play 2v4. :fucklogic:

I assume you mean you can freely use your special back-ups when you can't get a full team online at the time of the match, meaning 3 of your 6 are AFK, you can use 1 special back-up. Anyways it is impossible for anyone to actually prove who's available and who's not (omg cat on fire can't play hey back-up guy go play), so you could pretty much edit the OP post and put you can get 8 players total. You could add that 2 "last back-ups" won't get supporter tag (who cares anyways), but meh.

Then again if you mean you got to design 6 out of those 8 players for a match before match's time, still pointless. Accounts can and will be shared if some team can't get 4 players@match time. Just go make it 4 main + 4 back-ups. Or 4 main + 2 back-ups + 2 emergency back-ups.
Topic Starter
Fixed the wordings a bit to clarify what I meant. I think this should be final now.

_S_T_A_R wrote:

Macau Team

Captain: _S_T_A_R
#2: HildasXD
#3: Alvin Chan
#4: staplerXD
#5: Balance

Good Lucky Macau Team
Now that you've decided to allow teams to have 8 members, I also think we should keep it simple here and allow 8-person teams without division. There is no reason to distinguish between starters and backups at all.
even KRZY said that it is smart. now please do it, so everyone is happy.


KRZY wrote:

Now that you've decided to allow teams to have 8 members, I also think we should keep it simple here and allow 8-person teams without division. There is no reason to distinguish between starters and backups at all.

You can also make it that if some team never uses a player those players won't get any prizes.
USA team

Captain: Kyou-kun
#2: Silynn
#3: Kaoru
#4: SapphireGhost

I'll think of more later

Loctav wrote:

3. Captain of the winning team must provide screenshots of all of the map results and the Multiplayer History link. These must be sent to to fartownik or Loctav via forum PM. If any of the captains won't do it, the match will be nullified and a rematch will be needed.
I don't know if this is really necessary/appropriate. Multiplayer history should be enough, as it was in the previous world cup. Also, captains should be allowed to post match results on this forum for everyone to see.

Updating the Korean team:

Team Korea
Timezone: GMT +9

  • KRZY
  • Clementine
    Reisen Udongein
    K i R i K a R u
    [ Beatrice ]
I was happy until I read the end of your post. :(

Kyou-kun wrote:

USA team

Captain: Kyou-kun
#2: Silynn
#3: Kaoru
#4: SapphireGhost

I'll think of more later
Wasn't Derreku already organizing a team for USA? (If you look at the first few post.)

MMzz wrote:

Kyou-kun wrote:

USA team

Captain: Kyou-kun
#2: Silynn
#3: Kaoru
#4: SapphireGhost

I'll think of more later
Wasn't Derreku already organizing a team for USA? (If you look at the first few post.)
But this team is better, mostly considering he had no team members

also request to have your post deleted so the combo doesn't be broken
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