爱的战士虚渊玄 Kira|(<ゝω·)☆
this map are not finish Orz...I will make easy ^_^|||..Philippines wrote:
Normal @ 3.65 stars. Make an easy diff. D:
Kurosanyan wrote:
Hi, random taiko mod!
- Inconsistency in Tags: - Standard: ending qoot8123 ryo supercell
- Taiko: ending- You should not use the sames control points than the standard map for many reasons:
-Custom sounds are useless in taiko
-You can't hear the sounds in some parts and that's not authorized on taikos
-The speed changes are not fitting for the taiko
-There's an useless control point
You should try this:[TimingPoints]
- 00:01:030 - 00:11:363 - You should consider using the same patterns than your oni for this part, except the part with the 1/4 patterns. The oni is perfect for this part but the muzukashii sounds bad.
- 00:21:363 (2,1) - k d instead of d k to fit with the drum
- 00:36:279 (2,1) - This is a rhythm breaker (1/4 pattern placed 3 ticks after the previous note), very hard to keep the rhythm with those patterns. Should not be on a muzukashii. Remove 00:36:279 (2) - or add a note at 00:36:196 - (or do both of them) please.
- 00:37:113 (2,1) - Same here
- 00:43:363 (2) - Should be a k to fit with the beat. And 00:43:196 (1) - would sound even better with a d
- 00:48:696 (1) - ^
- 00:54:030 (1) - ^
- 01:19:946 (1,1) - Same than 00:36:279 (2,1) - . Those patterns really break everything, they should not exist on a muzukashii.
That's all o/
- 00:11:196 (1) - k? Sounds better and you did it for the muzukashii
- 00:11:363 (1) - You should remove this note, sounds bad, doesn't fit the music.
- 00:26:196 - d and 00:26:363 - remove and 00:26:529 - d? It makes a better flow, easier to follow and more cool.
- 00:27:863 (2,1,1) - k k d instead of k d k? This k d k ddk d k doesn't sound good.
- 00:31:696 (1) - Same than 00:26:196 - ?
Cuvelia wrote:
Hi ~ , Random Taiko modding ~ .
These are all suggestion. If you don't like them , you could ignore
| d = don | k = kat | D = BIG DON | K = BIG KAT | re = remove |
[qoot8123's Taiko Muzukashii]
- 00:22:363 (2) - d
- 00:22:696 (1) - k
- 00:30:363 (2) - d
- 00:30:696 (1) - k
[qoot8123's Taiko Oni]
- 00:08:696 - add d
- 00:25:613 (3) - d
- 00:27:196 (1) - d
- 00:27:363 (1) - k
- 01:05:030 (1) - k
- 01:07:696 (2) - k
- 01:18:363 (2) - k
nice taiko 2diff
good luck !!
Fumika wrote:
Use this Taiko BG http://puu.sh/1ovXM
mintong89 wrote:
Taiko Mod <3竟然懂华文就用华文吧.
[Taiko Oni]
01:03:946 - k
01:05:446 - ^
01:09:446 - ^
[Taiko Muzu]
01:15:196 - k
sorry, no problem of these taiko diff. so i just found this problem.
good luck~
ALL FIX XD!!!!!!!!!Melophobia wrote:
The title should be "Namae no Nai Kaibutsu".
00:32:863 (1) - Better to start 1/2 later due to change of melody.
00:42:196 (1) - It's still rankable, but it somehow bothered me that the reverse arrow is hidden by scoreburst of the previous note. I guess it won't hurt to move the slider away to avoid it.
00:58:696 (3) - I would remove the clap; there's nothing to support it here.
00:32:863 (1) - Same as Insane
01:17:363 (3) - move this note downward by 1 grid
Set the stack leniency to 0.7
Set the stack leniency to 0.7
00:59:196 - Consider removing finish here, It's too echoed and doesn't match with this point because the music suddenly stops
Set the stack leniency to 0.7
00:11:780 (1) - Start this spinner at 00:12:029 - instead, It shouldn't appear before 00:11:696 - and is kinda confusing for beginners.
00:58:029 - Remove this finish
00:58:363 (2) - I would suggest something like this; There should be something at 00:59:196 -
Also no claps for these notes.
Call me back~
fixMelophobia wrote:
Remove one note from 00:49:029 (1,2) - in Muzukashii, And set the stack leniency to 0.7 in both taiko diffs. No kds!
Let me know again when you've done with these things
:O这么一说我想起来了我下载了OP完全版来着居然还没听............angelfix wrote:
OP不知為啥百聽不厭=w=tutuhaha wrote:
well I am not plan to change video or MP3 (-∇-)........but really Thankyou for your postTrollNyan wrote:
For your information, there is 3 differents version of this ending, for now (11 eps released).
1st and 2nd one are similar, the beginning is different in song and animation
the 3rd one have the same that the 1st one until chorus part, the end ended on a high note !
I've upload these versions on my Youtube channel : http://www.youtube.com/user/8bit720pmp4 (no fake, i add my profile link in the home page)
You have also the choice between official english subtitles and excellent french subtitles
I can provide you theses videos in your MP
Since the new background, i can't know if new formats are available : mp4 or mkv instead of avi and videos in 720p resolutions.
(P.S. : please sorry for my english if it's incorrect on some parts)
All fix~Garven wrote:
Sorry sorry, the Christmas hell kinda took my attention away.
00:07:696 (2) - Hrm, instead of a slider here, maybe just do a circle at 00:08:363 -
00:10:363 (3) - And change this to something like this?
00:11:863 (1) - Remove new combo
00:16:863 (1) - ^
00:34:363 (1) - How about a rhythm like this: 00:34:363 (1) - Do a 1 repeat slider from here to 00:35:363 - with a repeat at 00:34:863 - , then one long slider from 00:35:696 - to 00:36:529 - (puush died orz)
OD +1
01:01:696 (1) - Remove new combo
01:04:363 (1) - ^
01:09:696 (1) - ^
OD +1
00:11:363 (4,5,6) - Spacing felt a little close. Think you can use a bit larger spacing amongst these? Lots of large spacing into this killed the flow
Pokie wrote:
Pokie wrote:
Pokie wrote: