
EGOIST - Namae no Nai Kaibutsu (TV Size) [Osu|Taiko]

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Normal @ 3.65 stars. Make an easy diff. D:
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Philippines wrote:

Normal @ 3.65 stars. Make an easy diff. D:
this map are not finish Orz...I will make easy ^_^|||..
Hi, random taiko mod!
  1. Inconsistency in Tags: - Standard: ending qoot8123 ryo supercell
    - Taiko: ending
  2. You should not use the sames control points than the standard map for many reasons:
    -Custom sounds are useless in taiko
    -You can't hear the sounds in some parts and that's not authorized on taikos
    -The speed changes are not fitting for the taiko
    -There's an useless control point
    You should try this:
  1. 00:01:030 - 00:11:363 - You should consider using the same patterns than your oni for this part, except the part with the 1/4 patterns. The oni is perfect for this part but the muzukashii sounds bad.
  2. 00:21:363 (2,1) - k d instead of d k to fit with the drum
  3. 00:36:279 (2,1) - This is a rhythm breaker (1/4 pattern placed 3 ticks after the previous note), very hard to keep the rhythm with those patterns. Should not be on a muzukashii. Remove 00:36:279 (2) - or add a note at 00:36:196 - (or do both of them) please.
  4. 00:37:113 (2,1) - Same here
  5. 00:43:363 (2) - Should be a k to fit with the beat. And 00:43:196 (1) - would sound even better with a d
  6. 00:48:696 (1) - ^
  7. 00:54:030 (1) - ^
  8. 01:19:946 (1,1) - Same than 00:36:279 (2,1) - . Those patterns really break everything, they should not exist on a muzukashii.
  1. 00:11:196 (1) - k? Sounds better and you did it for the muzukashii
  2. 00:11:363 (1) - You should remove this note, sounds bad, doesn't fit the music.
  3. 00:26:196 - d and 00:26:363 - remove and 00:26:529 - d? It makes a better flow, easier to follow and more cool.
  4. 00:27:863 (2,1,1) - k k d instead of k d k? This k d k ddk d k doesn't sound good.
  5. 00:31:696 (1) - Same than 00:26:196 - ?
That's all o/

Kurosanyan wrote:

Hi, random taiko mod!
  1. Inconsistency in Tags: - Standard: ending qoot8123 ryo supercell
    - Taiko: ending
  2. You should not use the sames control points than the standard map for many reasons:
    -Custom sounds are useless in taiko
    -You can't hear the sounds in some parts and that's not authorized on taikos
    -The speed changes are not fitting for the taiko
    -There's an useless control point
    You should try this:
  1. 00:01:030 - 00:11:363 - You should consider using the same patterns than your oni for this part, except the part with the 1/4 patterns. The oni is perfect for this part but the muzukashii sounds bad.
  2. 00:21:363 (2,1) - k d instead of d k to fit with the drum
  3. 00:36:279 (2,1) - This is a rhythm breaker (1/4 pattern placed 3 ticks after the previous note), very hard to keep the rhythm with those patterns. Should not be on a muzukashii. Remove 00:36:279 (2) - or add a note at 00:36:196 - (or do both of them) please.
  4. 00:37:113 (2,1) - Same here
  5. 00:43:363 (2) - Should be a k to fit with the beat. And 00:43:196 (1) - would sound even better with a d
  6. 00:48:696 (1) - ^
  7. 00:54:030 (1) - ^
  8. 01:19:946 (1,1) - Same than 00:36:279 (2,1) - . Those patterns really break everything, they should not exist on a muzukashii.
  1. 00:11:196 (1) - k? Sounds better and you did it for the muzukashii
  2. 00:11:363 (1) - You should remove this note, sounds bad, doesn't fit the music.
  3. 00:26:196 - d and 00:26:363 - remove and 00:26:529 - d? It makes a better flow, easier to follow and more cool.
  4. 00:27:863 (2,1,1) - k k d instead of k d k? This k d k ddk d k doesn't sound good.
  5. 00:31:696 (1) - Same than 00:26:196 - ?
That's all o/

fixed some~

Taiko Oni~
00:10:529 (2) - 滑条开头加个clap ? (或者加在3开头

00:11:780 (1) - 加条绿线 降低音量? (其他难度也是)

00:16:196 - 这里节奏明显这样才对吧...(然后这里干嘛用0.75速 0.5不是挺好么

00:17:029 - 这里10%太低了吧._. , 用20%的话不会嫌吵的 而且感觉反而容易抓到节奏 (其他难度也是)

00:47:613 (2) - 这一段改成这样的节奏更好听点

00:59:530 (1) - 叠在下面感觉略坑 , 往左上移一些更好?

01:18:863 (1,1) - 这两个NC貌似可以去掉?

01:20:529 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 连打之间的间距加大吧? 貌似小了点


00:47:363 (1) - 往左边移一点更好?



Hi ~ , Random Taiko modding ~ .

These are all suggestion. If you don't like them , you could ignore

| d = don | k = kat | D = BIG DON | K = BIG KAT | re = remove |

[qoot8123's Taiko Muzukashii]
  1. 00:22:363 (2) - d
  2. 00:22:696 (1) - k
  3. 00:30:363 (2) - d
  4. 00:30:696 (1) - k

[qoot8123's Taiko Oni]
  1. 00:08:696 - add d
  2. 00:25:613 (3) - d
  3. 00:27:196 (1) - d
  4. 00:27:363 (1) - k
  5. 01:05:030 (1) - k
  6. 01:07:696 (2) - k
  7. 01:18:363 (2) - k
nice taiko 2diff :)

good luck !!

Cuvelia wrote:

Hi ~ , Random Taiko modding ~ .

These are all suggestion. If you don't like them , you could ignore

| d = don | k = kat | D = BIG DON | K = BIG KAT | re = remove |

[qoot8123's Taiko Muzukashii]
  1. 00:22:363 (2) - d
  2. 00:22:696 (1) - k
  3. 00:30:363 (2) - d
  4. 00:30:696 (1) - k

[qoot8123's Taiko Oni]
  1. 00:08:696 - add d
  2. 00:25:613 (3) - d
  3. 00:27:196 (1) - d
  4. 00:27:363 (1) - k
  5. 01:05:030 (1) - k
  6. 01:07:696 (2) - k
  7. 01:18:363 (2) - k
nice taiko 2diff :)

good luck !!

fixed some~


The slider ticks from 00:16:863 to 00:33:029 are not very fitting imo because the music and the hitsounds are very quiet
and the ticks kinda 'ruining' (?) that quiet atmosphere.


Nothing~ :3


00:02:863 (3,4) - the spacing here felt awkward while playing
00:06:196 (1,2,3) - maby replace with 3 hitcircles?


Maybe not so many jumps? i know they are not big, i personally prefere consistancy on hard, that's just my opinion.

00:03:696 (1,2) - Replace with a slider
01:12:363 (1,2) - maybe reduce this jump?
01:15:030 (1,2) - ^


00:06:196 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Those stacks felt awkward, maybe it's just me
01:09:030 (1,2,1,2) - omg this is so awesome :3


00:59:530 (1) - Maybe another place for this circle so it has his own? :3

Nothing else this map is almost perfect and so much fun to play 'w'

Sorry i don't mod Taiko >:

Good Luck~

M4M Map:

The normal-slidertick can sometimes be noisy and unfitting imo. You should use the tick-sound from the soft sample-set instead

I tested with AR 9 and it was way more fun :3
00:07:529 (2) - is a finish on the repeat really necessary? sounds a little weird
00:11:780 (1) - silence this spinner a bit? (not the end)
00:28:696 (5,1,2) - make the spacing smoother here?
00:49:696 (5,6,7,8) - try this pattern instead? 00:59:196 (2) - remove finish? unnecessarily noisy imo

00:11:780 (1) - silence this spinner a bit?
00:41:363 (2,1) - Avoid letting them touch each-other? the hit-burst will cover half the reverse-arrow which looks a bit messy
00:59:030 (1) - remove finish on head
00:59:530 (2) - NC? easier to notice
01:03:530 (5,6,1) - NC on (5) instead?

I find AR 8 better. Way easier to read the jumps & etc, but might be trouble because the Insane is using it as well
00:06:696 (3) - finish on tail
00:07:363 (2) - finish on head
00:09:029 (2) - is finish on the head really necessary? it's not used in the other diffs anyway
00:11:780 (1) - silence this spinner a bit?
00:59:029 (1) - remove finish from head?

00:11:863 (1) - silence this spinner a bit?
00:59:030 (3) - remove finish from both sides? kinda noisy imo

00:06:363 (1) - finish on tail
00:09:029 (1) - remove finish from start?
00:11:696 (1,1) - too close imo. It should be 1/2 instead
00:38:363 (1) - finish on head
00:58:363 (2) - remove finish from end

That's all I can find
Good luck :3

This song <3




00:11:696 (1,1): I think this not suitable for a easy diff, maybe remove this note and start spinner in 00:11:696?
00:55:613 (3): Make this slider more curved, like this:


Looks fine for me


00:10:363 (1,2,3): Remove repeat from (1) and add a note in 00:10:696, i think this patter is more funny :)
Spacing can be placed like this:
01:09:030 (1): Maybe stack slider head with 01:08:196 (2) slider end?


00:56:196 (3,4): Maybe Ctrl+G here?
00:59:530 (2): NC here make the pattern more easier to notice.
01:00:530 (4): Remove repeat and add note in 01:00:863? Because a slider with repeat here looks a bit strange for me when i'm playing...


Looks fine, but i agree with Saten, AR9 is more fun to play :3

And that's all, this mod is all suggestions don't need to follow all because i'm just a newbie; :)

Good Luck in rank~
Ganbatte ;)
处女Mod 挖哈哈~
00:03:529 (5) - HARD下会坑到很多玩家。。 如果想寻找一点变化的话 移到X 228 Y 272
00:16:196 (1) - 这个开头节奏感不明显 很难预判 不如把这三拍换成折返slider
00:23:029 (3) - 滑条拉到00:23:279 - 就行了 下面的折返滑条改成从00:23:529 - 到00:24:029 - 这样更契合人声(如图..)

00:40:029 (2) - 小建议 移到00:39:863 -效果更佳
00:50:696 (2) - ^

00:54:029 (1) - 这个遮挡因为没有节奏支持,HDHR下会很突兀..有点像开头的情况..建议移到X 224 Y 108

00:23:529 (1) - 这里折返一下更契合人声 后面的note就去掉啦(如图) :D

00:21:363 (2) - 这个遮挡还是错开点把..打一次坑一次..当然如果你想坑人的话..

PS 老虚大概觉得三集掉头不过瘾 这次玩得更欢了 把人冲进下水道什么的真是.._(:3 」∠ )_
  1. nothing!
  1. 00:06:363 (1) - 沒問題的不過如果能夠變成紅線(00:06:863 - )拆返slider的話會更好聽~
  2. 01:08:696 (2) - 這個放到x304y219左右?因為你之前都不是平排的感覺是彎的才對
  1. 00:35:029 (2,3) - 故意不平行的..?我覺得平行比較好看,現在這角度挺奇怪的
  2. 00:55:529 - add a note..?
  3. 00:32:363 (3) - 可以改成3個?
  1. 00:54:279 - add a note...?
  2. 01:10:363 (1,2,3) -
其實你map挺好的,Trust Me那張我就超喜歡 :P
Use this Taiko BG

Fumika wrote:

Use this Taiko BG

Thanks for your taiko BG~m(_ _)m
From my queue~

Sorry for the long wait I was being lazy again ><


  1. 00:05:029 (3) - I think you can do it better, without overlapping, for example to let (3) follow around (2)
  2. 00:21:029 (2) - Move to x:256 y:48 for better look, and fix the spacing if you do
  3. 00:38:363 - Unneded green line

  1. 00:07:696 (4) - Maybe map it like this?
  2. 00:11:863 (1) - On Easy you started the spinner on the previous blue tick, maybe do it here, too?
  3. 00:32:363 (3) - This doesn't look so good, Probably try this?

  1. 00:24:363 (2) - Move it 2 grid right (looks better imo)
  2. 00:28:696 (3) - Move to x:152 y:264 And move the end of 2 a bit down, for better flow (yea I know this might be too nazi ><)
  3. 00:44:529 (2) - Make the slider's curve on the other side?
  4. 00:47:196 (3) - I think this can be better placed, like x:332 y:128, so you still have a consistent spacing
  5. 01:08:196 (2) - Hmm, I'm really not a fan of overlapping, so in my eyes this looks strange xD fix?
  6. 01:12:696 (2) - CTRL + G
  7. 01:15:363 (2) - ^

  1. 00:17:863 (3,4) - (3): x:452 y:44, (4): x:440 y:112 for a perfect line (a bit nazi)
  2. 00:34:696 (2) - CTRL + G? (Better flow)
  3. 00:57:696 (3) - I think this is a bit ugly cause it touches the edge of (2). You can do it better :D

  1. The problem with this diff is, that it is too perfect and amazing. Really, I couldn't find anything here, nice diff!
Nice Song and Anime and ofc nice map, wish you good luck for rank! :D
Taiko Mod <3

[Taiko Oni]

01:03:946 - k
01:05:446 - ^
01:09:446 - ^

[Taiko Muzu]

01:15:196 - k

sorry, no problem of these taiko diff. so i just found this problem.

good luck~

mintong89 wrote:

Taiko Mod <3

[Taiko Oni]

01:03:946 - k
01:05:446 - ^
01:09:446 - ^

[Taiko Muzu]

01:15:196 - k

sorry, no problem of these taiko diff. so i just found this problem.

good luck~

fixed some~

The title should be "Namae no Nai Kaibutsu".

00:32:863 (1) - Better to start 1/2 later due to change of melody.
00:42:196 (1) - It's still rankable, but it somehow bothered me that the reverse arrow is hidden by scoreburst of the previous note. I guess it won't hurt to move the slider away to avoid it.
00:58:696 (3) - I would remove the clap; there's nothing to support it here.

00:32:863 (1) - Same as Insane
01:17:363 (3) - move this note downward by 1 grid

Set the stack leniency to 0.7

Set the stack leniency to 0.7
00:59:196 - Consider removing finish here, It's too echoed and doesn't match with this point because the music suddenly stops

Set the stack leniency to 0.7
00:11:780 (1) - Start this spinner at 00:12:029 - instead, It shouldn't appear before 00:11:696 - and is kinda confusing for beginners.
00:58:029 - Remove this finish
00:58:363 (2) - I would suggest something like this; There should be something at 00:59:196 -
Also no claps for these notes.

Call me back~ ;)
Topic Starter

Melophobia wrote:


The title should be "Namae no Nai Kaibutsu".

00:32:863 (1) - Better to start 1/2 later due to change of melody.
00:42:196 (1) - It's still rankable, but it somehow bothered me that the reverse arrow is hidden by scoreburst of the previous note. I guess it won't hurt to move the slider away to avoid it.
00:58:696 (3) - I would remove the clap; there's nothing to support it here.

00:32:863 (1) - Same as Insane
01:17:363 (3) - move this note downward by 1 grid

Set the stack leniency to 0.7

Set the stack leniency to 0.7
00:59:196 - Consider removing finish here, It's too echoed and doesn't match with this point because the music suddenly stops

Set the stack leniency to 0.7
00:11:780 (1) - Start this spinner at 00:12:029 - instead, It shouldn't appear before 00:11:696 - and is kinda confusing for beginners.
00:58:029 - Remove this finish
00:58:363 (2) - I would suggest something like this; There should be something at 00:59:196 -
Also no claps for these notes.

Call me back~ ;)
ALL FIX XD!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much~
Remove one note from 00:49:029 (1,2) - in Muzukashii, And set the stack leniency to 0.7 in both taiko diffs. No kds!

Let me know again when you've done with these things
Topic Starter

Melophobia wrote:

Remove one note from 00:49:029 (1,2) - in Muzukashii, And set the stack leniency to 0.7 in both taiko diffs. No kds!

Let me know again when you've done with these things
fix :D!
Thank you again
( 。´◕ω◕)y─
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angelfix wrote:


tutuhaha wrote:

hi hi
jut to let u know, that after new osu!update taiko background looks like this :V
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Aka- wrote:

hi hi
jut to let u know, that after new osu!update taiko background looks like this :V
ok when bat begin to check this map
I will think about how to change it
Thank you to let me know this
For your information, there is 3 differents version of this ending, for now (11 eps released).
1st and 2nd one are similar, the beginning is different in song and animation
the 3rd one have the same that the 1st one until chorus part, the end ended on a high note !

I've upload these versions on my Youtube channel : (no fake, i add my profile link in the home page)
You have also the choice between official english subtitles and excellent french subtitles

I can provide you theses videos in your MP ;)

Since the new background, i can't know if new formats are available : mp4 or mkv instead of avi and videos in 720p resolutions.

(P.S. : please sorry for my english if it's incorrect on some parts)
Topic Starter

TrollNyan wrote:

For your information, there is 3 differents version of this ending, for now (11 eps released).
1st and 2nd one are similar, the beginning is different in song and animation
the 3rd one have the same that the 1st one until chorus part, the end ended on a high note !

I've upload these versions on my Youtube channel : (no fake, i add my profile link in the home page)
You have also the choice between official english subtitles and excellent french subtitles

I can provide you theses videos in your MP ;)

Since the new background, i can't know if new formats are available : mp4 or mkv instead of avi and videos in 720p resolutions.

(P.S. : please sorry for my english if it's incorrect on some parts)
well I am not plan to change video or MP3 (-∇-)........but really Thankyou for your post
Sorry sorry, the Christmas hell kinda took my attention away.

00:07:696 (2) - Hrm, instead of a slider here, maybe just do a circle at 00:08:363 -
00:10:363 (3) - And change this to something like this?

00:11:863 (1) - Remove new combo
00:16:863 (1) - ^
00:34:363 (1) - How about a rhythm like this: 00:34:363 (1) - Do a 1 repeat slider from here to 00:35:363 - with a repeat at 00:34:863 - , then one long slider from 00:35:696 - to 00:36:529 - (puush died orz)

00:08:863 (1,1,2,1,2,1,1,2,3,4,1,1,2,1) - A little tough for a muzu (at least for me). That triple felt a bit much. The SV is already high due to the BPM
00:54:363 (1) - Odd place for a finish considering you omitted one at 00:49:029 (1) -

OD +1
01:01:696 (1) - Remove new combo
01:04:363 (1) - ^
01:09:696 (1) - ^

OD +1
00:11:363 (4,5,6) - Spacing felt a little close. Think you can use a bit larger spacing amongst these? Lots of large spacing into this killed the flow
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

Sorry sorry, the Christmas hell kinda took my attention away.

00:07:696 (2) - Hrm, instead of a slider here, maybe just do a circle at 00:08:363 -
00:10:363 (3) - And change this to something like this?

00:11:863 (1) - Remove new combo
00:16:863 (1) - ^
00:34:363 (1) - How about a rhythm like this: 00:34:363 (1) - Do a 1 repeat slider from here to 00:35:363 - with a repeat at 00:34:863 - , then one long slider from 00:35:696 - to 00:36:529 - (puush died orz)

OD +1
01:01:696 (1) - Remove new combo
01:04:363 (1) - ^
01:09:696 (1) - ^

OD +1
00:11:363 (4,5,6) - Spacing felt a little close. Think you can use a bit larger spacing amongst these? Lots of large spacing into this killed the flow
All fix~
Wait for qoot~
00:08:863 (1,1,2,1,2,1,1,2,3,4,1,1,2,1) - A little tough for a muzu (at least for me). That triple felt a bit much. The SV is already high due to the BPM
00:54:363 (1) - Odd place for a finish considering you omitted one at 00:49:029 (1) -

All fixed~:))
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鬼畜战士22haha kira~

不愧是兔哈神麻婆 233/

恭喜啦 : D/
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