
(Slightly Late) Introduction

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Hi, I'm skaipaws. You can call me skai, however.
I'm a (fairly) new osu!mania player from the UK. I joined in mid-December, 2019.
I mainly play 4-key beatmaps, although I play the occasional 5, 6 or 7-key too~
I'd love to compete in the 4k osu!mania championships someday, when I'm more experienced! :)
I'm really happy to have found osu!. It's a great game, despite what people might say, and I'm happy to meet new people in a new community. :D

Thanks for taking a minute or two to read this. Have a great day~
Hey there skai, welcome to the forums.
Nice to see someone who plays 5K/6K for a change. Hope you have fun and eventually participate in tourneys in the future.
All things considered, you are here forever now so do enjoy your stay.
Hey skai, while you still can, I’d recommend playing other key modes than 4K, or you’ll get stuck with 4K like me hehe. Good luck on getting into MWC, I’m sure if you try hard enough you’ll be able to compete :-).
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Thank you!! :D
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