
[In-Game] Put the Scoreboard in front in Flashlight Mod

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +110
Topic Starter
Tanomoshii Nekojou
I want to suggest to put the Rankboard and key overlay in front the game-play when Flashlight Mod is activated.
Well, Just to be informed of your rank in the DARK.

Here's what I mean:
Original shot: (as of February 14, 2016)


1. Show the ranking list (left side)
2. Show the key overlay (right side)

Edit: (February 09, 2018)

L-a-m-e-y [ B ] wrote:

honestly you might as well make it into another game mode if your asking for this.
Screenshots is from osu!catch but I want it also applied to across other game modes... .w.
It would be cool to see yourself boost up in the rankings while playing FL instead of having it as surprise whenever the cursor approaches the left side.
Topic Starter
Tanomoshii Nekojou

xann wrote:

It would be cool to see yourself boost up in the rankings while playing FL instead of having it as surprise whenever the cursor approaches the left side.
Yeah.... I understand~.... :D :D :D :D :D :D That's why I love osu!

xann wrote:

It would be cool to see yourself boost up in the rankings while playing FL instead of having it as surprise whenever the cursor approaches the left side.
that shit makes me nervous.

this whole request does too. If there's a mod which requires your full attention, then it's the flashlight mod.
Yes, this has been bugging me alot.

theowest wrote:

that shit makes me nervous.

this whole request does too. If there's a mod which requires your full attention, then it's the flashlight mod.
Pressing tab would hide it though, some people don't get nervous and would love to see the leaderboard.

xann wrote:

Pressing tab would hide it though, some people don't get nervous and would love to see the leaderboard.
I'm watching the leaderboard always, but NOT in Flashlight and I not even want it. I think its better this way, pretty much because of this:

theowest wrote:

If there's a mod which requires your full attention, then it's the flashlight mod.
And I don't want to press TAB always whenever I switch between mods.

EDIT: I forgot the last part. ._.

xann wrote:

theowest wrote:

that shit makes me nervous.

this whole request does too. If there's a mod which requires your full attention, then it's the flashlight mod.
Pressing tab would hide it though, some people don't get nervous and would love to see the leaderboard.
I know that. I've disabled it a long time ago, however you'd still have to disable it every single time when playing multiplayer.
Topic Starter
Tanomoshii Nekojou
Then Please SUPPORT THIS... :o :o :o :o :o
I support you♥
Kazuko Nekojou
Support my twiny.... :D :D :D :D
you guys realize the notes play over the score board. so lit up scoreboard = lit up notes as well.

TheVileOne wrote:

you guys realize the notes play over the score board. so lit up scoreboard = lit up notes as well.
I think what people are suggesting is just having the scoreboard always be there regardless of the darkness/light level. Having the scoreboard in front does not mean lighting up the space/beackground behind the scoreboard. Basically, make the scoreboard have the same relationship as the relationship between the light/darkness and score/accuracy/pie chart.
I support, this is good idea . I would like to see my max combo reached ,even if i fail.
Topic Starter
Tanomoshii Nekojou

Kurokami wrote:

xann wrote:

Pressing tab would hide it though, some people don't get nervous and would love to see the leaderboard.
I'm watching the leaderboard always, but NOT in Flashlight and I not even want it. I think its better this way, pretty much because of this:

theowest wrote:

If there's a mod which requires your full attention, then it's the flashlight mod.
And I don't want to press TAB always whenever I switch between mods.

EDIT: I forgot the last part. ._.
Yeah..., when Flashlight Mod is activated, the player needs more concentration to the game play.... Distraction inside it (like the combo burst) will make the Mod difficult for concentration...

The only reason for my suggestion is just to put more thrill and distractions inside the game play.... :D :D :D :D

TheVileOne wrote:

you guys realize the notes play over the score board. so lit up scoreboard = lit up notes as well.
disagree. It shall be brought to top then. So basically, this request is more of a Show Scoreboard On Top With Flashlight Mod. Although I'll see this as distracting as well since it goes on top of notes, making notes harder to notice especially when menu-button-background.png is opaque and is too big (unless you're an awesome widescreen user like me ;D)
Yes, this is a fantastic idea. Every time i play osu! with fl, it gets super annoying not seeing your score until the end of the game or between breaks.
Topic Starter
Tanomoshii Nekojou

magik994 wrote:

Yes, this is a fantastic idea. Every time i play osu! with fl, it gets super annoying not seeing your score until the end of the game or between breaks.
Thank you~... :D
supporting and bumping this
I don't see why not. It might be a distraction, sure, but you can just disable it with Tab and it'll pretty much be back to the old behavior.
Interesting idea.

The leaderboard layer is going on top of the notes later, yeah. Then again, Tab key is the solution. Also, maybe we could have just keep the leaderboard layer on top only when Flashlight mod is on.

MillhioreF wrote:

I don't see why not. It might be a distraction, sure, but you can just disable it with Tab and it'll pretty much be back to the old behavior.
You got my support for this, it would be exciting to see how do you climb places while watching a replay using FL mod
The best idea for this would be to make it an option, not to force it onto the player.

You can choose to have the score board visible or not through an option of some sort. Maybe in the options section of the game? :P.

Dooms wrote:

The best idea for this would be to make it an option, not to force it onto the player.

You can choose to have the score board visible or not through an option of some sort. Maybe in the options section of the game? :P.

MillhioreF wrote:

I don't see why not. It might be a distraction, sure, but you can just disable it with Tab and it'll pretty much be back to the old behavior.
take all my stars :D
Come on I really want this ;_;
I agree, the new key overlay was first behind the darkness created by the Flashlight mod and it was later put on top of it so we could see it at all times. I think the same should be done with the scoreboard.
This must happen (I got a duplicate >.<)
So, I'll give you 2 stars!
Yep, this would be nice >o<
Though im not a FL player.
A request to make the ranking bar visible on the left when watching other people's replays when they used the flash light mod. YES!

It is very exciting to see people climb the ranking when watching a replay, but it is currently not visible when you watch replays or play in flashlight mode.

Me like this. Please implement it. :)
Three years and it's still not a thing T_T
wouldn't putting it on top make the notes appear under the ranking bar? xD
I want this
Forum revival much? xD
Topic Starter
Tanomoshii Nekojou
Three years agooooo~. ;)

*Added the key overlay~. :D
yis add pls
Tbh, this would partly ruin the meaning of FL.
I do not play it much, but what I found cool about it was the fact you have no references at all while playing. With this feature you would give an advantage (even if just little) since you can better calculate things on the left side of the screen. [just personal opinion, obviously]
Great Idea I support u
Topic Starter
Tanomoshii Nekojou
*bump.... (my own thread haha)
no idea why hide scoreboard and key overlay behind flashlight. I mean those two can be hidden too without the mod itself.
Topic Starter
Tanomoshii Nekojou
just a bump.... (since i see so many FL discussions rn)

(also updated original thread)
worst fl player
honestly you might as well make it into another game mode if your asking for this.
Topic Starter
Tanomoshii Nekojou

L-a-m-e-y [ B ] wrote:

honestly you might as well make it into another game mode if your asking for this.
ooohh yea... Screenshots is from osu!catch but I want it also applied to across other game modes... .w.
Would be cool but its such a small thing, hopefully osu!lazer though
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