
[std|2v2][Concluded]Pick Your Own Pool Tournament

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Pick Your Own Pool Tournament

Open Bracket | 15k Bracket | Main Sheet

Tournament Format and Rules

Important points:
  1. 2v2, teams have 2 or 3 players. There is a channel in the server for finding teammates if you don't already have friends a team.
  2. ScoreV2 will be used
  3. There are two rank ranges: Open which has no rank limit, and 15k where all team members must be above 15k rank (ie 20k is okay, 10k isn't)
  4. If needed there will be a qualifier round. The main brackets are up to 32 team double elimination.
  5. Teams will select the maps for their pool each week. During matches, they pick maps from their opponent's selected pool
  6. There is no lower rank limit for players, but you should be comfortable playing around or above 5+ star depending on division

General Rules

  1. Matches are 2v2, teams can have either 2 or 3 players on them
  2. Matches are played using ScoreV2
  3. TeamVs will be used, so this means if both the players on a team are failed at the same time that team will instantly lose.
  4. Failed scores are not added to the team's total. If a player fails and revives later, their score will still be counted.
  5. 3 tiebreakers will be chosen by staff each week. If a tiebreaker is needed during a match each team will ban one and the remaining tiebreaker will be used.
  6. If more than 32 teams register, a qualifier round will be played.
    1. An 8 map pool (2x NM, HD, HR, DT) will be played once
    2. Both players from a team will play
    3. Teams with three players can switch who plays between maps.
    4. The player with the higher score will count on each map.
  7. 32 teams will advance to a double elimination bracket.
    1. BO 7, 9, 11, 11, 13, 13
    2. If there are fewer than 32 teams, average rank of players will be used to determine seeds/byes.
  8. There are no bans (except in case of tb)
  9. Pick maps from your opponent's pool
  10. If the same map is in both teams' pools, either team may pick the map, but it may only be picked once
    1. If the selected mod is different in either pool, the one used depends who who picked the map. The map may still only be picked once
  11. Different difficulties of the same mapset are considered different maps. Unless one is just a copy of the other with different settings (eg. AR)

Mappool Maps

  1. 2 maps for each mod bracket (NoMod, HD, HR, DT, Custom Mod). 10 maps in total
  2. You pick the mod to use for Custom Mod when you add the map to your pool
    1. Mod can be any logical combination of: NoMod, HD, HR, DT, EZ, or HT
    2. The two CM maps don't need to use the same mods
    3. If EZ is selected, the map must be in the star range with NoMod
  3. Maps need to be within a certain star range for each week:
    1. Open Bracket:
      1. Week 1: 5.00 - 6.00
      2. Week 2: 5.25 - 6.35
      3. Week 3: 5.50 - 6.70
      4. Week 4: 5.75 - 7.05
      5. Week 5: 6.00 - 7.40
      6. Week 6: 6.25 - 7.75
    2. 15k Bracket:
      1. Week 1: 4.20 - 5.50
      2. Week 2: 4.40 - 5.75
      3. Week 3: 4.60 - 6.00
      4. Week 4: 4.80 - 6.25
      5. Week 5: 5.00 - 6.50
      6. Week 6: 5.20 - 6.75
  4. Each map should have a drain time between 1:00 and 5:00
    1. Two maps are allowed to be outside the drain limit by 15 seconds each
    2. The full length of a map must be below 6:15
    3. Drain time is taken after DT/HT is applied
  5. Total pool drain time must be between 18:20 and 32:30 (1:50-3:15 average per map)
  6. If a map has less than 15 passes with the selected mod on its leaderboard, or no leaderboard at all, you must submit a screenshot on that map showing a pass with the selected mods.
  7. Unranked maps are okay as long as they would still be rankable otherwise
    1. Ninja spinners, 2b, burai sliders, no hitsounds, etc. are all unrankable
    2. You may not pick pending or graveyard maps that you mapped yourself
  8. Maps requiring the use of special skins or storyboard will be rejected
  9. Tournament staff reserve the right to reject maps for other reasons if they feel the map isn't appropriate for the tournament

Mappool Submission

  1. Submit maps through the tournament bot on discord
  2. Submissions for the next set of matches are locked on Monday
  3. Maps can be changed at any time before pools are locked. Just message the bot with new maps
  4. If a map is rejected you will be notified on discord. You can replace your rejected maps with new ones
  5. If you don't submit a pool, or submit a partial pool, the empty spaces will be filled in by staff when pool submissions close
  6. You may use the same map multiple weeks in a row, as long as it's still in the star range for that week
  7. Different difficulties of the same set can be used in the same pool
  8. Time and star requirements are very strict. Eg 32:30 total drain is okay, 32:31 is not.

Match Information

  1. A referee will make contact with players a few minutes before match time to make sure everyone is ready
  2. If a team doesn't have both players in the lobby by 15 minutes after match time then that team will forfeit the match
  3. Once both teams are in the lobby, each team may select 1 warmup map of less than 4 minutes
  4. Higher roll picks first
  5. Teams will pick maps from their opponent's pool
    1. If the same map is in both teams' pools, then either team may pick the map. But it may only be picked once during the match
    2. If different difficulties of the same mapset are in two teams' pools, they are treated as different maps
  6. Teams take turns picking maps until one wins
  7. If both teams are tied with one map left to play, one of the three tiebreaker maps will be played
    1. Each team will ban one tiebreaker map, starting with the role winner (the team who would have otherwise picked the next map)
    2. The remaining tiebreaker will be played
  8. If a player fails and revives during a map, their score is still counted

Registration and Schedule

Registration is now closed
You must join the discord server at and change your nickname on the server to match your osu username. After joining the server, message the #registrations channel with:
  1. A link to your osu profile
  2. Your team name
  3. Your UTC time
  4. The division you'd like to play in

Joining the discord server is required to complete your registration, and will be the primary source of tournament information and updates. Everybody on your team needs to message the #registrations channel in discord.

Map approvers and admins may not play in the tournament, others can.
If you want to help out with the tournament I'd be more than happy for the help. Please DM me or poke me on the server.


Registration: February 1st - 29th
Qualifiers (If needed): March 7/8
Round of 32: March 14/15
Round of 16: March 21/22
Round of 8: March 28/29
Semifinals: April 4/5
Winner/Loser Finals: April 11/12
Grand Finals: April 18/19


No badge is currently planned for this tournament

1st place will receive 2 months of supporter each
2nd place will receive 1 month of supporter each
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