
I joined in August 2014...

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...but I was like 8 at the time and didn't know this game had forums.
Now a bit more than 5 years has passed. Time for a proper introduction.
I'm Dashie900, but you can call me Nine.
I found about the game through watching my older sister (Sodoma95) play. She doesn't play anymore.
You may remember me from my cringy ''art'' done on bases and those badly done skins with combobursts
straight from Google Images I used to make. I was also that ''Minecraft Kid'' that got bullied by top players on #polish...
What am I like now? As you can tell by my icon, I'm a crazy Meta Knight fangirl.
Fun Fact: I actually saw Kirby for the first time on osu!
I was looking through the Top 50 rankings of some map. GalletitaDulce and Graser101 had matching Kirby
icons and were close to eachother on the rankings. I was like:
''Who is that little blue guy? He has a girlfriend? Are they supposed to be... cute? I kinda like them!''
Then I actually got to know more about Kirby in 2017, when I got into Mario through SMG4 and started opening
up to other Nintendo franchises.
I actually started liking Kirby through binge-watching his anime, Kirby Right Back at Ya, in 2018. My love for Meta Knight came from the anime as well. Gotta love his sexy voice in the dub~
Well, what am I up to osu!-wise? I'm still making skins, but this time without a single picture taken from Google Images. I draw all the art now. And It's actually pretty good! I also wanna become a top player, but I'm struggling with getting rank and improving. So for now I'll just play 180 BPM stream maps and 3-4* HR for fun. You may see me on the rankings of easier tech maps and in fan art contests. But from now on, I'll try to be active on the forums as well!
Here's an image from my upcoming skin, Metasakura, to end off this introduction on a nice note. I'll release the skin soon, I just need to remake the slider ball, because I hate how it looks at the moment:
I like your idea! Excited for that goodlooking skin!
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