
I can't fix my aim after 800 hours of "pLaY mOrE"

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Im playing osu for 2 years now (one on mouse, one on tablet) and I'm starting to become consistant at the game but I have some problems with my aim that I really can't resolves.

Im left-handed and I always use my computer's mouse with my right hand and this is why when I started the game on mouse I used my right hand. But when I started to play on tablet I keep this hand to aim and this was the first time I take a pen with this hand.

Now I can hit 6* jumps with that but my aim is really really weird, and more I play on highs dificulty more it become visible and its more uncomfortable for me. Indeed my aim is like "rounded"

I can't draw a normal line when im playing jumps. Im doing circles to hit squares and some friends who spectate ask me to teach them how to cursor dance but im not cursor dancing, im just playing the game !

I asked to peoples how to fix that and they always said "play more jump" or "keep playing like that, its satisfying to watch"
but now I have 800 hours on clicking circles and my aim is rounded again. Peoples can't understant how its uncomfortable and unsatisfying to play like that

Now I search for solutions. I really want an comfortable aim with sharpness but the only way to fix that I found are to :

  1. Change grip (I change last week and im more stable but it doesn't change the "rounded"

  1. Playing only jump maps (I hate to retry map more than 2 time)

  1. Swap hands and learn aim with left hand (its like begining the game from nothing because i lose all my finger control)

Do you know people who have this problem and fix it ? Im just depressed now...
pLaY mOrE
lower your area
try ez mod
play more
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[Trislot] wrote:

pLaY mOrE

thx bro
just do like i did:
play moreania
E m i
don't throw your cursor as hard, it looks like you try to THROW it at the next circle whenever you're at the "current/previous" circle. unsure whether you do though
> ~ > your aim looks so relaxed, all I can say is: Use a bigger tablet area
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Craylord wrote:

> ~ > your aim looks so relaxed, all I can say is: Use a bigger tablet area

I will try with bigger area, thanks :)

Kurumy wrote:

Im left-handed [...] more I play on highs dificulty more it become visible [...] Indeed my aim is like "rounded"[...] Im doing circles to hit squares

Are you my long lost twin? (not really, I control it more than you do)

From video, you seems to be using your wrist but also your fingers to aim. Could your usage of fingers be an issue? (idk I play with mouse and use my shoulder + elbow to aim rather than wrist). Also, imo rounded aim ain't an issue. It actually helps me in some situation, mostly because I play weird maps.
I would considering watching some jot_bab to see if you can take any elements of his aim into your stuff. Mr. Always Drawing Circles is a much crisper version of what your videos have.
Well, if your left hand is that good at tapping and streaming that it'll be too hard to switch hands - then probably all that you can do at this point is playing more aim-demanding maps and try different tablet areas, sometimes using a too small area makes aim look weird.
I'm also a left handed player and at first I tried to aim on tablet with my right hand but then I decided to aim with left hand as I saw that basically everyone uses the dominant hand for aim, including top left-handed players.
Looks normal to me
Vuelo Eluko
for what it's worth your aim is better than mine
your weird aim isnt weird at all wtf......?
your aim is just shaky or something because your aim looks like my aim
having sharp aim doesnt really give you any skill whatsoever, it just gives you snappy aim that looks cool
Anemic Witch
Your aim isn't weird, you aren't supposed to draw perfect lines between circles when you do jumps. Just continue playing more.

Kurumy wrote:

Im playing osu for 2 years now (one on mouse, one on tablet) and I'm starting to become consistant at the game but I have some problems with my aim that I really can't resolves.

Im left-handed and I always use my computer's mouse with my right hand and this is why when I started the game on mouse I used my right hand. But when I started to play on tablet I keep this hand to aim and this was the first time I take a pen with this hand.

Now I can hit 6* jumps with that but my aim is really really weird, and more I play on highs dificulty more it become visible and its more uncomfortable for me. Indeed my aim is like "rounded"

I can't draw a normal line when im playing jumps. Im doing circles to hit squares and some friends who spectate ask me to teach them how to cursor dance but im not cursor dancing, im just playing the game !

I asked to peoples how to fix that and they always said "play more jump" or "keep playing like that, its satisfying to watch"
but now I have 800 hours on clicking circles and my aim is rounded again. Peoples can't understant how its uncomfortable and unsatisfying to play like that

Now I search for solutions. I really want an comfortable aim with sharpness but the only way to fix that I found are to :

  1. Change grip (I change last week and im more stable but it doesn't change the "rounded"
  1. Playing only jump maps (I hate to retry map more than 2 time)
  1. Swap hands and learn aim with left hand (its like begining the game from nothing because i lose all my finger control)
Do you know people who have this problem and fix it ? Im just depressed now...
I am in the exact same position rn. Im 5 digit, my aim is awful and I haven't been able to set scores for months, it really does suck ngl. I was thinking of just switching to mouse, try changing ur playstyle and starting from ground zero on that
I say a larger area could be helpful because "play more" sometimes isn't the best solution. It's good to experiment
Play easier maps and snap your aim.
From what i can see it comes down to muscle memory, you're used to aiming like that for a year and it sticks with you till now, i guess there's the option to completely revamp your grip to a new and more stable one or just keep playing like this because sharp aim doesn't really have any significant difference.
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