
My self-introduction!

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After playing osu! for a while and reached 200pp, I think it's time to introduce myself \( ̄︶ ̄*\))

I'm ZeroAurora, who have been a osu!std player for about 3 months(though I registered an osu! account two years ago and then gave up). Sometimes I also play mania. Taiko and CTB are hard for me.

To be honest, I returned to osu! in summer last year. The reason why my pp was not increasing is that I was playing osu!lazer at that time. (Lazer is great but buggy. However, I think everyone should give it a try!)

I love osu! I have played it for near 8 hours. (I can only play maps below 3.5 stars, so I should practice more.) I also introduced osu! to my classmates, who seem to like it, too!

Lastly, I'd like to ask two questions:
  1. How can I download a beatmapset by using a script? (Relax! I'm not going to spam osu!'s server, but to do researches.)
  2. Is it suggested for newcomers like me to make their own beatmaps?

That's all ヾ(•ω•`)o

(I'm not a native English speaker, so if there are any mistakes, I feel sorry!)
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