Woc posted
this stating that C speeds will not happen in another thread discussing scroll speed.
I responded asking why not at least allowing it as an unrankable mod, but I got no reply. This is my view on things:
It is well known that scroll speed based on current BPM makes maps harder than a constant speed of some sort.
In a competitive setting, the harder a game is to master, the wider the separation is between the top players and the players below them.
Ranked scores and PP indicates a clear competitive setting for osu.
Therefore, BPM based scroll speed helps osu become more competitive.
However, not everyone who plays osu wants to play in a competitive environment. The solution is to create an environment where both kinds of players can coexist. Since players who do not care about competitive play don't need ranking, and those who care about competitive play would not want someone using a mod which obviously makes things easier getting a better score than them, we remove the non-competitive players from ranking, based on their choices to play in a non-competitive fashion (e.g. C speeds). We already have mods in standard similar to this: relax and spunout.
The other side of this is that some C mod players might still want to have some level of competitiveness outside of the standard osu ranking, through either replays, screenshots, or videos. Since C speeds would already be unranked there would be no reason to penalize them further, which allows player's scores on C speeds to be directly compared to non-C speeds, as well as other C speed scores. Since everyone would agree that C speeds do make things easier, this has the effect of devaluing equivalent scores reached with C speeds in the first place, making any comparison between non-C speeds and C speeds imperfect and biased towards the non-C speed user in the first place.
I feel this would be the ideal solution since it allows both community groups to coexist, still favors osu's competitive community, but does not completely bar players who wish to play a slightly easier way from doing so whenever they want, or from having a self-contained competitive scene themselves. In short: not having ranking for C speeds makes them not only viable, but desirable in order to allow both sides to have what they want. Anyone asking for rank-ability of C mods is just simply asking too much, considering the developers outlook on C speeds to begin with.