
Eoin O' Broin - Static

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Friday, August 19, 2011 at 5:38:27 PM

Artist: Eoin O' Broin
Title: Static
Tags: noisestorm onosakihito lolcubes
BPM: 168
Filesize: 3549kb
Play Time: 02:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Another (5 stars, 352 notes)
  2. Easy (2.5 stars, 118 notes)
  3. Hyper (4.94 stars, 237 notes)
  4. Normal (4.01 stars, 171 notes)
  5. Ono's Taiko Oni (4.94 stars, 792 notes)
Download: Eoin O' Broin - Static
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
your words garbled
your blood dripping
what are you saying?
you asked for this

normal by lolcubes

pending 13th
ranked 19th
Requestd Taiko diff. finished~
I hope it is good.

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Download: Eoin O' Broin - Static (Shiirn) [Ono's Taiko Oni].osu


go speedrank this Shiirn so we can see others people jelly and bitchin about it \:D/
Topic Starter

dNextGen wrote:


go speedrank this Shiirn so we can see others people jelly and bitchin about it \:D/

Your message is too short. Please do not post messages like "star", and make sure you are constructively adding to the thread in question.
More Noisestorm~

But I didn't get something. 01:08:651 kiai? ._.
Topic Starter
first vocals [list:a4f35]
AR 9 please! too many hitobjects on the screen!
01:13:472 (2,3,4,5,6) - The actual hitwindow of this is smaller considering the notes keep going back and forth, please turn it into a single stack or something.

00:45:257 (4,5,6,1) - Why are only the first 2 notes stacked?
01:30:079 (1,2,3,4) - These sliders are acting as stack 0.
01:49:008 (2,3) - ^
01:50:437 (2,3) - ^
01:51:866 (2,3) - ^

[lolcubes' Normal]
Why is this the only diff without a countdown?
Re-arrange the order of the tags to match the other diffs, not sure of how many issues this may cause when searching since i heard it works by using the order of the tags itself.

I dont really like the use of semi-linear-but-not-so-much sliders and they are used quite often in this mapset, also you should probably try to use more hitcircle patterns, not many errors overall but i think this mapset can improve a lot.
Was this before Eoin O' Broin changed into Noisestorm?

Here's a custom normal-hitfinish if you wanna use.

why isn't the beginning hitsounded? At least use a custom normal-hitclap
01:08:651 (1) - finish at the beginning
01:20:079 (1) - finish
01:54:365 (1) - finish at the beginning
02:05:794 (1) - ^
02:17:222 (1) - ^

same as [Another]
00:45:257 (4,5) - could you non-stack this?
01:54:365 (1) - finish at the beginning
02:05:794 (1) - ^
02:17:222 (1) -
02:28:651 (1) - use custom hitfinish~

00:32:579 (2) - kat?

01:31:508 (5) - custom hitfinish
01:54:365 (1) - ^

Same as [Hyper] & [Another]
01:18:651 (1) - finish at the end
01:54:365 (1) - finish at the beginning
02:05:794 (1) - ^
02:15:794 (1) - finish at the end
02:27:222 (1) - custom hitfinish~

⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃
Topic Starter
Saten: this piece was released before he got the name Noisestorm, yes. So this is an "Eoin O' Broin"

Sakura Hana wrote:

[lolcubes' Normal]
Why is this the only diff without a countdown?
Re-arrange the order of the tags to match the other diffs, not sure of how many issues this may cause when searching since i heard it works by using the order of the tags itself.
No countdown because it's not necessary. I suggest to remove the countdown from other diffs because you already have a distinct tempo before you start anyway. Will fix tags and make some slight changes to the diff.

Saten-san wrote:

01:31:508 (5) - custom hitfinish
01:54:365 (1) - ^
Hehe, nah, if you noticed, custom hitfinish is the same as the soft finish. ^.-

Here's my diff again, I decided to add 4 claps on the map.
And yeah, the normal is slightly harder than your generic standard normal, however blame the music. ;x;
(not gonna change circle size)

Download: Eoin O' Broin - Static (Shiirn) [lolcubes' Normal].osu
To keep my posts clean, separating the mod from the other one.

  1. AR8.
  2. 00:45:079 - Not really required, but this is one amazing spot to add a circle (and stack it with the other ones). I can see you were missing this tick on purpose the whole time, but here you have a bigger "hole" and it does follow something significant in the music.
  3. 01:20:079 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Nothing wrong with this. Just a personal complaint that it's boring. ;x; Squares are okay, but you use them kinda too frequently. If you can't think of something else I guess it's fine, but I still don't like it hehe.
  4. 01:22:937 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
  5. 02:04:365 (1,2,3,4) - Since these are trying to follow the voice specifically, maybe swap to soft set and add a whistle on each slider start or something? Adds variety.
  6. 02:20:079 (1,2,3) - We had a talk on irc about this. Too spaced out, which was probably the reason some found AR8 confusing. Stacking these, or moving them closer together is a very good idea, plays better too. This affects all similar stuff.
  7. 02:23:472 (4,5,6,7,8) - Luckily by now you notice you have to click 5 times for this. However, those less fortunate ones who don't get immersed by the music will miss this, and that's a reason to change it like you did everywhere else heh. If you don't want to stack on top, why not compress it before the slider?
[Ono's Taiko Oni]:
  1. Missing tags: onosakihito lolcubes (in that order).
  1. 00:24:365 (3,4) - A suggestion. ctrl+r each of them. It's more fun.
  2. 02:17:222 (1,2,3) - To make it look more clean, blanket them properly?
  3. 02:18:651 (1,2,3) - ^
  4. General suggestion: Maybe add a triplet or 2? Or just a 1/4 repeater? Some good spots: 01:13:115, 01:24:544, 01:58:829, 02:10:258. There are much more, but these are the best ones I think.
  1. 02:04:365 (1) - Make the middle point red? Reason is, it's good to have a different slider shape for double repeaters in easier diffs. It's easier to spot (if not this one, then the all others ones after it atleast).
What's this, a short mod post?
Well that's good!~

edit: By the gods, I hope you don't add "(in that order)" into the tags on the taiko diff, that would be hilarious teehee.

Very specific slider speeds there. :P

I would say 40% is the bare minimum volume here for normal hitsounds, any lower and I can't hear myself well enough to judge whether I'm hitting early or late anymore.


00:26:151 - Add a note here?
01:25:794 (1,3) - These two notes are slightly covered, nudge them a bit?
01:45:794 (5) - I'd probably have ended the break here, the combo before this note goes from following the previous "static...static..." line to a barely-audible background part, so it's a bit awkward.
01:57:222 (1,2,3,4) - This combo and the one after it, while nice-looking, doesn't follow the music that well. :(
02:25:437 (3) - This note doesn't follow the music much either.

I was a bit confused by your combo scheme in the kiai section, but whatever.


00:43:115 (1) - About once I got here, I realized that I was about 20% through the map, and I had really only heard one pattern.
01:19:365 (4) - This deviation is surprising because the note is late and you've had the same pattern going for so long that it's engraved in the player's head. Make the change more obvious; add a note on the white ticks before and after this one?
01:20:794 (2) - For someone that plays more by listening to the music than the spacings (I'm sure I'm not the only one), it's hard to predict when you use a 1/1 gap and when you use a 3/2 gap. There's nothing in the music that signals it, and when it happens, it's always a one-time thing like it is here; before and after this 1/1 gap it's all 3/2 gaps. Makes this very easy to mess up on, especially since the repeat comes 1/2 later.
01:55:615 (4) - Similarly to the above, I wouldn't know this is on the off-beat, there's no real musical cue for this, and I'm honed to expect 3/2 gaps, since the 1/2 after this is a major downbeat (look, even the white tick is huge). This slider would be better started there.
01:58:472 (4) - ^
02:01:329 (4) - ^
02:09:365 (3) - This surprised me, because usually when you start the pattern at 02:05:794 (1), you repeat it 4 times or so. This one was a one-off thing. (and it repeats once more after another "normal" pattern)
02:09:901 (5) - Same as before. When you can, always put a major beat on the major tick. See here for details: viewtopic.php?f=56&t=58959
02:21:329 (4) - ^, although by now I've probably gotten used to this one being 1/2 early. I slider-broke on this I think 3-4 times in total when I played through.


00:35:258 (2,3) - Space this so there isn't an antijump please~
01:49:008 (2,3) - These formations don't actually look very good, imo. :(


I agree with Sakura. This needs AR9.

You also have 5 snapping issues here.

01:15:794 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Break this into a 4 combos of 2 each, or at least 2 combos of 4. Otherwise unreadable, especially at AR8.

Continuing from above, this is a big problem in a lot of your sections, they are unreadable. AR9 will help with some of that, using colours more will also help with that. In the end though, it'd be nice if you looked at changing them up a bit. Here's a few more places that could use shorter combos, though none of them as severe as that one:

01:10:079 (1)
01:28:651 (1)
02:05:794 (1)
02:25:794 (1)
02:27:222 (1)

01:51:508 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Very hard to catch these beats.
02:23:472 (4,5,6,7,8) - Not readable at all.

I'd also recommend just using fewer 1/4s, especially in non-stacks as spaces between sliders, just because a lot of them fall on funny places.

Good luck! (nothing to say for Taiko)

Kytoxid wrote:


00:43:115 (1) - About once I got here, I realized that I was about 20% through the map, and I had really only heard one pattern. But that's how the song goes :/ I map the song, not my inner rhythms. Adding more notes to more accurately follow the song will result in a too hard normal difficulty (which is already borderline towards hard, which is the reason for low OD because of all the doubles)
01:19:365 (4) - This deviation is surprising because the note is late and you've had the same pattern going for so long that it's engraved in the player's head. Make the change more obvious; add a note on the white ticks before and after this one? Kay, I like this.
01:20:794 (2) - For someone that plays more by listening to the music than the spacings (I'm sure I'm not the only one), it's hard to predict when you use a 1/1 gap and when you use a 3/2 gap. There's nothing in the music that signals it, and when it happens, it's always a one-time thing like it is here; before and after this 1/1 gap it's all 3/2 gaps. Makes this very easy to mess up on, especially since the repeat comes 1/2 later. Actually, adding the notes above makes this easy peasy because it's the same clicking rhythm.
01:55:615 (4) - Similarly to the above, I wouldn't know this is on the off-beat, there's no real musical cue for this, and I'm honed to expect 3/2 gaps, since the 1/2 after this is a major downbeat (look, even the white tick is huge). This slider would be better started there. No, listen to the melody. There is a distinctive melody that starts right on that tick, and the whistle placement helps you follow it. The slider afterwards is a bridge between the sections, and that's the reason why this slider uses soft and the other ones uses normal hitsounds. It's possible that you notice the voice or the rhythm first though, so this is the reason why this is a slider, it's much easier to hit, and once you do it, you will get used to it.
01:58:472 (4) - ^
02:01:329 (4) - ^
02:09:365 (3) - This surprised me, because usually when you start the pattern at 02:05:794 (1), you repeat it 4 times or so. This one was a one-off thing. (and it repeats once more after another "normal" pattern) Yeah, well variety is good. :) This is one of the most repetitive songs ever, and not adding variety will result in people falling asleep.
02:09:901 (5) - Same as before. When you can, always put a major beat on the major tick. See here for details: viewtopic.php?f=56&t=58959 But as I said up above, that slider is not following a beat, it's following the melody (thus the soft set + whistle). I think you could notice by now that normal hitsound set = beats, soft hitsound set = melody/vocal/whatever hehe.
02:21:329 (4) - ^, although by now I've probably gotten used to this one being 1/2 early. I slider-broke on this I think 3-4 times in total when I played through. I was mapping the melody on these parts, and this is why I said this is a little harder normal than your standard one, but it's still easy enough to not become a normal+ or a hard. I might consider about increasing the circle size though, but that will take some time as I will have to remap.
Liked the suggestion about those notes (and for consistency added them later as well), but most stuff didn't change. Thanks for the mod though!
(but I found a missing clap and fixd it!)

Oh and another comment, AR8 is more fitting in my opinion because the map isn't that fast, and with 8 everything is readable. If the map was using faster sliders and bigger spacing I would agree with AR9, but not in this case.

Download: Eoin O' Broin - Static (Shiirn) [Normal].osu
Here's my first mod as a newly reinstated MAT. Don't tread on me.

Blue = Suggest Red = Fix this


00:28:294 (3,4) - I think it sounds more intuitive if you reverse the order of these (i.e. Hitnote first, then Slider)
01:00:437 (5,1) - Trace Spacing change here, either respace (1) or ignore, it's nothing major.
01:02:579 (3) - I'd like this more if you moved this note so it's centred between (1) and (2)
01:27:937 (3,4) - I would recommend moving the Hitnote and Slider from under each other. Using Default Skin, the Hitburst from the HitCircle covers half the slider, which would confuse new players. Maybe respace the notes like this?

Other than that, decent Easy :D.


02:22:222 (5) - Could you move this out from under the slider please, or mayhaps position it like this

Other than that, this was pretty awesome. Nice and Varied. I like it.


01:46:329 (4) - An ever so slight spacing discrepancy. Please move (4) right one or two tiny grids right.
02:16:151 (2,3) - Yeah, this is absolutely unreadable. Please move these around so the sliders are distinguishable. I suggest something like this

Good map


01:51:508 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This is awesome

And there's not a great deal I can fault with this. The jumps at 01:15:794 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) were lots of fun.

All in all, it's a pretty awesome mapset, as always. You have a knack for keeping beatmaps fresh and varied, which is uncommon in mappers nowadays.

Keep up the good work
Topic Starter
Easy & Normal can be as they are. Good.

Hyper: Sliderticks compliment it well. I see some inperfect stacks were done on purpose.
I liked that, it gave depth.

01:10:437 - Hm, might as well shift this endpoint to where the previous 4 was.

01:22:937 - Just want to say this is pretty nice.

Another: Hmm. Quite a lot of anticipation here. I like the build-up.

01:18:651 - I suggest that you have this pattern in an UP DOWN UP DOWN sequence.
Just reverse select 2 to 4, it's more engaging and runs pretty well.

01:20:079 - 1 to 4. Suggest you rotate this pattern by -12 degrees and +12 for the next one.
Follow this up the next identical pattern comes by.

01:24:365 - Suggestion for sliders:
01:29:722 - Remove the clap. It kinda dims the effect of the drum&bass at this section.

01:30:079 - Move current 4 to be 2nd. Reverse Selection on 3. Lastly, move previous 2nd to be 4th.

01:31:508 - Shift to the center.

That is all.



01:24:365 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Err... 1/4 distance is some kind hard at same spot imo. But expert would clear this orz

[Ono's Taiko Oni]
Disable countdown
01:05:079 (1,1,1) - ka ka don?
01:31:508 (1) - Kinda comes as slow so that can make some confusing on note pushing orz
02:14:901 (1,2,3,4,1) - kkdkd?
02:28:651 (1) - Echo effect so why don't you replace this with den-den orz?

I wonder about some pizza things but whatever ;___;
meow orz

Due to stars being useless, they are currently being phased on. More details will follow soon.
Topic Starter

arien666 wrote:

01:24:365 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Err... 1/4 distance is some kind hard at same spot imo. But expert would clear this orz
changed to be more readable

waiting on ono

also chatted with faust

arien666 wrote:

[Ono's Taiko Oni]
Disable countdown
01:05:079 (1,1,1) - ka ka don? okay~
01:31:508 (1) - Kinda comes as slow so that can make some confusing on note pushing orz - USed x0.88 before x0,75~
02:14:901 (1,2,3,4,1) - kkdkd? okay~
02:28:651 (1) - Echo effect so why don't you replace this with den-den orz? Maa, it's okay. I don't like den-den to be honest.

Good mod arien!

Due to stars being useless, they are currently being phased on. More details will follow soon.
Download: Eoin O' Broin - Static (Shiirn) [Ono's Taiko Oni].osu
Topic Starter
Since the thing was done :3


20 lead in time is kinda big anyway you could cut it?

00:28:651 (4) - Could you possibly mov this so it isn't touching the notes before it.

00:30:079 (1) - ^ Same this is slightly touching the other slider border possibly shift it a tad?

01:18:651 (1) - This one is just grazing it but moving it makes it look better as a whole.

01:22:937 (4) - New combo

01:45:794 (5) - New combo

01:47:222 (1) - Remove new combo

01:54:365 (1) - This looks ugly hitting 01:52:937 (1).

02:04:365 (1) - This one is overlapping the slider at 02:05:794 (1).

02:07:937 (4) - this one touches the slider at 02:07:937 (4) but I can live with that.

02:11:508 (3,4) - make these semetric please.

02:15:794 (1) - no really what is this D: so ugly.

02:20:079 (4) - new combo

02:23:294 (1) - I hat underlaps like this.

over all not to bad really messy and I think needs a bit more tlc before getting thrown into ranking.

01:56:508 (5) - think you could move this to make more of a cricle shape with the other lslider before it it plays really nicely if you do that.

01:59:365 (5) - ^

wow that was soooo much better than easy wth man why you no try on easy <3 still love you

00:45:794 (1) - Remove new combo.

01:02:401 (3) - That anti jump really breaks up the flow.

01:09:901 (4,2) - These kinda patterns play really bad with snaking sliders off some times you mistake the end for a hit circle when covered like that.

01:30:079 (1,2,3,4) - Why are these not stacked

01:31:508 (1) - Remove new combo

01:49:365 (3) - stack this please.

01:49:365 (3) - same thing here. stacks

01:49:008 (2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - stacks in this section are borked.

02:14:365 (1,2,3,4) - Maybe try making this pattern a little bit less scrunched.

02:15:794 (1,2,3,4) - that is kinda confusing for a hard.


Nothing really that offsets me a few nitpicks but they are little issues like the ones in the earlier diffs.

Ohh never mind the jump in ar over though the map set is a bit unblanced imo

Good job on this set personally I think you can tighten it up a bit more before going for ranking.

Call me back and I will rebubble.
Topic Starter

ztrot wrote:


20 lead in time is kinda big anyway you could cut it?

00:28:651 (4) - Could you possibly mov this so it isn't touching the notes before it.

00:30:079 (1) - ^ Same this is slightly touching the other slider border possibly shift it a tad?

01:18:651 (1) - This one is just grazing it but moving it makes it look better as a whole.

01:22:937 (4) - New combo

01:45:794 (5) - New combo

01:47:222 (1) - Remove new combo

01:54:365 (1) - This looks ugly hitting 01:52:937 (1).

02:04:365 (1) - This one is overlapping the slider at 02:05:794 (1).

02:07:937 (4) - this one touches the slider at 02:07:937 (4) but I can live with that.

02:11:508 (3,4) - make these semetric please.

02:15:794 (1) - no really what is this D: so ugly.

02:20:079 (4) - new combo

02:23:294 (1) - I hat underlaps like this.

over all not to bad really messy and I think needs a bit more tlc before getting thrown into ranking.

01:56:508 (5) - think you could move this to make more of a cricle shape with the other lslider before it it plays really nicely if you do that.

01:59:365 (5) - ^

wow that was soooo much better than easy wth man why you no try on easy <3 still love you

00:45:794 (1) - Remove new combo.

01:02:401 (3) - That anti jump really breaks up the flow.

01:09:901 (4,2) - These kinda patterns play really bad with snaking sliders off some times you mistake the end for a hit circle when covered like that.

01:30:079 (1,2,3,4) - Why are these not stacked

01:31:508 (1) - Remove new combo

01:49:365 (3) - stack this please.

01:49:365 (3) - same thing here. stacks

01:49:008 (2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - stacks in this section are borked.

02:14:365 (1,2,3,4) - Maybe try making this pattern a little bit less scrunched.

02:15:794 (1,2,3,4) - that is kinda confusing for a hard.


Nothing really that offsets me a few nitpicks but they are little issues like the ones in the earlier diffs.

Ohh never mind the jump in ar over though the map set is a bit unblanced imo

Good job on this set personally I think you can tighten it up a bit more before going for ranking.

Call me back and I will rebubble.
stuff, mainly involving why nonstacked stuff are nonstacked and lowering another AR to 8
Well this is better than it was before I'm happy keep up the good work and the nice song choices!
-It would be nice if you could include at least 1 spinner on each difficulty to avoid scores being tied (and there are some spinners that fit nicely on Normal so it shouldn't be too hard to do)

01:46:508 (3,1) - space these out more

Everything else looks good, call me back after fixes and I will rank
Topic Starter
17:35 <James2250|irc> : nom nom nom
17:36 <Shiirn> : nom nom nom
17:36 <James2250|irc> : did u fix stuff? :P
17:36 <Shiirn> : Having spinners for "unequal score" doesn't concern me
17:36 <James2250|irc> : why not? :(
17:36 <Shiirn> : since Hyper is very mod-able (people will be fighting with FL and DT eventually)
17:37 <Shiirn> : and i don't think "how fast yo speen" should be a requirement for high ranks
17:37 <James2250|irc> : fineee
17:37 <Shiirn> : also
17:37 <Shiirn> : better space
17:37 <Shiirn> : ?
17:38 <James2250|irc> : yeah
17:38 <Shiirn> : do you agree with my views on no-spinners tho?
17:38 <Shiirn> : i just really hate using spinners unless the sound is woooop woopy or yeah :(
17:39 <James2250|irc> : I don't "agree' but I can allow it :P
17:39 <Shiirn> : updated
17:39 <Shiirn> : well :P
17:39 <Shiirn> : How often do you see SSes on my top rankins anyway
17:39 <Shiirn> : accuracy counts~
17:39 <James2250|irc> : true lol
17:39 *Shiirn is listening to (Noisestorm - Solar)[]
17:39 <Shiirn> : No top #1 S ranks :P
17:39 <Shiirn> : er
17:39 <Shiirn> : SS
17:40 <Shiirn> : same with shockwave~
17:42 <Shiirn> : hmmm
17:42 <Shiirn> : my map doesn't show up on the pending bubble list
17:42 <Shiirn> : oh
17:42 <Shiirn> : right
17:42 <Shiirn> : i updated it
17:42 *Shiirn smacks self
17:43 <James2250|irc> : :P

Raging Bull

Spinner discussion shown on log above, seeing as the maps shouldn't result in many tied scores and Shiirn really doesn't want to add any more spinners I can let that go

Everything else looks good
Congratulation~ www
Firo Prochainezo
Nice speedrank, bro *shot*
That was fast.
my god

as in

holy crap
Congratulations, man.
natsumerin and bd jelly incoming :lol:

congrats mr siirn

dNextGen wrote:

bd jelly
wait what

do you really know shit about me lol
not sure if know \:D/
I'm a Speed Rank flamer.
and not a single fuck was given that day

dNextGen wrote:

natsumerin and bd jelly incoming :lol:

congrats mr siirn

Another map Shiirn?

Shit bro :3 Gratz \:D/

Blue Dragon wrote:

Here we go again.

lol at people who create multiaccounts just to rate your map 1
I dont see that one as a multi. Nothing suspicious to be classified as multi
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