
Utada Hikaru - Simple and Clean (Techno Remix)

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I love the note design!

I'm not good in offseting stuff, though.

In general, at certain times, I feel that the whistle sounds are used way too much. You may want to reduce on that, a little. I agree it does go with the beat, but it does tend to get annoying if used too many times.


1:20:346 (1,2) - Too complicated for Easy. Make it... easier, I guess?
1:35:115 (1,2) - Same... here?

No other problems in other maps. Wow!

Have a nice star.
The offset looks fine to me. Shouldn't be a problem since there is that distinct beat introduced where your offset is now. Did you add the custom sounds to easy, normal, and osuplayermix? I looked at those and thought the whistles did get annoying as real whistles. The other difficulty's custom hitsounds are pretty cool =D

Also, that skin gets pixelated when on osuplayermix forme =\



00:31:884 :start the slider here. It doesnt make sense to me to start a slider in the middle of lyrics that extends to the end of a lyric phrase.
00:49:53 (3) - Nudge forward 1/4
01:00:96 (5) - Nudge back 1/4
01:17:46 (3) - Nudge forward and shorten 1/4

01:29:80 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - I dont like it. I know its freestyle mapping but I dont think it fits the beat of the song at all here.
01:32:34 (3) - Nudge back and extend 1/4
01:33:269 - Add a hit? I think its awkward to follow lyrics then stop out of nowhere.
01:35:57 - Add hit? same as above
01:38:69 (5) - Nudge forward 1/4 imo
01:38:34 (4,5) - Reverse order? same as first comment. Slider starts on (war)"-nings" and ends on "the" i think that sounds wierd.
01:36:49 (7) - Unfair jump. Inconsistent with previous jumps.

00:23:80 (2) - Align with 3?
00:33:96 (1) - Awkward combo start
00:47:11 (4) - forward 1/4
Offset sounds better at 14,342.

Please lower sample volume, it overpowers the song right now.

00:48:26 (2) - Move 1/8 forward.

00:51:03 (1) - Repeat sounds bad. Shorten it so you have two repeats or remove the repeats.

[xxheroxx's Hard]
00:51:03 (1) - Again, sounds bad.
00:55:76 (2) - Move 1/8 back.
01:35:57 (2) - Shorten this 1/4 by switching to 1/8 on timeline.
01:36:38 (3) - Move this 1/8 back.

[osuplayer mix]
00:50:80 - Add a note here.
01:36:49 (6) - Random unnecessary jump.
01:41:11 - Add a note here.
Topic Starter
Fixed :]
Forse c'è qualcosa da modificare, ma mi secco e comunque potrei sbagliare :P
Solo nozioni generali:

Il nome esatto della canzone è Utada Hikaru - Simple and Clean (Techno Remix) (poi magari può variare, ma credo che così sia più piacevole).

Suggerirei di diminuire il Sample Volume a metà o impostare i soft sound: ci sono punti in cui la melodia è molto bassa e i beat la coprono.

Abusa meno dei Whistle, specie nell' oSuPlaYeR mIX, che rendono la musicalità monotona.

Nella difficoltà oSuPlaYeR mIX, l'hp drain rate è impostato troppo alto: non costringere le persone a prendere una SS per finire la canzone.

Le pause messe a 01:13:418 sono pressochè inutili. Suggerisco di toglierle.

Credo sia tutto.
Ah, preparati ad aggiungere la mia difficoltà :D (ma non sono disponibile 24 ore su 24 per cui non ti affannare a chiamare 300 BAT, per favore dammi il tempo -.-)

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Song title changed and fixed any things.

Please RE-Download for all have it.
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Thanks Mark :)
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Download: Y&Co. feat. Karin - Sweet Rain (bossandy) [Extreme].osu
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Download: Utada Hikaru - Simple and Clean (Techno Remix) (osuplayer111) [Luxary ReMiX].osu
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Updated Again :]
Nice song, i really like it *-* Starred XD
Simply Perfect!! Starred ^^
Star ^^
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I'm the brother of fuffolo eheh!

osuplayer do you remember me? i'm marco :D

Your map is very fun, gg :D
Can you teach me how can i do beatmap?

You're really a Good beatmapper :)
Very nice difficulty, there's nothing I see wrong here. Just some personal opinions...

1:30:034 (1) and 1:33:726 (6) - I don't like the way these sliders are made.

Other than that, it looks very nice~ :)

osuplayer Mix:
00:50:34 (6,7,8,9,10) - Keep spacing consistent please (Move 10 closer)
00:53:57 (4) - new Combo

00:44:11 (1) - Too close to last combo for my taste.
00:54:49 (3) - 100% overlapping sliders are a no no~

00:21:26 (1) - Spinner a bit fast for a normal. Also, the note after it is hella fast for a normal.
01:06:03 (1) - Too clost to last combo for my taste.

00:48:26 (2,3) - Fast notes for a Easy are pretty evil :B
00:51:96 (1,2) - ^

Meraviglioso <3
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Check this map please >_<
Cool stuff.
Topic Starter
Thank you Larto ^.^
Timing sections:
-Inherit Timing
Offset: 90,038
Hitsound type: Soft
Hitsound volume: Full
-Inherit Timing
Offset: 104,807
Hitsound type: Normal

-01:18:96 (1) - Make this exactly symmetrical.

-00:18:95 (2,3) - Line up with 1.
-00:20:80 (4) - Line up with endpoint of 3.
-00:26:34 (2) - Line up with 1.
-00:54:49 (3) - Line up with 2.
-01:21:66 (4) - Add a Finish to this.

xxheroxx's Hard:
-I don't like the OEWY hitsounds on this map, to be honest.
-01:06:95 (3) - Place exactly on 1's endpoint.
-01:07:88 (5) - Place exactly on 3's endpoint.

oSuPlaYeR mIX:
-00:17:57 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-00:18:03 (2) - New Combo mark goes here.
-00:25:18 (8) - ^
-00:25:88 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-00:43:41 (1) - ^
-00:43:88 (3) - New Combo mark goes here.
-00:49:41 (3) - ^
-01:06:72 (2,3) - I'm not the biggest fan of this jump.
-01:39:26 (6) - Place this exactly on 5's endpoint.
-01:43:88 (1) - Finish goes here.

Luxary ReMiX:
-Again, not the biggest fan of the OEWY sounds in this case.
-00:22:41 (3,4,1,2) - Stack these endpoints properly, please.
-00:23:34 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-00:24:26 (1) - ^
-00:25:41 (3) - New Combo mark goes here.
-00:44:11 (2) - ^
-01:17:11 (3) - ^
-01:18:95 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-01:20:34 (2) - New Combo mark goes here.
-01:21:95 (1) - Put a Clap on the endpoint.
-01:22:41 (2) - New Combo mark goes here.
-01:44:80 (1) - I'd probably remove the Clap here.

Bubble popped, sorry.
This is actually the PLANITb remix, but a very good map!
Topic Starter
Thanks :3

For mogsworth, i have fixed all. You can bubble again! :3
-01:28:19 (1) - Finish goes here.
-01:30:96 (1) - Remove the Finish.

-00:18:95 (2,3,4) - Align with 1. (Highlight all three and move 2)
-00:23:11 (2) - It seems like this is spaced incorrectly. Respace it please?
-01:30:95 (1) - Remove the Finish.
-01:42:95 (1) - Add a Finish.

As for the difficulties with the OEWY skin hitsounds, I'd like to see what you'd think of the map if they weren't used.

Mogsworth wrote:

As for the difficulties with the OEWY skin hitsounds, I'd like to see what you'd think of the map if they weren't used.
We (me and osuplayer111) like the OEWY hitsounds on hard and on Luxary's RMX
Why we have to remove them? they're nice and give... rhythm. Sorry but I don't understand...

xxheroxx wrote:

Why we have to remove them? they're nice and give... rhythm. Sorry but I don't understand...
To be perfectly honest, it's the disc-scratch type of sound that drives me crazy. It feels like it doesn't belong, to me. And if I remember correctly, some finishes are, like, clap-ish?
Topic Starter
All fixed again.

Anyway dear mogsy, i dont remove the OEWY hitsounds because i like, sorry :(

And... because my friend worked 1 hour for this sounds.
Personally, I've always loved the OEWY hitsounds and this is no exception. I'm giving this a bubble. I noticed some fast sliders in Luxary's difficulty? They're in a pretty predictable place, though, so I'm not concerned about them.
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Thanks mark :3

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This is officially my favorite beatmap! Great job!
DGX Goggles
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