Title: Ye Hua Xiang (DJ ver.) Artist: 69 x Xiao Han x Shen Zidan Genre: Pop BPM: 128 Length: 2:47 Link: beatmapsets/1867186#osu/3840930 NM Thanks 'idicusjxmsksl'
beatmapsets/1890449#osu/3894694 NM for expert diff would be dope+chill (not my first osu standard map i deleted most of my graveyard) idicusjxmsksl but also fgsfds
lyrics: awu uwau wuaw ua wua uw uawu auw uauwua wua uwu au wuau wu awau awau auw auwua
rhythm-ish since quite a lot of timing changes (it is timed correctly though I promise), Would be great if you can mod insane diff (the only one that's uploaded currently), idicusjxmsksl beatmapsets/2272458