important stuffs
any keymode(s) stated, weird key combination like 4+1 5+1 7+1 are fine too
below 5* - but any SR is fine if i know you
just doing this on a whim
all i need you to do is mainly post in request format below so i can read your request easily
no penalty for not following, i'll just scoff at you irl on my end of the screen and mod really grumpily
request format:
Link: Keymode(s): Artist - Title: Preferred difficulties for modding: notes (if any):
not important stuffs
make me happy:- sensible LN map
- furry bg
- if i can't find anything at all (very unlikely)
i'll just hype your stuff and post a dog pic (is this legal?)
- i'll usually check a top diff within sr, and more if i enjoyed the chart/there's gd(s) that interests me/think you're so cooked you need help with other diffs too
- check my kudosu history if you wanna see my style of modding
(i might type a lot occasionally because I don't hold back my impression of the chart during modding)
- sometimes i won't spoon feed the exact pattern suggestion because i will get hung up and lose interest, go use creativity and come up with a solution with my suggestions.
the map retains the mapper's originality better this way anyways
- if you don't agree with my suggestion, just keep your pattern and resolve. it's all good and no hard feelings
!!! THIS IS NOT A M4M !!!
Kagetora. - Reimei