
Thread Necromancy

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Rhythm32 wrote:

I just made an excel document 📃

lostsilver wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

dave is happily along for the ride, bambi is so perfect at leading the roleplay, ex is speedrunning(?) and/or frustration makes them powerful, and bandu is So Totally Immersed

i hope ex is ok.. i wonder if dave would maybe want water if he's been up there for that long....
bambi's being a menace as he normally does, while ex is just very tired and grumpy from not eating or sleeping for a bit lol.. bandu is really immersed in the roleplay too... dave is a lil thirsty too yeah,, i think i'll do like a second frame where ex just passes out from exhaustion and bandu's just like 'oh frick' lol--

also im a bit eepy so i will be going to sleep soon, but you can still ask the questions!!
also, i kinda wanna see this in your artstyle... im just really in love with your artstyle aaa--
good morning everyone!! <33

awake again!! good morning lostie o/ ^^

for everyone: food and waterrrr.... <3

Achromalia wrote:


awake again!! good morning lostie o/ ^^

for everyone: food and waterrrr.... <3

dave: "we had breakfast burritos~!"
bambi: "dave and i had water, ex and bandu had juice."
expunged: "caprisun!! :D"
bandu: "yummy,,"

ps!dave: "we had pancakes, hehe."
ps!bambi: "ambrose and i had tea, ps!ex had lemonade and ps!bandu had water."
ps!expunged: "i'm glad ps!bandu ate this morning. i hope zeir feeling a bit better than ze has been recently..."
ps!bandu: "i feel... okay currently? hopefully my body doesn't spasm again and make me not able to eat anything all day without throwing it all up like it has been,,,"

i also explained what the goobers are feeling in the mario cosplay thing, so here that is just incase you didn't see it!!

lostsilver wrote:

bambi's being a menace as he normally does, while ex is just very tired and grumpy from not eating or sleeping for a bit lol.. bandu is really immersed in the roleplay too... dave is a lil thirsty too yeah,, i think i'll do like a second frame where ex just passes out from exhaustion and bandu's just like 'oh frick' lol--
aw ps!bandu :'< good luck....

lostsilver wrote:

i also explained what the goobers are feeling in the mario cosplay thing, so here that is just incase you didn't see it!!

lostsilver wrote:

bambi's being a menace as he normally does, while ex is just very tired and grumpy from not eating or sleeping for a bit lol.. bandu is really immersed in the roleplay too... dave is a lil thirsty too yeah,, i think i'll do like a second frame where ex just passes out from exhaustion and bandu's just like 'oh frick' lol--
i saw ^^ it was a lot more understandable, i wonder if ex gets super dizzy and lightheaded too bc that would totally make me a little tired of everything around me-- so maybe ex needs somewhere quiet to lay down so the body can stabilize.... its interesting to see it represented here if thats whats happening

Achromalia wrote:

aw ps!bandu :'< good luck....

lostsilver wrote:

i also explained what the goobers are feeling in the mario cosplay thing, so here that is just incase you didn't see it!!

lostsilver wrote:

bambi's being a menace as he normally does, while ex is just very tired and grumpy from not eating or sleeping for a bit lol.. bandu is really immersed in the roleplay too... dave is a lil thirsty too yeah,, i think i'll do like a second frame where ex just passes out from exhaustion and bandu's just like 'oh frick' lol--
i saw ^^ it was a lot more understandable, i wonder if ex gets super dizzy and lightheaded too bc that would totally make me a little tired of everything around me-- so maybe ex needs somewhere quiet to lay down so the body can stabilize.... its interesting to see it represented here if thats whats happening
ps!bandu: "mmh, thank you... i think maybe i've just been too stressed with ps!expunged being in seir lab so much and sem not eating, so maybe that's why my body's been doing that? i don't know... but thank you nonetheless... i appreciate your support <3"

that's exactly what's happening! it's just that bambi doesn't realize... dave does though! ex does get pretty dizzy when stuff like that happens too, and that's what i tried to convey in the frame,, i think i'm gonna change the second frame to more of ex just hugging dave like 'i dont wanna do this no more,,' and dave's just like 'yeah i understand that' y'know? i feel like in that frame bambi would realize that ex wasn't feeling good after all that,,,
i hope i can hold onto the motivation to draw, bcz i kinda feel like there might be a way to show how ex feels through the way i understand the experience :OO

for dave: how do you suspect bambi is feeling lately? do you notice whether he has gotten good sleep?
for bambi: what were some heartwarming ways youve seen the haywood brothers have fun together when they meet together? ^^ are there any ways you like to help keep it fun and lighthearted for them too, maybe while supporting dave specifically?

some of these are wonderful prompts btw,, it makes me think a lil but it also is smth that looks just a tiny bit deeper into the characters and their relationships with family and themselves, which can be a little more sweet

qna queue:
ps!dave: "give me something cozy about ps!bandu. maybe make it kind of related to the weird drooling issue ze has? thanks."
ps!bambi: "gimme somethin' goofy 'bout ps!expunged."
ps!expunged: "give me something video game related about mr. cresswell."
ps!bandu: "gimme something sweet and cuddly about mr. ambrose, please!!! tysm <33"

Achromalia wrote:

for dave: how do you suspect bambi is feeling lately? do you notice whether he has gotten good sleep?
for bambi: what were some heartwarming ways youve seen the haywood brothers have fun together when they meet together? ^^ are there any ways you like to help keep it fun and lighthearted for them too, maybe while supporting dave specifically?

some of these are wonderful prompts btw,, it makes me think a lil but it also is smth that looks just a tiny bit deeper into the characters and their relationships with family and themselves, which can be a little more sweet

qna queue:
ps!dave: "give me something cozy about ps!bandu. maybe make it kind of related to the weird drooling issue ze has? thanks."
ps!bambi: "gimme somethin' goofy 'bout ps!expunged."
ps!expunged: "give me something video game related about mr. cresswell."
ps!bandu: "gimme something sweet and cuddly about mr. ambrose, please!!! tysm <33"

dave: "i suspect he hasn't slept too well the past few days from working on the farm so much, but i know he's okay. the way i can tell if he hasn't slept enough is if he yawns alot in a day, of which he has been doing."
bambi: "well, i once saw david give dave probably the biggest hug he's ever had, and then og!dave proceeded to join in and squeeze dave. the three hadn't seen eachother in months, so they were really happy to finally be reunited. dave even teared up a bit while david and og!dave were huggin' him. they love board games too, so everytime david and og!dave come to visit, that's the first thing they all do. i also absolutely adore messin' with david and og!dave, whether it be booping their noses, ruffling their hair or just being a menace like i always am. it's fun seeing the two be happy with dave."
oops im getting lost on the internet again,,,

i need food and water, brb

Achromalia wrote:

oops im getting lost on the internet again,,,

i need food and water, brb
aight!! <33
Mosquito bites 🦟


Human biting is OK. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

lostsilver wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

oops im getting lost on the internet again,,,

i need food and water, brb
aight!! <33
but then i fell asleepppp....

Rhythm32 wrote:

Mosquito bites 🦟


Human biting is OK. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
mosquitos :c

but also lolll
welcome back!! i hope you slept well ^^

ok on phone now (and also ty)

for ps!dave: does it seem like ps!bandu drools more when ze feels comfy? what were some times when youve hugged or held zem and noticed zem drooling onto you?

for ps!bambi: in what ways have you been able to help ps!ex relax and have fun and live a little bit? what is something funny se did or said when being given more exposure to the world around sem?

qna queue:
ps!expunged: "give me something video game related about mr. cresswell."[/i][/b]
ps!bandu: "gimme something sweet and cuddly about mr. ambrose, please!!! tysm <33"

Achromalia wrote:


ok on phone now (and also ty)

for ps!dave: does it seem like ps!bandu drools more when ze feels comfy? what were some times when youve hugged or held zem and noticed zem drooling onto you?
for ps!bambi: in what ways have you been able to help ps!ex relax and have fun and live a little bit? what is something funny se did or said when being given more exposure to the world around sem?

qna queue:
ps!expunged: "give me something video game related about mr. cresswell."
ps!bandu: "gimme something sweet and cuddly about mr. ambrose, please!!! tysm <33"
np <33

ps!dave: "yes, ze does. it seems when ze is really comfy, ze drools alot more than usual. when i hugged zem for the first time, ze drooled all over my shirt, haha! good thing i had an undershirt on, huh? but! ze also takes cleaning zeir messes into zeir own hands, whether it be drooling, throwing up, anything! whenever ze drools on zeir bed, ze takes cleaning it into zeir hands instead of dawning it onto us."
ps!bambi: "recently, i've been taking sem on drives and little trips by semself. se likes being with me, and i enjoy it too. se relaxes alot when i take sem out on drives and trips. i do remember the first time se saw autumn leaves. se was like 'hm... can i eat them? ... they kinda look yummy...' and i was like 'i mean, you're a chaos god so do whatever you want i guess lol.' se then proceeded to eat a leaf and was like 'i don't really know what i expected, it was a leaf...' it was cute and funny too, haha."
finally!! im getting food yippee :') be right back

Achromalia wrote:

finally!! im getting food yippee :') be right back
hope the food's yummy <333
i wish you all peace and good fortune

and for abraker to fix the bot :3

fluffpup wrote:

i wish you all peace and good fortune

and for abraker to fix the bot :3
hi again!!! i wish you the best aswell <33

fluffpup wrote:

i wish you all peace and good fortune

and for abraker to fix the bot :3
<3333 augh good luck out there rahgfshfghsfj

love y'all lots, wishing you well, and i understand/sympathize completely

youre wonderful and should get to see wonderful things ^^

lostsilver wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

finally!! im getting food yippee :') be right back
hope the food's yummy <333
burger!! very good :>


lostsilver wrote:


oh congrats!!! i hope its been fun to play so far ^^

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:


oh congrats!!! i hope its been fun to play so far ^^
it has, yeah!! all the pico mix songs are really fun hehe,,, i'm ready to do the qna if you are btw!! <33

ps!bandu: "also, good news!!! my body's behaved today!!! i haven't thrown up anything i've ate!! :D i feel so much better now hehe,,,, <33"

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

finally!! im getting food yippee :') be right back
hope the food's yummy <333
burger!! very good :>
burger!!! :D i love burgers,,, mm,,
direct eye contact
for ps!expunged: hmmn, what sorts of video games does mister cresswell like to play with you? what does he like about them, and what do you enjoy about the games he likes?
for ps!bandu: how about... after a long day of play, how does mister ambrose enable you to naturally feel calmer and cozier? maybe you like to be cuddled more firmly when by him you still have a lot of energy left?

i didnt totally know what to ask, it kinda felt like most cuddly things have already been done

Achromalia wrote:

for ps!expunged: hmmn, what sorts of video games does mister cresswell like to play with you? what does he like about them, and what do you enjoy about the games he likes?
for ps!bandu: how about... after a long day of play, how does mister ambrose enable you to naturally feel calmer and cozier? maybe you like to be cuddled more firmly when by him you still have a lot of energy left?

i didnt totally know what to ask, it kinda felt like most cuddly things have already been done
ps!expunged: "he really likes fighting games such as smash bros, street fighter, y'know. but he also really enjoys mario kart. he likes those games for the fun competitive nature of them, and i like that about them too."
ps!bandu: "he likes to gently rub my head like i'm a cat, and i really really like it,,, and if i'm still feeling really hyper he does like to hug me tighter than usual, and it kinda helps me get some of the built up energy out <3"

for everyone: food and water tonight?

brain empty....
Throat pain.

Achromalia wrote:

for everyone: food and water tonight?

brain empty....
dave: "we had homemade pizza tonight!"
bambi: "ex helped me make it. :]"
expunged: "mr. haywood and mr. cornwall had soda, bandu and i had lemonade ^^"
bandu: "yummy,,,,"

ps!dave: "we had chicken alfredo for dinner."
ps!bambi: "mhm. ps!expunged and ps!bandu made it. it was really good, lol."
ps!expunged: "mr. ambrose and mr. cresswell had tea, i had soda, and ps!bandu had juice."
ps!bandu, sleepily wagging zeir tail: "hehe,, i might've ate a lil too much bc my tummy hurts a little and i'm also pretty tired, but it's okay,, *yawn~* mmm,,, eepy and head empty,, <3"

and here's part one just incase you didn't see it <3

lostsilver wrote:


lostsilver wrote:

and here's part one just incase you didn't see it <3

lostsilver wrote:

colors!! i love the blues for dave
bnuuy? bnuuy gone
i love hitting the final note of a burst

NicNock wrote:

i love hitting the final note of a burst
cathartic? satisfying pay-off?
what ze fuck bro fuck apple maps.. duwg, i just gone.. i gone to ze backrooms

dont wanna be an american indonesian idiot
sleepy... more intense dreams
dumb, dumb dumb dumb dumb

Achromalia wrote:

NicNock wrote:

i love hitting the final note of a burst
cathartic? satisfying pay-off?
i badly worded it

i meant that i'd often miss-aim towards the last note of a burst, missing all the ones in front of it
it's always fun ^^ (it is not)
still dreaming...

NicNock wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

NicNock wrote:

i love hitting the final note of a burst
cathartic? satisfying pay-off?
i badly worded it

i meant that i'd often miss-aim towards the last note of a burst, missing all the ones in front of it
it's always fun ^^ (it is not)
hmmnn,, i kinda get it now :c very fair
nothing but pathetic. that's what it is.
lovely people can be found all corners of the world! only problem is, the earth is round.
good morning everyone!!!

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

and here's part one just incase you didn't see it <3

lostsilver wrote:

colors!! i love the blues for dave
ty!! blue, blue, blue,,, <33
the full image + second frame will be posted soon!!

sametdze wrote:

dumb, dumb dumb dumb dumb

sametdze wrote:

nothing but pathetic. that's what it is.

sametdze wrote:

lovely people can be found all corners of the world! only problem is, the earth is round.
hey,, what happened? are you ok?? genuinely worried

if someone hurt you or,, spoke to particular insecurities or... nobody gets away with hurting my friend, not even my friend >:'(

but sincerely i hope there'll be some way to be soothed and find comfort in something you love in the meanwhile... im wishing you well, even when from my little insular bedroom thousands of kilometres away

dont wanna be an american indonesian idiot

Insane how you guys are still going

I can't imagine living the life I have now if I have to constantly monitor this thread like I used to back during covid.

Stomiks wrote:

Insane how you guys are still going

I can't imagine living the life I have now if I have to constantly monitor this thread like I used to back during covid.
also welcome back!!!
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