
AI Creating OSU Maps

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I'd like to see inmlementations of AI in OSU. The thing is, i suggerst that OSU popular in ASIA more then on West. In this case i cannot find OSU Track of my Favorite songs in the game. I would like to see there some kind of AI that can build music tracks of non existing Music in OSU database.

"+Moral" and warmed up state.

Somehow, i like OSU gameplay and it helps to warm up, for example to play CS2, Dota 2, LOL. But there no music that i prefer to listen and these music is not "+Moral" (Mood booster). Can you imagene warm up in OSU with your favorite tracks? Result: "+Moral" and warmed up state.

New challenges

Additionally, i know there many OSU High Level players, that would like to chellenege themselves, AI might be a good solution for this.

On question to me: "Why you cannot build your own maps with your favorite muisic Yor27?"
Answer: Look, to build map you mean --> Write your own scripted map. In this case I need to make it by my own, and "waste" my time to build + it'll be unbalanced (in OSU rate)
AI maps are a contentious topic in general, and as far as I'm aware the general feeling towards the idea is negative. I don't exactly disagree since most of the recent "AI" craze could as well be described as pushing "content slop", as in very low effort content that nobody really enjoys. Yes, being able to generate maps means you could maybe generate a map for your favourite song, but it would likely be terrible.

It's not something you can probably get going easily anyway. Even automatically timing an arbitrary audio track is a research-grade task.
1 word, no.
New Feature Request: Keep AI OUT of osu!

npc_BeaniCraft wrote:

1 word, no.

spaceman_atlas wrote:

since most of the recent "AI" craze could as well be described as pushing "content slop", as in very low effort content that nobody really enjoys.
Adding onto this, the only thing that improved with AI is image and text generation. Everywhere else it's still moreof the same. So whatever prototype "Osu! AI Mapmaker" was five years ago it has not improved today.
yeah i think i would rather roll over in my grave than live to see the day artificial intelligence is implemented into any rhythm game, let alone osu.

you got gumption for having the idea but honestly I don't think you're on the right side of history with this take.

worst of luck
No, please.

I enjoy what people make, be it music, art, writing, and osu! too
bad idea
yeah i sure want to play some mindless slop music with an equally awful chart with no human element whatsoever, as clearly the amount of ai slop being pushed wasn't enough, after all, the modern internet just isn't soulless enough, and i just want ai charts that will inevitably be worse than wafer maps look (atleast those tend to be somewhat experimental) instead of having people spending a few hours to make something cool, which they do of their own volition anyways.

and we really need all of this because you just don't like any music you can find, because you are the most important person ever, clearly, and therefore we obviously need to push the worst, most soulless features ever so that you can consume bland audio with no thought behind it.

AI mapping is pretty much possible and is kind of already here, it's a matter of time before it is perfected and become accessible.

And for all the haters: not all people care about or even comprehend the artistic/human element in beatmaps, most people just want music they actually like, well-timed & well-spaced playable mapping, and PP.

NasserK7 wrote:

AI mapping is pretty much possible and is kind of already here, it's a matter of time before it is perfected and become accessible.

And for all the haters: not all people care about or even comprehend the artistic/human element in beatmaps, most people just want music they actually like, well-timed & well-spaced playable mapping, and PP.
1. All ranked maps are to be make sure of high quality and playable. Copious amounts of farm maps gives out the efficient use of your time for pp anyway.

2. Imagine the abuse given that you could mass-produce this slop and hundred times the pace over people creating their map genuinely.

In short, 'AI' have no place in osu! and it never will be.
No. AI does not belong in osu!
Duck o-o
would be cool if ai could make good maps
if that happens they should be unrankable and also under a new likee tag or smthn so they dont fill graveyard section of search tho

Duck o-o wrote:

would be cool if ai could make good maps
if that happens they should be unrankable and also under a new likee tag or smthn so they dont fill graveyard section of search tho
What if someone makes an AI-generated map look like a map they made and it gets ranked? How to differentiate between good maps made by human and good maps made by AI?
Duck o-o


Duck o-o wrote:

would be cool if ai could make good maps
if that happens they should be unrankable and also under a new likee tag or smthn so they dont fill graveyard section of search tho
What if someone makes an AI-generated map look like a map they made and it gets ranked? How to differentiate between good maps made by human and good maps made by AI?
if there is no way of differentiating it in the first place then there would be no way to moderate it anyway whether theyre allowed or not

edit: doubt that will become the case any time soon though because i dont think many people are working on ai mapping

NasserK7 wrote:

AI mapping is pretty much possible and is kind of already here, it's a matter of time before it is perfected and become accessible.

And for all the haters: not all people care about or even comprehend the artistic/human element in beatmaps, most people just want music they actually like, well-timed & well-spaced playable mapping, and PP.
"stop complaining and eat ze bugs, the future is here and it doesn't matter if it's utter garbage, you just have to live with it and not complain because... you just do, okay? i mean people are clearly too stupid to want actual human connection so that means we need to push this on everyone because our agenda is to push slop onto everyone so that no one creates anything because the world honestly just needs to get lazier and less creative because human intelligence is bad, as... it just is, okay?"

not falling for your psyop, ai fanatic
keep ai out of osu!
osu maps are kind of an artform and using AI to immitate this is just feeding the AI trend more and maps that don't have any effort or thought put into them are not fun anyways, sure an AI might be abel to see the pattern of how a mp is made or how it correlates with the music but it would just create a bunch of low effort maps that noone really likes and it would discourage GOOD mappers from making new content

the idea of using AI to replace the creative task of mapping might be possible but it would just destroy the whole field and i don't even want to get started abotu how the whole art being "stolen" topic might get a complete reboot in the mapping community

TLDR: just because you can, doesn't mean you should

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